Пример #1
        async void LoginButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
            DatabaseGET conn         = new DatabaseGET();
            var         personalInfo = await conn.getUserInfo(userType.Text, email.Text, password.Text);

            if (personalInfo.Count > 0)
                if (userType.Text == "Resident")
                    CurrentUser.ID   = Convert.ToInt32(personalInfo[0].residentID);
                    CurrentUser.type = 'R';
                    LiveWell.Helpers.Settings.GeneralSettings = "" + CurrentUser.type + CurrentUser.ID;
                    await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new MainOrSearchHouse());
                else if (userType.Text == "Employee")
                    CurrentUser.ID   = Convert.ToInt32(personalInfo[0].employeeID);
                    CurrentUser.type = 'E';
                    LiveWell.Helpers.Settings.GeneralSettings = "" + CurrentUser.type + CurrentUser.ID;
                    await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new EmployeeMain());
                else if (userType.Text == "Owner")
                    CurrentUser.ID   = Convert.ToInt32(personalInfo[0].ownerID);
                    CurrentUser.type = 'O';
                    LiveWell.Helpers.Settings.GeneralSettings = "" + CurrentUser.type + CurrentUser.ID;
                    await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new Owner());

                errorMessage.Text = "Please type correct email address and password";
Пример #2
        async void populateList(int price, String accommodationType, int numRooms, int maxDistance)
            List <Address> addresses;
            DatabaseGET    conn = new DatabaseGET();

            if (accommodationType == "ALL")
                addresses = await conn.getAddress();
                addresses = await conn.getAddress(price, accommodationType, numRooms);

            List <QuickViewAddress> address = new List <QuickViewAddress>();


            for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++)
                double accommodationLatitude  = addresses[i].latitude;
                double accommodationLongitude = addresses[i].longitude;
                double distance = CalculateDistance(accommodationLatitude, accommodationLongitude, userPositionLatitude, userPositionLongitude);

                if (distance < maxDistance)
                    address.Add(new QuickViewAddress(addresses[i].address + ", Distance: " + distance));
                    addPins(addresses[i].address, addresses[i].accommodationType);
                    await Task.Delay(100);
            quickview.ItemsSource = address;
            quickview.RowHeight   = 30;
            title.Text            = "Explore " + address.Count + " Accommodations";
Пример #3
        async void populateList(int price, String accommodationType, int numRooms, int maxDistance)
            List <Address> addresses;
            DatabaseGET    conn = new DatabaseGET();

            if (accommodationType == "ALL")
                addresses = await conn.getAddress();
                addresses = await conn.getAddress(price, accommodationType, numRooms);

            list = new List <QuickViewImage>();
            for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++)
                double accommodationLatitude  = addresses[i].latitude;
                double accommodationLongitude = addresses[i].longitude;
                double distance = CalculateDistance(accommodationLatitude, accommodationLongitude, userPositionLatitude, userPositionLongitude);

                if (distance < maxDistance)
                    list.Add(new QuickViewImage(addresses[i].imageUrl, addresses[i].address, addresses[i].accommodationType, addresses[i].buildingID, addresses[i].price, addresses[i].numRooms));
            quickview.ItemsSource = list;
            quickview.RowHeight   = 400;
            title.Text            = "Explore " + list.Count + " Accommodations";
Пример #4
        async void populatePage()
            DatabaseGET conn = new DatabaseGET();

            items = await conn.getProductsOnList(listID);

            productList = new List <Product>();
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                productList.Add(new Product(items[i].imageUrl, items[i].itemName));

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <AddProduct, List <ConnectHelpers.Item> >(this, "newList", (sender, refresh) => {
                productList = new List <Product>();
                for (int i = 0; i < refresh.Count; i++)
                    productList.Add(new Product(refresh[i].imageUrl, refresh[i].itemName));
                products.ItemsSource = productList;

            products.ItemsSource            = productList;
            products.RowHeight              = 60;
            products.IsPullToRefreshEnabled = true;
Пример #5
        async void add(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            DatabaseGET conn  = new DatabaseGET();
            List <Food> foods = await conn.getFoods();

            var imageUrl = "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/livewell-78cf1.appspot.com/o/question.jpg?alt=media&token=7ac00a49-b7a1-4ce1-b447-31eba31406ea";

            for (int i = 0; i < foods.Count; i++)
                if (foods[i].name.Equals(item.Text.ToLower()))
                    imageUrl = foods[i].imageUrl;

