Пример #1
        ///Retrieve user from file
        ///<param name="email">string</param>
        ///<param name="email">string</param>
        ///<returns>User class object</returns>
        public User retreiveUser(string email, string password)

            User rUser = null;

            //find user from database
            DataTableOperations source = 
                new DataTableOperations(Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString,
                     Properties.Settings.Default.LoginSQL, "Login");

            DataTable t = new DataTable();
            t = source.Datatable;
            foreach (DataRow item in t.Rows)
                if (item["email"].ToString().Equals(email)) 
                    if (item["password"].ToString().Equals(User.HashPass(password,email)))
                        rUser = new User(email, password);
                    Console.Write("Record not found");

            return rUser;
Пример #2
        ///Create a new user
        ///<param name="password">string</param>
        ///<param name="confirmPW">string</param>
        ///<param name="regEmail">string</param>
        ///<returns>True if user create successfully</returns>
        ///The user data will persist on local file until they are added to database
        public static Boolean AddUser(string password, string confirmPW, string regEmail)
            Boolean userAdded = false;
            //Make sure email is valid
            Regex regex = new Regex(@"^([\w\.\-]+)@([\w\-]+)((\.(\w){2,3})+)$");


                Match match = regex.Match(regEmail);

                #region Check for existing email
                ////loop full through logins table
                //foreach (DataRow row in LoginDataSet.LoginsDataTable())

                //    //Look for matching email
                //    if (row.ItemArray[0].Equals(email))
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine("email already exists");
                //    }

                //Confirm pass must equal passsword.
                if (password != confirmPW)
                    Console.WriteLine("Passwords do not match");

                //Password must be at least 8 characters long
                else if (password.Length < 8)
                    Console.WriteLine("Passwords must be at 8 Characters long");

                else if (!match.Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("invalid email");
                //If all is well, create the new user

                    User newUser = new User(regEmail, password);
                    user = newUser;
                    userAdded = true;
                return userAdded;