private void UpdateSearchCompletionPercentage( Progress.IProgressEventsSink progress, long lastHandledPosition, FileRange.Range fullSearchPositionsRange, bool skipMessagesCountCheck) { if (progress == null) { return; } if (!skipMessagesCountCheck && (messagesReadSinceCompletionPercentageUpdate % 256) != 0) { ++messagesReadSinceCompletionPercentageUpdate; } else { double value; if (fullSearchPositionsRange.Length > 0) { value = Math.Max(0d, (double)(lastHandledPosition - fullSearchPositionsRange.Begin) / (double)fullSearchPositionsRange.Length); } else { value = 0; } progress.SetValue(value); messagesReadSinceCompletionPercentageUpdate = 0; } }
public ParserImpl(LogEntry[] logContent, CreateParserParams parserParams) { this.logContent = logContent; if (parserParams.Range.HasValue) { effectiveRange = parserParams.Range.Value; if (effectiveRange.Begin < 0) { effectiveRange = new Range(0, effectiveRange.End); } if (effectiveRange.End > logContent.Length) { effectiveRange = new Range(effectiveRange.Begin, logContent.Length); } } else { effectiveRange = new Range(0, logContent.Length); } reverse = parserParams.Direction == MessagesParserDirection.Backward; if (!reverse) { pos = Math.Max(parserParams.StartPosition, effectiveRange.Begin); } else { pos = Math.Min(parserParams.StartPosition - 1, effectiveRange.End); } }
public long PositionRangeToBytes(FileRange.Range range) { // Here calculation is not precise: TextStreamPosition cannot be converted to bytes // directly and efficiently. But this function is used only for statistics so it's ok to // use approximate calculations here. var encoding = StreamEncoding; return(TextStreamPositionToStreamPosition_Approx(range.End, encoding, textStreamPositioningParams) - TextStreamPositionToStreamPosition_Approx(range.Begin, encoding, textStreamPositioningParams)); }
public EnumMessagesHelper( ILogSource ls, CancellationToken cancellation, Progress.IProgressEventsSink progress ) { = ls; this.cancellation = cancellation; this.progress = progress; this.lsRange = ls.Provider.Stats.PositionsRange; this.lastReadPositon = lsRange.Begin; }
static IEnumerableAsync <FileRange.Range> IterateMatchRanges( IEnumerableAsync <Checkpoint> checkpoints, long threshhold, ProgressAndCancellation progressAndCancellation) { return(EnumerableAsync.Produce <FileRange.Range>(async yieldAsync => { FileRange.Range?lastMatch = null; await checkpoints.ForEach(async checkpoint => { if (lastMatch == null) { if (checkpoint.IsMatch) { lastMatch = new FileRange.Range(checkpoint.Position, checkpoint.EndPosition); } else { progressAndCancellation.continuationToken.NextPosition = checkpoint.EndPosition; progressAndCancellation.HandleTextIterationProgress(checkpoint.EndPosition); } } else { FileRange.Range lastMatchVal = lastMatch.Value; if (checkpoint.Position - lastMatchVal.End < threshhold) { if (checkpoint.IsMatch) { lastMatch = new FileRange.Range(lastMatchVal.Begin, checkpoint.EndPosition); } } else { await yieldAsync.YieldAsync(lastMatchVal); progressAndCancellation.continuationToken.NextPosition = checkpoint.EndPosition; progressAndCancellation.HandleTextIterationProgress(checkpoint.EndPosition); if (checkpoint.IsMatch) { lastMatch = new FileRange.Range(checkpoint.Position, checkpoint.EndPosition); } else { lastMatch = null; } } } return true; }); if (lastMatch != null) { await yieldAsync.YieldAsync(lastMatch.Value); } })); }