            DatabasePOST conn2 = new DatabasePOST();

            if (newList == 0)
                Debug.WriteLine(listID + " " + item.Text + " " + imageUrl);
                await conn2.postItem(listID, item.Text, imageUrl);

                //MessagingCenter.Send(this, "newList", await conn.getLists(1));
                await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new ListDetails(listID, name, user));
                Debug.WriteLine(listID + " " + item.Text + " " + imageUrl);
                await conn2.postItem(listID, item.Text, imageUrl);

                //MessagingCenter.Send(this, "newList", await conn.getLists(1));
                await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
Пример #6
        async void populateSuggestions()
            DatabaseGET conn = new DatabaseGET();
            List <ConnectHelpers.Item> suggestions = await conn.getSuggestions(CurrentUser.ID);

            items = new List <Item>();
            for (int i = 0; i < suggestions.Count; i++)
                items.Add(new Item(suggestions[i].itemName));

            suggestedItems.ItemsSource = items;
Пример #7
        async void fine(Object o, EventArgs e)
            DatabaseGET conn2 = new DatabaseGET();
            List <ConnectHelpers.EmployeeInfo> employee = await conn2.getEmployeeInfo(Convert.ToInt32(CurrentUser.ID));

            String[]     types = { "Noise violation", "Late rent", "Stolen/damaged property", "Other" };
            DatabasePOST conn  = new DatabasePOST();
            await conn.postFine(employee[0].buildingID, types[type.SelectedIndex], unit.Text, amount.Text);

            await DisplayAlert("Success", "Fine issued", "OK");

            unit.Text   = "";
            amount.Text = "";
Пример #8
        async void getFirstName()
            DatabaseGET conn = new DatabaseGET();

            List <ResidentInfo> info = await conn.getResidentInfo(CurrentUser.ID);

            for (int i = 0; i < info.Count; i++)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(info[i].residentID) == CurrentUser.ID)
                    title.Text = "Hi, " + info[i].firstName + "!";
        async void populateList()
            DatabaseGET conn = new DatabaseGET();

            employee = await conn.getEmployeeInfo(CurrentUser.ID);

            requests = await conn.getMaintenance(employee[0].buildingID);

            List <Request> allRequests = new List <Request>();

            for (int i = 0; i < requests.Count; i++)
                allRequests.Add(new Request(requests[i].summary, requests[i].number));
            requestList.ItemsSource = allRequests;
Пример #10
        async void boughtClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (bought.Text.Equals(""))
                await DisplayAlert("Error", "Please specify amount you bought for", "Okay");
                //gets residents on the list
                //adds split balance to amount of roommate who clicks button
                //adds notification for user letting them know list is bought
                //deleted list from database, keeps items for suggestion purposes
                DatabaseGET            conn = new DatabaseGET();
                List <ListInformation> list = await conn.getLists(listID);

                List <String> roommateIDs = new List <string>();
                if (list[0].residentID1 != null && !list[0].residentID1.Equals(CurrentUser.ID + ""))
                if (list[0].residentID2 != null && !list[0].residentID2.Equals(CurrentUser.ID + ""))
                if (list[0].residentID3 != null && !list[0].residentID3.Equals(CurrentUser.ID + ""))
                if (list[0].residentID4 != null && !list[0].residentID4.Equals(CurrentUser.ID + ""))
                String       purchaseAmount = (Convert.ToDouble(amount.Text) / (roommateIDs.Count + 1)).ToString();
                DatabasePOST conn2          = new DatabasePOST();

                await conn2.chargeAllAndNotify(purchaseAmount, CurrentUser.ID + "", roommateIDs, listID, listName.Text);

