private void bttnPrint_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (lvBooks.Items.Count > 0) { if (tabCategory.SelectedTab.Text.Equals("All Category")) { FORMViewer.sDeploy = "Books All"; FORMViewer.sSQL = "SELECT tblCategory.CategoryName, tblBooks.BookNo, tblBooks.ISBN, tblBooks.BookTitle, tblBooks.Qty, tblBooks.Barrowed, [tblBooks.Qty]-[tblBooks.Barrowed] AS Available " + "FROM tblCategory RIGHT JOIN tblBooks ON tblCategory.IndexCategory = tblBooks.CategoryIndex " + "GROUP BY tblCategory.CategoryName, tblBooks.BookNo, tblBooks.ISBN, tblBooks.BookTitle, tblBooks.Qty, tblBooks.Barrowed, [tblBooks.Qty]-[tblBooks.Barrowed] " + "ORDER BY tblBooks.BookNo ASC"; } else { FORMViewer.sDeploy = "Books List"; FORMViewer.sCategory = tabCategory.SelectedTab.Text; FORMViewer.sSQL = "SELECT tblCategory.CategoryName, tblBooks.BookNo, tblBooks.ISBN, tblBooks.BookTitle, tblBooks.Qty, tblBooks.Barrowed, [tblBooks.Qty]-[tblBooks.Barrowed] AS Available " + "FROM tblCategory RIGHT JOIN tblBooks ON tblCategory.IndexCategory = tblBooks.CategoryIndex " + "GROUP BY tblCategory.CategoryName, tblBooks.BookNo, tblBooks.ISBN, tblBooks.BookTitle, tblBooks.Qty, tblBooks.Barrowed, [tblBooks.Qty]-[tblBooks.Barrowed] " + "HAVING (((tblCategory.CategoryName)='" + tabCategory.SelectedTab.Text + "'))" + "ORDER BY tblBooks.BookNo ASC"; } try { FORMViewer.sTable = "tblBooks"; FORMViewer sForm = new FORMViewer(); sForm.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) {} } else { MessageBox.Show("No records to preview. Pls try again", clsVariables.sMSGBOX, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
private void bttnHistory_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (lvBooks.Items.Count > 0) { try { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to print the list of adjustments in the selected record?", clsVariables.sMSGBOX, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { FORMBooks_Monitoring.sBookNumber = lvBooks.Items[lvBooks.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text; FORMBooks_Monitoring sForm = new FORMBooks_Monitoring(); sForm.ShowDialog(); } else { FORMViewer.sDeploy = "Adjustments"; FORMViewer.sBookNO = lvBooks.Items[lvBooks.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text; FORMViewer.sBookTitle = lvBooks.Items[lvBooks.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[2].Text; FORMViewer.sISBN = lvBooks.Items[lvBooks.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[1].Text; FORMViewer.sSQL = "SELECT tblBooks.BookNo, tblBooks.ISBN, tblBooks.BookTitle, tblCategory.CategoryName, tblLibrarian.LibrarianID, [LastName] & ', ' & [FirstName] & ' ' & [MiddleName] AS Fullname, tblAdjustments.DateAdjust " + "FROM tblLibrarian INNER JOIN (tblCategory RIGHT JOIN (tblBooks RIGHT JOIN tblAdjustments ON tblBooks.BookNo = tblAdjustments.BookNumber) ON tblCategory.IndexCategory = tblBooks.CategoryIndex) ON tblLibrarian.LibrarianID = tblAdjustments.AdjustBy " + "WHERE tblBooks.BookNo LIKE '" + lvBooks.Items[lvBooks.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text + "' " + "ORDER BY tblLibrarian.LibrarianID ASC"; FORMViewer.sTable = "tblAdjustments"; FORMViewer sForm = new FORMViewer(); sForm.ShowDialog(); } } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException aooreE) { MessageBox.Show("" + aooreE.Message); } catch (NullReferenceException nreE) {} } else { MessageBox.Show("No record. Pls. select a new record", clsVariables.sMSGBOX, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
private void bttnPrint_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { FORMViewer.sDeploy = "Librarians"; FORMViewer.sSQL = "SELECT tblLibrarian.LibrarianID, [LastName] & ', ' & [FirstName] & ' ' & [MiddleName] AS Fullname, tblLibrarian.StreetAddress, tblZipCodeList.CityTown, tblZipCodeList.Province, tblLibrarian.ContactNo, tblLibrarian.EmailAddress, tblLibrarian.UserName " + "FROM tblLibrarian LEFT JOIN tblZipCodeList ON tblLibrarian.ZipCode = tblZipCodeList.ZipCode ORDER BY tblLibrarian.LibrarianID ASC"; FORMViewer.sTable = "tblLibrarian"; FORMViewer sForm = new FORMViewer(); sForm.ShowDialog(); }
