Пример #1
        private SipContactValue clientLocalContact;             // Contact header for messages to the client

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The process local unique session ID.</param>
        /// <param name="clientDialog">The upstream client <see cref="SipDialog" />.</param>
        /// <param name="defLocalContact">The default local contact for the session.</param>
        public SipB2BUASession(long id, SipB2BUADialog <TState> clientDialog, SipContactValue defLocalContact)
            this.id                 = id;
            this.clientDialog       = clientDialog;
            this.serverLocalContact = defLocalContact;
            this.clientLocalContact = defLocalContact;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a <see cref="SipDialog" /> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core">The <see cref="SipCore" /> that owns this dialog.</param>
        /// <param name="inviteRequest">The INVITE <see cref="SipRequest" /> received by the accepting dialog or being sent by the initiating dialog.</param>
        /// <param name="localContact">The <see cref="SipContactValue" /> for the local side of the dialog.</param>
        /// <param name="acceptingTransaction">
        /// The initial transaction for INVITE requests received by accepting dialogs or <c>null</c> for
        /// initiating dialogs.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="state">Derived class specific state (or <c>null</c>).</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// Derived classes can override this method to intialize any internal state using information
        /// from the derived class specific <paramref name="state" /> parameter.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// For accepting dialog requests, this method expects the <paramref name="inviteRequest" /> to already
        /// have reasonable <b>Call-ID</b>, <b>To</b>, <b>From</b>, and <b>CSeq</b> headers and the
        /// <b>From</b> header must have a <b>tag</b> parameter.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// For initiating dialog requests,this method expects the <paramref name="inviteRequest" /> to already
        /// have reasonable <b>To</b>, <b>From</b> and headers but the method will generate and assign
        /// the <b>From</b> header's <b>tag</b> parameter.  The method will set a <b>Call-ID</b> header
        /// if necessary and will always set a new <b>CSeq</b> header.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// <paramref name="acceptingTransaction"/> must be passed as the server transaction the INVITE
        /// was received on for accepting dialogs.  This will be passed as <c>null</c> for initiating
        /// dialogs (note that the <see cref="SipClientAgent" /> will eventually set the <see cref="SipDialog.InitiatingTransaction" />
        /// property to the initial <see cref="SipClientTransaction" /> just before the transaction
        /// is started).
        /// </para>
        /// <note>
        /// The derived class MUST call the base <see cref="Initialize" /> method passing the parameters
        /// before returning.
        /// </note>
        /// </remarks>
        public override void Initialize(SipCore core, SipRequest inviteRequest, SipContactValue localContact, SipServerTransaction acceptingTransaction, object state)
            base.Initialize(core, inviteRequest, localContact, acceptingTransaction, state);

            // $hack(jeff.lill):
            // This is a bit of a hack that initializes the downstream dialog to the
            // server's Session property and also initializes the session's ServerDialog
            // property.  I'm relying on the fact that state is passed as non-null
            // only when the B2BUA creates the downstream dialog.

            SipB2BUASession <TState> session = state as SipB2BUASession <TState>;

            if (session != null)
                this.session         = session;
                session.ServerDialog = this;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a contact style header value into the <see cref="NetworkBinding" />
        /// and optional <see cref="SipTransportType" /> to be used when figuring out
        /// how to deliver an outbound SIP message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactText">The <b>Contact</b> header text.</param>
        /// <param name="binding">Returns as the <see cref="NetworkBinding" /> to use.</param>
        /// <param name="transportType">Returns the <see cref="SipTransportType" /> to use</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The <paramref name="contactText" /> parameter should be passed as the SIP request URI,
        /// or the value of a <b>To</b>, <b>From</b>, or a <b>Contact</b> header value.  The method
        /// parses this value, looking for the IP address, port, and transport information to be used
        /// when selecting a transport to communicate with this entity.  The method will perform an
        /// necessary DNS lookups to resolve host names into IP addresses.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If the operation was successful, the method returns <c>true</c> and sets the <paramref name="binding" />
        /// and <paramref name="transportType" /> values.
        /// </para>
        /// <note>
        /// <paramref name="transportType" /> will return as <see cref="SipTransportType.Unspecified" /> if the
        /// contact information didn't explicitly specify a transport.
        /// </note>
        /// </remarks>
        public static bool TryGetRemoteBinding(string contactText, out NetworkBinding binding, out SipTransportType transportType)
            SipContactValue v = new SipContactValue(contactText);
            IPAddress       address;
            int             port;
            SipUri          uri;
            string          transport;
            string          sHost, sPort;
            int             p;

            binding       = null;
            transportType = SipTransportType.Unspecified;

            // First try to parse the text as a SIP URI.

            if (SipUri.TryParse(v.Uri, out uri))
                if (!IPAddress.TryParse(uri.Host, out address))
                        address = Dns.GetHostEntry(uri.Host).AddressList[0];

                binding = new NetworkBinding(address, uri.Port);

                if (uri.Parameters.TryGetValue("transport", out transport))
                    switch (transport.ToUpper())
                    case "UDP":

                        transportType = SipTransportType.UDP;

                    case "TCP":

                        transportType = SipTransportType.TCP;

                    case "TLS":

                        transportType = SipTransportType.TLS;


            // Now look for <ip-address> [":" <port>]

            p = v.Uri.IndexOf(':');
            if (p == -1)
                if (!IPAddress.TryParse(v.Uri, out address))
                        address = Dns.GetHostEntry(v.Uri).AddressList.IPv4Only()[0];

                binding = new NetworkBinding(address, NetworkPort.SIP);

            sHost = v.Uri.Substring(0, p).Trim();
            sPort = v.Uri.Substring(p + 1).Trim();

            if (sHost.Length == 0 || sPort.Length == 0)

            if (!int.TryParse(sPort, out port) || port <= 0 || port > ushort.MaxValue)

            if (IPAddress.TryParse(sHost, out address))
                binding = new NetworkBinding(address, port);

            // The host portion is not an IP address so perform a host lookup

            if (!IPAddress.TryParse(sHost, out address))
                    address = Dns.GetHostEntry(sHost).AddressList.IPv4Only()[0];

            binding = new NetworkBinding(address, port);