//We are adding before the head to implement as a stack (Each new node added becomes the head)
 //O(1) time complexity
 public void Push(object x)
     Node n = new Node(x);
     n.Next = head;
     this.head = n;
        //Worst case time complexity is O(n) if insertion is at end of list
        //Passing a 1 for position adds object at head (it becomes first in the stack)
        //passing the stack (count + 1) for position adds the inserted node at the end
        //of the linked list stack, 0 is considered an invalid index
        public void Insert(int position, object x)
            if ((position < 1) || (position > Count + 1))
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Invalid index");
            if (position == 1)

            //Set two pointer nodes to first and second position
            Node lag = head;
            Node lead = head.Next;
            Node toInsert = new Node(x);

            //Set the pointers to the nodes immediately before and after the inserted node
            for (int i = 2; i < position; i++)
                lag = lag.Next;
                lead = lead.Next;
            //Make the insertion
            lag.Next = toInsert;
            toInsert.Next = lead;
 //Delete middle node in a linked list
 //This method will delete any passed node except for the last node
 //Attempting to delete the last node in this manner will not work
 public void DeleteMiddle(Node x)
     if (x.Next == null)
     //Copy data from next node to passed node
     x.Data = x.Next.Data;
     //Set Next pointer to node after copied data
     x.Next = x.Next.Next;
        //O(1) time complexity
        public object Pop()
            //This is how the C# Stack implementation in System.Collections handles popping an empty stack
            if (head == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Stack empty");

            object result = head.Data;
            this.head = head.Next;
            return result;
 //Clears the Stack, resets the count
 public void Clear()
     head = null;
     Count = 0;
 public LinkedListStack()
     head = null;