Пример #1
        public static LilCletus GetWoke(LilCletus lil)
            string playerChoice;

            Buff maskBuff   = new Buff("Health", 2);
            Buff shadesBuff = new Buff("Attitude", 1);

// This is how you inialize a new list and add the new item at the same time.
            List <Buff> maskBuffs = new List <Buff>()
            List <Buff> shadesBuffs = new List <Buff>()

// Adding item descrptions outside of the list to make it more readable
            string maskDes = "A small square piece of fabric. It smells like old whiskey, and gives minor protection from \n" +
                             "the toxic air outside.";
            string shadesDes = "Awesome pre-rag sunglasses. The apocolaypse is no excuse to not look super badass.";

// Adds items to item constructor and adds the parameters to them
            Item mask   = new Item("Face mask", maskDes, false, maskBuffs);
            Item shades = new Item("Sick Shades", shadesDes, false, shadesBuffs);

// checks if actions are already completed
            bool didLookUnderNews = false;
            bool didLookInMirror  = false;
            bool didOpenChest     = false;

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("The morning has not been kind. You lack purpose and direction." +
                                  "\nYou got shit to do today, and going outside is nessesary. " +
                                  "\nYou need your apocolypse shades and a mask to protect yourself." +
                                  "\nYou survey the room. It's a dump. You see a desk with a damp newspaper on it " +
                                  "\nThere is a mirror propped against the wall " +
                                  "\nA large treause chest with the word 'treasure' hastily scribble in crayon sits at the end of your bed " +
                                  "\nI refuse to face the outside world lookin like a simp and also probably dying" +
                                  "\nWhat would you like to do?");
                if (!didLookUnderNews)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n1.  Read newspaper");
                if (!didLookInMirror)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n2.  Look in mirror");
                if (!didOpenChest)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n3.  Check 'treasure' chest");
                Console.WriteLine("\n4.   Go outside");

                Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of the choice you'd like to make");

                playerChoice = Console.ReadLine();

                switch (playerChoice)
                case "1":
                    if (didLookUnderNews)
                        Console.WriteLine("The soggy newspaper has desintigrated; there's nothing left over there except\n" +
                                          " a pile of goop. Ragnarok is old news anyways.");
                        Console.WriteLine("You grab the paper. It falls apart in your hands into a soggy pile \n" +
                                          "next to your sunglasses. Oh hey! There they are.");
                        didLookUnderNews = true;

                case "2":
                    if (didLookInMirror)
                        Console.WriteLine("You literally cannot stand to look at yourself anymore today at the risk \n" +
                                          "of arousal.");
                        Console.WriteLine("You look in the mirror. You notice a facemask on top of your noodle. \n" +
                                          "You pull it over your face in proper PPE fashion");
                        didLookInMirror = true;

                case "3":
                    if (didOpenChest)
                        Console.WriteLine("You already touched what's inside with your eyes enough today");
                        Console.WriteLine("You open the chest. Inside is the most valuable object in the entire world \n" +
                                          "to the only person in the world that matters. You.");
                        didOpenChest = true;

                case "4":
                    bool response = true;
                    if (!didLookUnderNews && !didLookInMirror)
                        response = ConsoleStuff.YesOrNo("Leaving without double checking your rad levels is dangerous." +
                                                        "\n Odin's wrath will surely reach you in this state. You sure you want to leave?");
                    if (!didLookUnderNews)
                        response = ConsoleStuff.YesOrNo("You're about to leave without looking fresh af. Are you sure?");
                    else if (!didLookInMirror)
                        response = ConsoleStuff.YesOrNo("You can't leave without a self occular pat down. Are you sure?");
                        Console.WriteLine("Your swag is sufficient; Odin will be pleased. Time to head outside.");
                    if (response)
                        Console.WriteLine("The skies darken and a rumbling can be heard. You see a shadowy figure descend from the skies." +
                                          "\nIt's lord Odin on his mighty steed, Slippy. His voice resonates inside your skull 'LEAVING " +
                                          "\nWITHOUT PROPER PROTECTION IS AGAINST ALL NORSE LAW'. He immediately smites you with the " +
                                          "\npower and pain of a thousand deaths. Your final thoughts of are how hillarious Odin's real" +
                                          "\nlife horse in Norse mythology is named 'Slippy'");


                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a number between 1-4 to continue.");

                if (didLookInMirror && didLookUnderNews)
                    Console.WriteLine("You're swag levels are that of those whom reside on Valhalla. You confidently" +
                                      "\nexit your dump of a home and out into the scorched landscape.");

Пример #2
        public static void RegularFight(LilCletus lilCleet, IAdversary Bloke)
            Console.WriteLine($"A wildly aggressive {Bloke.Name} appears!");
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine($"You have {Bloke.Health} health left");
                Console.WriteLine("What are you going to do about it?\n" +
                                  "\n1 Bash him in\n" +
                                  "\n2 Super run away");

                string response = Console.ReadLine();

                int cleetdmg = 0;
                int blokedmg = 0;

                if (response == "1")
                    cleetdmg = lilCleet.Attack();
                    blokedmg = Bloke.Attack();
                else if (response == "2")
                    Random r         = new Random();
                    int    flipACoin = r.Next(1, 3);
                    if (flipACoin == 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("You trip and fall over your own Cleet feet");
                        cleetdmg = 0;
                        blokedmg = Bloke.Attack();
                        Console.WriteLine("You scuttled off");
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a number between 1 and 2. You life is at stake here.");
                Console.WriteLine($"You did {cleetdmg.ToString()}\n" +
                                  $"{Bloke.Name} did {blokedmg.ToString()}");

                lilCleet.Health -= blokedmg;
                Bloke.Health    -= cleetdmg;

                if (lilCleet.Health <= 0 || Bloke.Health <= 0)
                    if (lilCleet.Health <= 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("YOU DIED");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{Bloke.Name} has been defeated. You bashed his fookin' head in I swear on me mum");
