Пример #1
        private void EndDrag(bool processDrop)
            // This prevents the mouse up event or the end drag event firing more than once from causing the
            // events to bubble up and the drop be handled more than once.
            if (this.HasProcessedEndDrag)
            this.HasProcessedEndDrag = true;

            // Reshow the cursor and hide the source image.
            this.Host.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

            // Hide the drag cursor.
            if (this.DragCursor != null)
                this.DragCursor.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                this.DragCursor.MouseLeftButtonUp -= new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnDragCursorMouseLeftButtonUp);
                this.DragCursor.MouseMove         -= new MouseEventHandler(OnDragCursorMouseMove);

            if (processDrop)
                // Find a destination slot, using the search elements to find a Slot that intersects with the current
                // mouse position.
                Slot      destSlot    = null;
                UIElement destElement = null;

                // Foreach of the search elements attempt to find a slot at the x and y position.
                foreach (var element in this.SearchElements.Where(se => se.Visibility == Visibility.Visible))
                    var slot = (from v in VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(this.MousePosition, element)
                                where (v as Slot) != null
                                select v as Slot).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (slot != null)
                        destElement = element;
                        destSlot    = slot;

                if (destSlot != null)
                    // Just use the first available, unless it is the same as the source slot.
                    if (destSlot != this.SourceSlot && this.SourceSlot.IsDraggable && destSlot.IsDroppable)
                        SlotItem destItem   = destSlot.Item;
                        SlotItem sourceItem = this.SourceSlot.Item;

                        SlotItemChangeEventArgs args = new SlotItemChangeEventArgs(destElement, this.SourceSlot, destSlot, sourceItem, destItem);

                        // Only continue this processing if the change was not handled.
                        if (!args.Handled)
                            // Clear the source slot item.
                            this.SourceSlot.Item = null;

                            // If the destination slot is not empty then swap the two items.
                            if (destItem != null)
                                SlotItemChangingEventArgs srcArgs = new SlotItemChangingEventArgs(this.SourceSlot, sourceItem, destItem);
                                if (!srcArgs.Cancel)
                                    this.SourceSlot.Item = destItem;
                            SlotItemChangingEventArgs destArgs = new SlotItemChangingEventArgs(destSlot, destItem, sourceItem);
                            if (!destArgs.Cancel)
                                destSlot.Item = sourceItem;
Пример #2
 public SlotItemChangingEventArgs(Slot slot, SlotItem oldValue, SlotItem newValue)
     this.Slot     = slot;
     this.OldValue = oldValue;
     this.NewValue = NewValue;
Пример #3
 public SlotItemChangeEventArgs(UIElement destinationElement, Slot sourceSlot, Slot destinationSlot, SlotItem sourceValue, SlotItem destinationValue)
     this.DestinationElement = destinationElement;
     this.SourceSlot         = sourceSlot;
     this.DestinationSlot    = destinationSlot;
     this.SourceValue        = sourceValue;
     this.DestinationValue   = destinationValue;