                //NotificationHandler notifications = new NotificationHandler();
                //notifications.send(amount, "1", roommateIDs, listID, listName.Text);
                await DisplayAlert("Success", "Purchase recorded and roommate(s) notified", "OK");

                await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new Resident());
Пример #11
        async void populateList()
            List <Address> addresses;
            DatabaseGET    conn = new DatabaseGET();

            addresses = await conn.getFavorite();

            list = new List <QuickViewImage>();
            quickview.ItemsSource = list;

            for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++)
                list.Add(new QuickViewImage(addresses[i].imageUrl, addresses[i].address, addresses[i].accommodationType, addresses[i].buildingID, addresses[i].price, addresses[i].numRooms));
            quickview.ItemsSource = list;
            quickview.RowHeight   = 400;
            title.Text            = "Favorite " + addresses.Count + " Accommodations";
Пример #12
        async void populateList()
            DatabaseGET conn = new DatabaseGET();
            List <ConnectHelpers.NotificationHandler> notifications = await conn.getNotifications(CurrentUser.type, CurrentUser.ID);

            List <QuickViewNotif> all = new List <QuickViewNotif>();

            for (int i = notifications.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (notifications[i].type.Equals("maintenance"))
                    all.Add(new QuickViewNotif("Maintenance request for " + notifications[i].description, "Maintenance request"));
                if (notifications[i].type.Equals("updateEmployee"))
                    all.Add(new QuickViewNotif(notifications[i].description, "Update"));

            quickview.ItemsSource = all;
            quickview.RowHeight   = 60;
Пример #13
        async void populateLists()
            DatabaseGET conn = new DatabaseGET();

            lists = await conn.getLists(CurrentUser.ID);

            //List which will come from database with all the list items and information
            list = new List <ListInfo>();
            List <int> added = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < lists.Count; i++)
                if (lists[i].residentID1 != null && lists[i].residentID2 != null && lists[i].residentID3 != null && lists[i].residentID4 != null && !added.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(lists[i].listID)))
                    list.Add(new ListInfo(lists[i].listName, await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID1) + ", " + await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID2) + ", " + await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID3) + ", & " + await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID4), lists[i].listID));
                else if (lists[i].residentID1 != null && lists[i].residentID2 != null && lists[i].residentID3 != null && !added.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(lists[i].listID)))
                    list.Add(new ListInfo(lists[i].listName, await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID1) + ", " + await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID2) + ", & " + await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID3), lists[i].listID));
                else if (lists[i].residentID1 != null && lists[i].residentID2 != null && !added.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(lists[i].listID)))
                    list.Add(new ListInfo(lists[i].listName, await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID1) + " & " + await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID2), lists[i].listID));
                else if (!added.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(lists[i].listID)))
                    list.Add(new ListInfo(lists[i].listName, await conn.getName(lists[i].residentID1), lists[i].listID));

            allLists.ItemsSource = list;
            allLists.RowHeight   = 60;
Пример #14
        async void populatePage()
            //Instantiates conenction object and calls method which gets notifications given a residentID
            DatabaseGET    conn     = new DatabaseGET();
            List <balance> balances = await conn.getBalances(CurrentUser.ID);

            List <ConnectHelpers.NotificationHandler> notifications = await conn.getNotifications(CurrentUser.type, CurrentUser.ID);

            List <ResidentInfo> resident = await(conn.getResidentInfo(CurrentUser.ID));

            String amount = (Convert.ToDouble(balances[0].amount1) + Convert.ToDouble(balances[0].amount2) + Convert.ToDouble(balances[0].amount3) + Convert.ToDouble(balances[0].amount4) + Convert.ToDouble(balances[0].bAmount)).ToString();

            if (amount.Equals("0"))
                balance.Text = "$0.00";
                balance.Text = "$" + amount;

            //Sets text for room information at top of screen
            address.Text = resident[0].address;
            room.Text    = resident[0].number;
            String roommates = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < resident.Count; i++)
                if (i == resident.Count - 2)
                    roommates += resident[i].firstName + " " + resident[i].lastName + ", & ";
                else if (i == resident.Count - 1)
                    roommates += resident[i].firstName + " " + resident[i].lastName;
                    roommates += resident[i].firstName + " " + resident[i].lastName + ", ";
            residents.Text = roommates;