static IEnumerable <FileRange.Range> IterateMatchRanges( IEnumerable <Checkpoint> checkpoints, long threshhold, ProgressAndCancellation progressAndCancellation) { FileRange.Range?lastMatch = null; foreach (var checkpoint in checkpoints) { if (lastMatch == null) { if (checkpoint.IsMatch) { lastMatch = new FileRange.Range(checkpoint.Position, checkpoint.EndPosition); } else { progressAndCancellation.continuationToken.NextPosition = checkpoint.EndPosition; progressAndCancellation.HandleTextIterationProgress(checkpoint.EndPosition); } } else { FileRange.Range lastMatchVal = lastMatch.Value; if (checkpoint.Position - lastMatchVal.End < threshhold) { if (checkpoint.IsMatch) { lastMatch = new FileRange.Range(lastMatchVal.Begin, checkpoint.EndPosition); } } else { yield return(lastMatchVal); progressAndCancellation.continuationToken.NextPosition = checkpoint.EndPosition; progressAndCancellation.HandleTextIterationProgress(checkpoint.EndPosition); if (checkpoint.IsMatch) { lastMatch = new FileRange.Range(checkpoint.Position, checkpoint.EndPosition); } else { lastMatch = null; } } } } if (lastMatch != null) { yield return(lastMatch.Value); } }
static bool DetectOutOfRangeCondition(FileRange.Range range, long startPosition, MessagesParserDirection direction) { bool posIsOutOfRange = !range.IsInRange(startPosition); if (posIsOutOfRange && direction == MessagesParserDirection.Backward && startPosition == range.End) { // it's ok to start reading from end position when we move backward posIsOutOfRange = false; } return(posIsOutOfRange); }
async Task IAsyncLogProviderCommandHandler.ContinueAsynchronously(CommandContext ctx) { using (var innerCancellation = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(ctx.Cancellation, ctx.Preemption)) { var searchRange = new FileRange.Range( searchParams.FromPosition.GetValueOrDefault(ctx.Reader.BeginPosition), ctx.Reader.EndPosition); var parserParams = new CreateSearchingParserParams() { Range = searchRange, SearchParams = searchParams, Cancellation = innerCancellation.Token, ContinuationToken = continuationToken, ProgressHandler = pos => UpdateSearchCompletionPercentage(progress, pos, searchRange, false) }; try { var parser = ctx.Reader.CreateSearchingParser(parserParams); try { for (; ;) { var msg = await parser.GetNext(); if (msg.Message == null || !callback(msg)) { break; } } } finally { await parser.Dispose(); } } catch (SearchCancelledException e) // todo: impl it for xml reader { if (ctx.Preemption.IsCancellationRequested) { continuationToken = e.ContinuationToken; } throw; } } }
public SearchingParser( IPositionedMessagesReader owner, CreateSearchingParserParams p, TextStreamPositioningParams textStreamPositioningParams, DejitteringParams?dejitteringParams, Stream rawStream, Encoding streamEncoding, bool allowPlainTextSearchOptimization, LoadedRegex headerRe, ILogSourceThreads threads, ITraceSourceFactory traceSourceFactory, RegularExpressions.IRegexFactory regexFactory ) { this.owner = owner; this.parserParams = p; this.plainTextSearchOptimizationAllowed = allowPlainTextSearchOptimization && ((p.Flags & MessagesParserFlag.DisablePlainTextSearchOptimization) == 0); this.threads = threads; this.requestedRange = p.Range; this.textStreamPositioningParams = textStreamPositioningParams; this.dejitteringParams = dejitteringParams; this.rawStream = rawStream; this.streamEncoding = streamEncoding; this.regexFactory = regexFactory; this.trace = traceSourceFactory.CreateTraceSource("LogSource", "srchp." + GetHashCode().ToString("x")); this.dummyFilter = new Filter(FilterAction.Include, "", true, new Search.Options(), null, regexFactory); var continuationToken = p.ContinuationToken as ContinuationToken; if (continuationToken != null) { this.requestedRange = new FileRange.Range(continuationToken.NextPosition, requestedRange.End); } this.aligmentTextAccess = new StreamTextAccess(rawStream, streamEncoding, textStreamPositioningParams); this.aligmentSplitter = new MessagesSplitter(aligmentTextAccess, headerRe.Clone().Regex, headerRe.GetHeaderReSplitterFlags()); this.aligmentCapture = new TextMessageCapture(); this.progressAndCancellation = new ProgressAndCancellation() { progressHandler = p.ProgressHandler, cancellationToken = p.Cancellation, continuationToken = new ContinuationToken() { NextPosition = requestedRange.Begin } }; this.impl = Enum(); }
