public Wires(Gates gates, Wire[] wires) { Gates = gates; WiresList = new List <Wire>(wires); //Bundles = CreateBundlesFromWires(new List<Wire>(wires)); }
public Scene(Wires wires, Gates gates, TextLabels labels) { Wires = wires; Gates = gates; Labels = labels; Subnets = CreateSubnetsFromWires(Wires.WiresList); }
public Scene(Wires wires, Gates gates, TextLabels labels) { Wires = wires; Gates = gates; Labels = labels; // FIXME: Register these subnets with the backend! Subnets = CreateSubnetsFromWires(Wires.WiresList); foreach (var net in Subnets) { net.ID = (SubnetID)SubnetIDCounter++; LogikUI.Simulation.AddSubnet(net.ID); Console.WriteLine($"Added new subnet: {net}"); } }
public CircuitEditor() { DrawingArea = new DrawingArea(); Offset = DisplayOffset = new Vector2d(0, 0); DrawingArea.Drawn += CircuitEditor_Drawn; DrawingArea.AddEvents((int)EventMask.PointerMotionMask); DrawingArea.AddEvents((int)EventMask.ScrollMask); DragGesture = new GestureDrag(DrawingArea); // Sets middle click as the pan button. // This should be configurable later! DragGesture.Button = 2; DragGesture.DragBegin += DragGesture_DragBegin; DragGesture.DragEnd += DragGesture_DragEnd; DragGesture.DragUpdate += DragGesture_DragUpdate; DragGestureCreate = new GestureDrag(DrawingArea); // Sets middle click as the wire creation button. // This should be configurable later! DragGestureCreate.Button = 1; DragGestureCreate.DragBegin += DragGestureCreate_DragBegin; DragGestureCreate.DragUpdate += DragGestureCreate_DragUpdate; DragGestureCreate.DragEnd += DragGestureCreate_DragEnd; DrawingArea.MotionNotifyEvent += DrawingArea_MotionNotifyEvent; DrawingArea.ScrollEvent += CircuitEditor_ScrollEvent; DrawingArea.QueryTooltip += CircuitEditor_QueryTooltip; DrawingArea.HasTooltip = true; DrawingArea.CanFocus = true; DrawingArea.FocusOnClick = true; DrawingArea.AddEvents((int)EventMask.KeyPressMask); DrawingArea.KeyPressEvent += DrawingArea_KeyPressEvent; // So that we can grab focus. Without focus we won't get any KeyPressEvents... // FIXME: We want to figure out how to do this in a good way where the user doesn't really // need to know where the current focus is for stuff like ctrl+z to work. DrawingArea.ParentSet += DrawingArea_ParentSet; DrawingArea.ButtonPressEvent += DrawingArea_ButtonPressEvent; var wiresArr = new Wire[] { /*new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 3), 10, Direction.Vertical), * new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 13), 10, Direction.Horizontal), * new Wire(new Vector2i(0, 3), 3, Direction.Horizontal), * new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 0), 3, Direction.Vertical), * new Wire(new Vector2i(0, 13), 3, Direction.Horizontal), * new Wire(new Vector2i(13, 12), -9, Direction.Vertical), * new Wire(new Vector2i(4, 3), 9, Direction.Horizontal), * new Wire(new Vector2i(13, 3), 4, Direction.Horizontal),*/ }; var gates = new Gates(); var wires = new Wires(gates, wiresArr); var labels = new TextLabels(new TextLabel[] { new TextLabel(new Vector2d(0, 0), "This is some cool text.", 14), new TextLabel(new Vector2d(40, 10), "Even more cool text :O", 24), new TextLabel(new Vector2d(40, 40), "Woahhh :OOOoooO", 72), }); Scene = new Scene(wires, gates, labels); }
public CircuitEditor() { DrawingArea = new DrawingArea(); Offset = DisplayOffset = new Vector2d(0, 0); DrawingArea.Drawn += CircuitEditor_Drawn; DrawingArea.AddEvents((int)EventMask.PointerMotionMask); DrawingArea.AddEvents((int)EventMask.ScrollMask); DragGesture = new GestureDrag(DrawingArea); // Sets middle click as the pan button. // This should be configurable later! DragGesture.Button = 2; DragGesture.DragBegin += DragGesture_DragBegin; DragGesture.DragEnd += DragGesture_DragEnd; DragGesture.DragUpdate += DragGesture_DragUpdate; DragGestureCreate = new GestureDrag(DrawingArea); // Sets middle click as the wire creation button. // This should be configurable later! DragGestureCreate.Button = 1; DragGestureCreate.DragBegin += DragGestureCreate_DragBegin; DragGestureCreate.DragUpdate += DragGestureCreate_DragUpdate; DragGestureCreate.DragEnd += DragGestureCreate_DragEnd; DrawingArea.ScrollEvent += CircuitEditor_ScrollEvent; DrawingArea.QueryTooltip += CircuitEditor_QueryTooltip; DrawingArea.HasTooltip = true; DrawingArea.CanFocus = true; DrawingArea.FocusOnClick = true; DrawingArea.AddEvents((int)EventMask.KeyPressMask); DrawingArea.KeyPressEvent += DrawingArea_KeyPressEvent; // So that we can grab focus. Without focus we won't get any KeyPressEvents... // FIXME: We want to figure out how to do this in a good way where the user doesn't really // need to know where the current focus is for stuff like ctrl+z to work. DrawingArea.ParentSet += DrawingArea_ParentSet; DrawingArea.ButtonPressEvent += DrawingArea_ButtonPressEvent; var powered = new Wire[] { new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 3), 10, Direction.Vertical), new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 13), 10, Direction.Horizontal), new Wire(new Vector2i(0, 3), 3, Direction.Horizontal), new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 0), 3, Direction.Vertical), new Wire(new Vector2i(0, 13), 3, Direction.Horizontal), }; var unpowered = new Wire[] { new Wire(new Vector2i(13, 12), -9, Direction.Vertical), new Wire(new Vector2i(4, 3), 9, Direction.Horizontal), new Wire(new Vector2i(13, 3), 4, Direction.Horizontal), }; Wires = new Wires( powered, unpowered, // For wires to connect their start/end point must be at the same location // A wire that start/ends in the middle of another wires doesn't connect // (We might want to change that but it becomes more complicated then...) Wires.FindConnectionPoints(powered).ToArray(), Wires.FindConnectionPoints(unpowered).ToArray()); Gates = new Gates(/*new AndGate[] * { * new AndGate(new Vector2i(2, 2), Orientation.South), * new AndGate(new Vector2i(3, 7), Orientation.East), * new AndGate(new Vector2i(3, 10), Orientation.West), * new AndGate(new Vector2i(5, 3), Orientation.North), * }*/); Labels = new TextLabels(new TextLabel[] { new TextLabel(new Vector2d(0, 0), "This is some cool text.", 14), new TextLabel(new Vector2d(40, 10), "Even more cool text :O", 24), new TextLabel(new Vector2d(40, 40), "Woahhh :OOOoooO", 72), }); }