}                                             //duplicated on PatentTypeStateless as Age

        //public MonoUnitValue Weight { get; set; } //Weight will always be a MonoUnitValue. No reason to use UnitValueBase.

        //public User Practitioner { get; set; }//This is for navigation?

        // public ICollection<OrderItemBase> Orders { get; set; }

        //TODO: This is incomplete.
        public LockStepPatient GetCopy()
            var clone = new LockStepPatient(/*DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(15), DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(230), GivenNames, LastName*/);

            //clone.Orders = this.Orders.Select(o => o.GetCopy()).ToList();
            //clone.Weight = Weight;
 public abstract void TransferPatient(LockStepPatient patient, int roomId);
 public abstract void EnterStatus(LockStepPatient patient);
 public abstract void DischargePatient(LockStepPatient patient);