protected override void ExecuteDetails()
            //This handles the Heartbeat and ack responce from GM.

            //Get the game and passoff data
            LobbyAppState lobAppState = (LobbyAppState)SubSystem.appState;
            LobbyGame game = lobAppState.getGame(this.gameID);

            //Starting Official Passoff.
            //Handling GameId to player1
            Envelope envToPlayer1 = new Envelope(new GameIdMessage(this.gameID,game.Pl1.Id,game.Pl2.Id,game.GM.TCPEP.ToString(),,,false,false,false,false, new Identifier(this.SubSystem.ProcessID, SubSystem.GetNextSeqNumber()), this.ConversationId), null, Player1EP, IsTcpConversation);
            Envelope recievedFromPlayer1 = DoReliableRequestReply(envToPlayer1, this.ExceptedReplyType);
            if (recievedFromPlayer1 == null)
                Logger.Error($"{this.GetType()}-{this.ConversationId}, Failed to recieve Env from player1. Ending Conversation Early.");
                return; //ending conversation early.

            //Handling GameId to player2
            Envelope envToPlayer2 = new Envelope(new GameIdMessage(this.gameID, game.Pl1.Id, game.Pl2.Id, game.GM.TCPEP.ToString(),,, false, false, false, false, new Identifier(this.SubSystem.ProcessID, SubSystem.GetNextSeqNumber()), this.ConversationId), null, Player2EP, IsTcpConversation);
            Envelope recievedFromPlayer2 = DoReliableRequestReply(envToPlayer2, this.ExceptedReplyType);
            if (recievedFromPlayer2 == null)
                Logger.Error($"{this.GetType()}-{this.ConversationId}, Failed to recieve Env from player2. Ending Conversation Early.");
                return; //ending conversation early.

            //Conversation ends in success.
            this.State = PossibleState.Successed;
            Logger.Info("Pass off ended in success!");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ILog Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));

            //string player1Name = "";
            LobbyAppState       appstate = new LobbyAppState();
            ConversationFactory conFact  = new ConversationFactory();
            SubSystem           subSys   = new SubSystem(conFact, appstate, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 2201), new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 2201));


            // need to connect players to games
            // and bring them back after game is over
            while (true)
                //WAIT till a game is ready.
                if (!LobbyAppState.gameIsReadyEvent.WaitOne(10000))
                    Logger.Debug("Timeout for checking if game is ready has been reached going to try again.");

                //Start the game.
                short gameIDToStart;
                gameIDToStart = appstate.startGame();

                Logger.Debug("Started a game passoff conversation");

                //Create initiator conversations and set the conversation.
                PassOff passOffLobby = new PassOff();
                passOffLobby.SubSystem      = subSys;
                passOffLobby.ConversationId = new Identifier(passOffLobby.SubSystem.ProcessID, SubSystem.GetNextSeqNumber());
                //Note: remote Endpoint set in constructor of passOffLobby.