public void BeginSplittingSession(FileRange.Range range, long startPosition, MessagesParserDirection direction) { if (sessionIsOpen) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot start more than one reading session for a single splitter"); } try { TryBeginSplittingSession(range, startPosition, direction); } catch { ReadingSessionCleanup(); throw; } sessionIsOpen = true; }
void TryBeginSplittingSession(FileRange.Range range, long startPosition, MessagesParserDirection direction) { bool posIsOutOfRange = DetectOutOfRangeCondition(range, startPosition, direction); if (!posIsOutOfRange) { TextAccessDirection accessDirection = direction == MessagesParserDirection.Forward ? TextAccessDirection.Forward : TextAccessDirection.Backward; textIterator = textAccess.OpenIterator(startPosition, accessDirection); try { headerPointer1 = textIterator.PositionToCharIndex(startPosition); prevHeaderPointer1 = headerPointer1; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { posIsOutOfRange = true; } } headersCounter = 0; if (posIsOutOfRange) { this.range = new FileRange.Range(); SetCachedCurrentBuffer(""); currentMessageHeaderMatch = null; ReadingSessionCleanup(); } else { this.range = range; SetCurrentDirection(direction); UpdateCachedCurrentBuffer(); FindNextMessageStart(); } }
static long CalcMaxActiveRangeSize(Settings.IGlobalSettingsAccessor settings, FileRange.Range availableRange) { long MB = 1024 * 1024; long sizeThreshold = settings.FileSizes.Threshold * MB; long partialLoadingSize = settings.FileSizes.WindowSize * MB; long currentSize = availableRange.End - availableRange.Begin; if (currentSize < sizeThreshold) { return(currentSize); } else { return(partialLoadingSize); } }
bool UpdateAvailableTime(bool incrementalMode) { bool itIsFirstUpdate = firstUpdateFlag; firstUpdateFlag = false; UpdateBoundsStatus status = reader.UpdateAvailableBounds(incrementalMode); if (status == UpdateBoundsStatus.NothingUpdated && incrementalMode) { return(false); } if (status == UpdateBoundsStatus.OldMessagesAreInvalid) { incrementalMode = false; } // Get new boundary values into temporary variables IMessage newFirst, newLast; PositionedMessagesUtils.GetBoundaryMessages(reader, null, out newFirst, out newLast); if (firstMessage != null) { if (newFirst == null || MessageTimestamp.Compare(newFirst.Time, firstMessage.Time) != 0) { // The first message we've just read differs from the cached one. // This means that the log was overwritten. Fall to non-incremental mode. incrementalMode = false; } } if (!incrementalMode) { if (!itIsFirstUpdate) { // Reset everything that has been loaded so far InvalidateEverythingThatHasBeenLoaded(); } firstMessage = null; } // Try to get the dates range for new bounday messages DateRange newAvailTime = GetAvailableDateRangeHelper(newFirst, newLast); firstMessage = newFirst; // Getting here means that the boundaries changed. // Fire the notfication. var positionsRange = new FileRange.Range(reader.BeginPosition, reader.EndPosition); if (!incrementalMode) { readerContentsEtag = reader.GetContentsEtag(); } int contentsEtag = readerContentsEtag ^ positionsRange.Begin.GetHashCode() ^ positionsRange.End.GetHashCode(); StatsTransaction(stats => { stats.AvailableTime = newAvailTime; LogProviderStatsFlag f = LogProviderStatsFlag.AvailableTime; if (incrementalMode) { f |= LogProviderStatsFlag.AvailableTimeUpdatedIncrementallyFlag; } stats.TotalBytes = reader.SizeInBytes; f |= LogProviderStatsFlag.BytesCount; stats.PositionsRange = positionsRange; f |= LogProviderStatsFlag.PositionsRange; stats.PositionsRangeUpdatesCount++; if (stats.ContentsEtag == null || contentsEtag != stats.ContentsEtag.Value) { stats.ContentsEtag = contentsEtag; f |= LogProviderStatsFlag.ContentsEtag; } return(f); }); return(true); }
