Пример #1
        public PoolItem(ProjectionPool Pool)
            //Set Pool
            pool = Pool;

            //Generate GameObject
            GameObject go = new GameObject("Projection");



            //Attach Renderer
            renderer          = go.AddComponent <ProjectionRenderer>();
            renderer.PoolItem = this;
Пример #2
        internal ProjectionPool PoolFromInstance(PoolInstance Instance)
            //Make sure we are initialized
            if (Pools == null)
                Pools = new Dictionary <int, ProjectionPool>();

            ProjectionPool pool;

            if (!Pools.TryGetValue(Instance.id, out pool))
                pool = new ProjectionPool(Instance);
                Pools.Add(Instance.id, pool);
Пример #3
         * The simplest method of printing available. Use this when you know exactly where you want to print.
         * Printing is still subject to frequency & interection checks, and any fading or culling specified will still be applied.
         * @param Position The position to print the projection at, in world space.
         * @param Rotation The orientation of the printed projection, in world space.
         * @param Surface The transform the projection will be childed to. Will be ignored unless printer has Print Parent set to surface (Not default).
        public void Print(Vector3 Position, Quaternion Rotation, Transform Surface, int Layer = 0)
            //Projection Check
            if (prints == null || prints.Length < 1)
                Debug.LogError("No Projections to print. Please set at least one projection to print.");

            //Frequency Check
            if (timeSincePrint >= frequencyTime && Vector3.Distance(Position, lastPrintPos) >= frequencyDistance)
                //Intersection Check
                if (overlaps.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < overlaps.Length; i++)
                        //Get the pool being refered to
                        ProjectionPool pool = DynamicDecals.System.GetPool(overlaps[i].poolId);

                        //Validity & Intersection Check
                        if (pool.ID == overlaps[i].poolId && pool.CheckIntersecting(Position, overlaps[i].intersectionStrength))
                            //Destroy on print
                            if (destroyOnPrint)

                //Print using print method
                switch (printMethod)
                case PrintSelection.Layer:
                    if (printLayers == null || printLayers.Length == 0)
                        PrintProjection(prints[0], Position, Rotation, Surface);
                        //If the layer mask contains the hit layer, print the decal associated with it.
                        for (int i = 0; i < printLayers.Length; i++)
                            if (printLayers[i] == (printLayers[i] | (1 << Layer)))
                                PrintProjection(prints[i], Position, Rotation, Surface);

                case PrintSelection.Tag:
                    if (printLayers == null || printLayers.Length == 0)
                        PrintProjection(prints[0], Position, Rotation, Surface);
                        bool printed = false;
                        //If the surface is of the tag, print the decal associated with it.
                        for (int i = 1; i < printTags.Length; i++)
                            if (printTags[i] == Surface.tag)
                                PrintProjection(prints[i], Position, Rotation, Surface);
                                printed = true;

                        //If the surface has no relevant tag, print the default print.
                        if (!printed)
                            PrintProjection(prints[0], Position, Rotation, Surface);

                case PrintSelection.Random:
                    //Generate an int between one and the prints length
                    int index = Random.Range(0, prints.Length);
                    //Print the projection at that index
                    PrintProjection(prints[index], Position, Rotation, Surface);

                case PrintSelection.All:
                    //Print each projection once
                    foreach (ProjectionRenderer projection in prints)
                        PrintProjection(projection, Position, Rotation, Surface);

                //Destroy on print
                if (destroyOnPrint)

                //Cache frequency data
                timeSincePrint = 0;
                lastPrintPos   = Position;