            //Creates list of notifications for use in UI
            List <QuickViewNotif> notifs = new List <QuickViewNotif>();
            String first = "";
            String last  = "";

            for (int i = notifications.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (notifications[i].type == "payRoom")
                    List <ResidentInfo> name = await conn.getResidentInfo(Convert.ToInt32(notifications[i].sender));

                    for (int j = 0; j < name.Count; j++)
                        if (name[j].residentID.Equals(notifications[i].sender))
                            first = name[j].firstName;
                            last  = name[j].lastName;
                    notifs.Add(new QuickViewNotif(first + " " + last + " paid $" + notifications[i].amount + " for '" + notifications[i].description + "'", "Roommate paid"));
                if (notifications[i].type == "payBuilding")
                    notifs.Add(new QuickViewNotif("You paid $" + notifications[i].amount + " to owner", "Payment to building"));
                if (notifications[i].type == "maintenanceScheduled")
                    notifs.Add(new QuickViewNotif(notifications[i].description, "Maintenance Scheduled"));
                if (notifications[i].type == "fine")
                    notifs.Add(new QuickViewNotif("Your room was fined $" + notifications[i].amount + " for '" + notifications[i].description + "'.", "Fine"));
                if (notifications[i].type == "update")
                    notifs.Add(new QuickViewNotif(notifications[i].description, "Update"));
                if (notifications[i].type == "bought")
                    List <ResidentInfo> name = await conn.getResidentInfo(Convert.ToInt32(notifications[i].sender));

                    for (int j = 0; j < name.Count; j++)
                        if (name[j].residentID.Equals(notifications[i].sender))
                            first = name[j].firstName;
                            last  = name[j].lastName;
                    notifs.Add(new QuickViewNotif(first + " " + last + " bought '" + notifications[i].description + "' and you owe $" + notifications[i].amount, "Debt incurrence"));

            //Sets the source of the listview and the row height
            quickview.ItemsSource = notifs;
            quickview.RowHeight   = 60;
Пример #15
        async void populateList()
            //Instantiates conenction object and calls method which gets notifications given a residentID
            DatabaseGET    conn     = new DatabaseGET();
            List <balance> balances = await conn.getBalances(CurrentUser.ID);

            List <ConnectHelpers.NotificationHandler> notifications = await conn.getPayments(CurrentUser.ID);

            String amount = (Convert.ToDouble(balances[0].amount1) + Convert.ToDouble(balances[0].amount2) + Convert.ToDouble(balances[0].amount3) + Convert.ToDouble(balances[0].amount4)).ToString();

            if (amount.Equals("0"))
                roomBill.Text = "$0.00";
                roomBill.Text = "$" + amount;
            buildingBill.Text = "$" + balances[0].bAmount;

            //Payment history of the current user
            List <PayRecord> pay   = new List <PayRecord>();
            String           first = "";
            String           last  = "";

            for (int i = notifications.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (notifications[i].type == "payRoom")
                    List <ResidentInfo> name = await conn.getResidentInfo(Convert.ToInt32(notifications[i].sender));

                    for (int j = 0; j < name.Count; j++)
                        if (name[j].residentID.Equals(notifications[i].sender))
                            first = name[j].firstName;
                            last  = name[j].lastName;
                    pay.Add(new PayRecord(first + " " + last + " paid $" + notifications[i].amount + " for '" + notifications[i].description + "'", "Roommate paid"));
                if (notifications[i].type == "payBuilding")
                    pay.Add(new PayRecord("You paid $" + notifications[i].amount + " to owner", "Payment to building"));
                if (notifications[i].type == "fine")
                    pay.Add(new PayRecord("Your room was fined $" + notifications[i].amount + " for '" + notifications[i].description + "'.", "Fine"));
                if (notifications[i].type == "bought")
                    List <ResidentInfo> name = await conn.getResidentInfo(Convert.ToInt32(notifications[i].sender));

                    for (int j = 0; j < name.Count; j++)
                        if (name[j].residentID.Equals(notifications[i].sender))
                            first = name[j].firstName;
                            last  = name[j].lastName;
                    pay.Add(new PayRecord(first + " " + last + " bought '" + notifications[i].description + "' and you owe $" + notifications[i].amount + ".", "Debt incurrence"));

            //Sets listview to the payment list and sets row height
            payHistory.ItemsSource = pay;
            payHistory.RowHeight   = 60;