public static MessageFilteringResult GetFilteringResultFromPostprocessorResult(object obj) { var f = (IFilter)obj; if (f == null) { return new MessageFilteringResult { Action = FilterAction.Exclude } } ; if (f == dummyFilter) { return new MessageFilteringResult { Action = FilterAction.Include } } ; return(new MessageFilteringResult { Action = f.Action, Filter = f }); } }; IEnumerable <SearchResultMessage> Enum() { using (var threadsBulkProcessing = threads.UnderlyingThreadsContainer.StartBulkProcessing()) { Func <IMessagesPostprocessor> postprocessor = () => new MessagesPostprocessor(parserParams.SearchParams, trace); long searchableRangesLength = 0; int searchableRangesCount = 0; long totalMessagesCount = 0; long totalHitsCount = 0; foreach (var currentSearchableRange in EnumSearchableRanges()) { searchableRangesLength += currentSearchableRange.Length; ++searchableRangesCount; using (var parser = CreateParserForSearchableRange(currentSearchableRange, postprocessor)) { long messagesCount = 0; long hitsCount = 0; for (;;) { var tmp = parser.ReadNextAndPostprocess(); if (tmp.Message == null) { break; } ++messagesCount; var msg = tmp.Message; var filteringResult = MessagesPostprocessor.GetFilteringResultFromPostprocessorResult( tmp.PostprocessingResult); if (filteringResult.Action != FilterAction.Exclude) { ++hitsCount; yield return(new SearchResultMessage(msg, filteringResult)); } progressAndCancellation.HandleMessageReadingProgress(msg.Position); progressAndCancellation.continuationToken.NextPosition = msg.EndPosition; progressAndCancellation.CheckTextIterationCancellation(); } PrintPctStats(string.Format("hits pct in range {0}", currentSearchableRange), hitsCount, messagesCount); totalMessagesCount += messagesCount; totalHitsCount += hitsCount; } } trace.Info("Stats: searchable ranges count: {0}", searchableRangesCount); trace.Info("Stats: ave searchable range len: {0}", searchableRangesCount != 0 ? searchableRangesLength / searchableRangesCount : 0); PrintPctStats("searchable ranges coverage pct", searchableRangesLength, requestedRange.Length); PrintPctStats("hits pct overall", totalHitsCount, totalMessagesCount); } yield return(new SearchResultMessage(null, new MessageFilteringResult())); } void PrintPctStats(string name, long num, long denum) { trace.Info("Stats: {0}: {1:F4}%", name, denum != 0 ? num * 100d / denum : 0d); } IEnumerable <FileRange.Range> EnumSearchableRanges() { var matcher = new PlainTextMatcher(parserParams, textStreamPositioningParams, plainTextSearchOptimizationAllowed); if (!matcher.PlainTextSearchOptimizationPossible) { yield return(requestedRange); yield break; } long?skipRangesDownThisPosition = null; foreach (var currentRange in EnumSearchableRangesCore(matcher)) { if (skipRangesDownThisPosition == null) { yield return(currentRange); } else { long skipRangesDownThisPositionVal = skipRangesDownThisPosition.Value; if (currentRange.End < skipRangesDownThisPositionVal) // todo: < or <= ? { continue; } skipRangesDownThisPosition = null; if (currentRange.Begin < skipRangesDownThisPositionVal) // todo: < or <= ? { yield return(new FileRange.Range(skipRangesDownThisPositionVal, currentRange.End)); } else { yield return(currentRange); } } } } IPositionedMessagesParser CreateParserForSearchableRange( FileRange.Range searchableRange, Func <IMessagesPostprocessor> messagesPostprocessor) { bool disableMultithreading = false; return(owner.CreateParser(new CreateParserParams( searchableRange.Begin, searchableRange, MessagesParserFlag.HintParserWillBeUsedForMassiveSequentialReading | (disableMultithreading ? MessagesParserFlag.DisableMultithreading : MessagesParserFlag.None), MessagesParserDirection.Forward, messagesPostprocessor))); } IEnumerable <FileRange.Range> EnumSearchableRangesCore(PlainTextMatcher matcher) { ITextAccess ta = new StreamTextAccess(rawStream, streamEncoding, textStreamPositioningParams); using (var tai = ta.OpenIterator(requestedRange.Begin, TextAccessDirection.Forward)) { var lastRange = new FileRange.Range(); foreach (var r in