Пример #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    //save button for Form4.  Note: we differentiate between insert and update operation
            CompanyDBDataContext dc = new CompanyDBDataContext(); //establish connection

            if (textBox1.ReadOnly == false)                       // insert operation is happening
                Employee obj = new Employee();
                obj.Eno    = int.Parse(textBox1.Text);
                obj.Ename  = textBox2.Text;
                obj.Job    = textBox3.Text;
                obj.Salary = decimal.Parse(textBox4.Text);
                obj.Dname  = textBox5.Text;

                dc.Employees.InsertOnSubmit(obj); //pending insert
                dc.SubmitChanges();               //commit the data
                MessageBox.Show("Record inserted into the table.");
            else  //update operation triggered on Form3 and now new entries must be inserted in this Form4
                Employee obj = dc.Employees.SingleOrDefault(E => E.Eno == int.Parse(textBox1.Text)); //reference to existing record.  Use lambda to access values
                obj.Ename  = textBox2.Text; //user modified value is in textbox
                obj.Job    = textBox3.Text;
                obj.Salary = decimal.Parse(textBox4.Text);
                obj.Dname  = textBox5.Text;
                MessageBox.Show("Record updated in the table.");
Пример #2
        private void Form5_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dc = new CompanyDBDataContext();
            ISingleResult <Employee_SelectResult> tab = dc.Employee_Select("Department Of IT"); // u will automaqtically get the results into the tab

            dataGridView1.DataSource = tab;
Пример #3
        private void LoadData()
            dc = new CompanyDBDataContext();
            Table <Employee> tab = dc.Employees;

            dgView.DataSource = tab;
Пример #4
        private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CompanyDBDataContext d = new CompanyDBDataContext();

            if (textBox1.ReadOnly == false)    // as we this method will be called while we press insert as well a update , so the difference between the insert and the update  is the textBox.ReadOnly as false or true. Hence we can use it as a condition to differentiate if its a insert or update.
                Employee obj = new Employee(); // to access the Employee class we created the instance

                //Assigning the values to the property

                obj.Eno    = int.Parse(textBox1.Text);     //here we have to explicitly convert the string value to int .int.Parse converts strings to int.
                obj.Ename  = textBox2.Text;                //it is string
                obj.Job    = textBox3.Text;
                obj.Salary = decimal.Parse(textBox4.Text); // because we used type money in database so we have to convert into decimal or int
                obj.Dname  = textBox5.Text;
                d.Employees.InsertOnSubmit(obj);           //InsertOnSubmit(obj) inserts the record to the table but wont commit (appending k)
                d.SubmitChanges();                         // this will commit the data changes
                MessageBox.Show("The Record has been inserted into the table");
                //Creating a refernce to an existing record
                Employee obj = d.Employees.SingleOrDefault(E => E.Eno == int.Parse(textBox1.Text)); //here the Eno. becomes a refernce to the existing records
                obj.Ename  = textBox2.Text;                                                         //now if user doesnt modifies it then the old value will be overridden to the old values but if the user modifies it with a new value then the new value overrides the old value.
                obj.Job    = textBox3.Text;
                obj.Salary = decimal.Parse(textBox4.Text);
                obj.Dname  = textBox5.Text;
                d.SubmitChanges(); // this will commit the data changes
                MessageBox.Show("The Record has been Updated into the table", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Пример #5
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CompanyDBDataContext dc  = new CompanyDBDataContext();
            Table <Employee>     tab = dc.Employees;

            dataGridView1.DataSource = tab;       //bind table to dataGridView
Пример #6
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CompanyDBDataContext dc = new CompanyDBDataContext();
            //dataGridView1.DataSource = dc.Employees; //remember this ,this will show all the data from the database table Employee
            Table <Employee> tab = dc.Employees;

            dataGridView1.DataSource = tab; // THE TABLE IS NOW BOUND TO GRIDVIEW
Пример #7
 private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     dc   = new CompanyDBDataContext();  //create DataContext to connect to database
     Emps = dc.Employees.ToList();       //Create list of Employees. ToList() converts returned table to list
Пример #8
 private void Form6_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     dc = new CompanyDBDataContext();
Пример #9
 private void LoadData()
     dc = new CompanyDBDataContext();
     dgView.DataSource = dc.Employees;
Пример #10
 private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     dc  = new CompanyDBDataContext(); //this is used to establish connection with the database
     emp = dc.Employees.ToList();      //once u call the property ToList() then the data of the data will be transfered to the list