public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			ActivityIndicator.Hidden = true;

			// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
			LoginButton.TouchUpInside += async (s, e) => {
				LoginButton.Hidden = true;
				ActivityIndicator.Hidden = false;

				var authorization = new LocalBoxAuthorization(PleioUrl);

				var result = await authorization.Authorize(LoginField.Text, PasswordField.Text); 
				if (result) {
					var business = new BusinessLayer();

					if (DataLayer.Instance.GetLocalBoxesSync ().Count  == 0) {
						await business.RegisterLocalBox(PleioUrl);



					// show (second) site-selection screen
					if (_introduction) {
						var sites = new AddSitesViewController (_home, true);
						sites.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(14, 94, 167);

				} else {
					LoginButton.Hidden = false;
					ActivityIndicator.Hidden = true;

					var alert = UIAlertController.Create("Fout", "Gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord is onjuist.", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
					alert.AddAction (UIAlertAction.Create ("Ok", UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, null));
					PresentViewController(alert, animated: true, completionHandler: null);
Пример #2
		private async void Login (string username, string password)
			var authorization = new LocalBoxAuthorization (PleioUrl);

			var result = await authorization.Authorize (username, password);
			if (result) {
				var business = new BusinessLayer();

				if (DataLayer.Instance.GetLocalBoxesSync ().Count == 0) {
					await business.RegisterLocalBox (PleioUrl);

				var activity = (HomeActivity) Activity;
				activity.HideLoginDialog ();
				activity.menuFragment.UpdateLocalBoxes ();

				Toast.MakeText (Activity, "Ingelogd.", ToastLength.Short).Show ();
			} else {
				Toast.MakeText (Activity, "Gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord combinatie is ongeldig.", ToastLength.Short).Show ();