IterateMatchRanges( EnumCheckpoints(tai, matcher, progressAndCancellation, trace), // todo: tune next parameter to find the value giving max performance. // On one sample log bigger block was better than many small ones. // Hence quite big threshold. textStreamPositioningParams.AlignmentBlockSize * 8, progressAndCancellation ) .Select(r => PostprocessHintRange(r, lastRange)) ) { lastRange = r; yield return(r); } } } FileRange.Range PostprocessHintRange(FileRange.Range r, FileRange.Range lastRange) { long fixedBegin = r.Begin; long fixedEnd = r.End; int?inflateRangeBy = null; if (dejitteringParams != null && (parserParams.Flags & MessagesParserFlag.DisableDejitter) == 0) { inflateRangeBy = dejitteringParams.Value.JitterBufferSize; } aligmentSplitter.BeginSplittingSession(requestedRange, r.End, MessagesParserDirection.Forward); if (aligmentSplitter.GetCurrentMessageAndMoveToNextOne(aligmentCapture)) { fixedEnd = aligmentCapture.EndPosition; if (inflateRangeBy != null) { for (int i = 0; i < inflateRangeBy.Value; ++i) { if (!aligmentSplitter.GetCurrentMessageAndMoveToNextOne(aligmentCapture)) { break; } fixedEnd = aligmentCapture.EndPosition; } } } else { fixedEnd = requestedRange.End; } aligmentSplitter.EndSplittingSession(); aligmentSplitter.BeginSplittingSession(requestedRange, fixedBegin, MessagesParserDirection.Backward); if (aligmentSplitter.GetCurrentMessageAndMoveToNextOne(aligmentCapture)) { fixedBegin = aligmentCapture.BeginPosition; if (inflateRangeBy != null) { for (int i = 0; i < inflateRangeBy.Value; ++i) { if (!aligmentSplitter.GetCurrentMessageAndMoveToNextOne(aligmentCapture)) { break; } fixedBegin = aligmentCapture.BeginPosition; } } } aligmentSplitter.EndSplittingSession(); var ret = new FileRange.Range(fixedBegin, fixedEnd); ret = FileRange.Range.Intersect(ret, requestedRange).Common; var lastRangeIntersection = FileRange.Range.Intersect(ret, lastRange); if (lastRangeIntersection.RelativePosition == 0) { ret = lastRangeIntersection.Leftover1Right; } return(ret); }
public void BeginSplittingSession(FileRange.Range range, long startPosition, MessagesParserDirection direction) { if (direction == MessagesParserDirection.Forward) { if (startPosition > range.Begin) { long?fixedStartPosition = null; underlyingSplitter.BeginSplittingSession(range, startPosition, MessagesParserDirection.Backward); try { TextMessageCapture capt = new TextMessageCapture(); if (underlyingSplitter.GetCurrentMessageAndMoveToNextOne(capt)) { fixedStartPosition = capt.EndPosition; } } finally { underlyingSplitter.EndSplittingSession(); } if (fixedStartPosition != null) { underlyingSplitter.BeginSplittingSession(range, fixedStartPosition.Value, direction); try { TextMessageCapture capt = new TextMessageCapture(); while (underlyingSplitter.GetCurrentMessageAndMoveToNextOne(capt)) { if (capt.BeginPosition >= startPosition) { break; } fixedStartPosition = capt.EndPosition; } } finally { underlyingSplitter.EndSplittingSession(); } startPosition = fixedStartPosition.Value; } } } else { if (startPosition < range.End) { long?fixedStartPosition = null; underlyingSplitter.BeginSplittingSession(range, startPosition, MessagesParserDirection.Forward); try { TextMessageCapture capt = new TextMessageCapture(); if (underlyingSplitter.GetCurrentMessageAndMoveToNextOne(capt)) { fixedStartPosition = capt.BeginPosition; } } finally { underlyingSplitter.EndSplittingSession(); } if (fixedStartPosition != null) { underlyingSplitter.BeginSplittingSession(range, fixedStartPosition.Value, direction); try { TextMessageCapture capt = new TextMessageCapture(); while (underlyingSplitter.GetCurrentMessageAndMoveToNextOne(capt)) { if (capt.EndPosition <= startPosition) { break; } fixedStartPosition = capt.BeginPosition; } } finally { underlyingSplitter.EndSplittingSession(); } startPosition = fixedStartPosition.Value; } } } underlyingSplitter.BeginSplittingSession(range, startPosition, direction); }