private void bttnSelect_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (listView1.Items.Count > 0) { try { if (sSYSelect == "Barrowers") { FORMBarrowers_Modify.publicBarrowerList.setSchoolYear(listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text, listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[1].Text); } else if (sSYSelect == "Report List") { FORMViewer.sDeploy = "Barrowers"; FORMViewer.sSchoolYear = listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text; FORMViewer.sSQL = "SELECT [YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd] AS SY, tblCourse.CourseName, tblLevel.LevelName, tblBarrowers.BarrowerID, [LastName] & ', ' & [FirstName] & ' ' & [MiddleName] AS Fullname, " + "tblBarrowers.StreetAddress, tblZipCodeList.CityTown, tblZipCodeList.Province, tblZipCodeList.ZipCode, tblBarrowers.ContactNO, tblBarrowers.EmailAddress " + "FROM tblZipCodeList RIGHT JOIN (tblSchoolYear INNER JOIN (tblLevel INNER JOIN (tblCourse INNER JOIN tblBarrowers ON tblCourse.IndexCourse = tblBarrowers.Course) " + "ON tblLevel.IndexLevel = tblBarrowers.LevelIndex) ON tblSchoolYear.IndexSY = tblBarrowers.SchoolYear) ON tblZipCodeList.ZipCode = tblBarrowers.ZipCode " + "WHERE tblSchoolYear.IndexSY = " + listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[1].Text + " " + "ORDER BY [YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd] ASC, tblCourse.CourseName ASC, tblLevel.LevelName ASC, tblBarrowers.BarrowerID ASC"; FORMViewer.sTable = "tblBarrowers"; FORMViewer sForm = new FORMViewer(); sForm.ShowDialog(); } else if (sSYSelect == "Report Fines") { FORMViewer.sDeploy = "Barrowers Fines"; FORMViewer.sSchoolYear = listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text; FORMViewer.sSQL = "SELECT [YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd] AS SY, tblCourse.CourseName, tblLevel.LevelName, tblBarrowed.Returned, tblBarrowers.BarrowerID, [LastName] & ', ' & [FirstName] & ' ' & [MiddleName] AS Fullname, Sum(tblBarrowed.Fines) AS TotalFines " + "FROM tblSchoolYear RIGHT JOIN (tblLevel RIGHT JOIN (tblCourse RIGHT JOIN (tblBarrowers RIGHT JOIN tblBarrowed ON tblBarrowers.BarrowerID = tblBarrowed.BarrowerID) ON tblCourse.IndexCourse = tblBarrowers.Course) ON tblLevel.IndexLevel = tblBarrowers.LevelIndex) ON tblSchoolYear.IndexSY = tblBarrowers.SchoolYear " + "GROUP BY [YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd], tblCourse.CourseName, tblLevel.LevelName, tblBarrowed.Returned, tblBarrowers.BarrowerID, [LastName] & ', ' & [FirstName] & ' ' & [MiddleName] " + "HAVING ((([YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd])='" + listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text + "') AND ((tblBarrowed.Returned)=Yes) AND ((Sum(tblBarrowed.Fines))<>0)) " + "ORDER BY [YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd] ASC, tblCourse.CourseName ASC, tblLevel.LevelName ASC, [LastName] & ', ' & [FirstName] & ' ' & [MiddleName] ASC"; FORMViewer.sTable = "tblBarrowers"; FORMViewer sForm = new FORMViewer(); sForm.ShowDialog(); } else if (sSYSelect == "Report Barrowed Books") { FORMViewer.sDeploy = "Barrowed Books"; FORMViewer.sSchoolYear = listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text; FORMViewer.sSQL = "SELECT [YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd] AS SY, tblBarrowers.BarrowerID, [LastName] & ', ' & [FirstName] & ' ' & [MiddleName] AS Fullname, tblBooks.BookNo, tblBooks.ISBN, tblBooks.BookTitle, tblCategory.CategoryName, tblBarrowed.DateBarrowed, tblBarrowed.DateDue, tblBarrowed.Returned " + "FROM tblSchoolYear RIGHT JOIN (tblCategory INNER JOIN (tblBooks INNER JOIN (tblBarrowers RIGHT JOIN tblBarrowed ON tblBarrowers.BarrowerID = tblBarrowed.BarrowerID) ON tblBooks.BookNo = tblBarrowed.BookNo) ON tblCategory.IndexCategory = tblBooks.CategoryIndex) ON tblSchoolYear.IndexSY = tblBarrowers.SchoolYear " + "WHERE ((([YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd])='" + listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text + "') AND ((tblBarrowed.Returned)=No)) " + "ORDER BY [YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd] ASC, tblBooks.BookNo ASC"; FORMViewer.sTable = "tblBarrowed"; FORMViewer sForm = new FORMViewer(); sForm.ShowDialog(); } else if (sSYSelect == "Report Due Books") //Report Returned Books { FORMViewer.sDeploy = "Due Books"; FORMViewer.sSchoolYear = listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text; FORMViewer.sSQL = "SELECT [YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd] AS SY, tblBarrowers.BarrowerID, [LastName] & ', ' & [FirstName] & ' ' & [MiddleName] AS Fullname, tblBooks.BookNo, tblBooks.ISBN, tblBooks.BookTitle, tblCategory.CategoryName, tblBarrowed.DateBarrowed, tblBarrowed.DateDue, tblBarrowed.DateRetured, tblBarrowed.DelayedDays, tblBarrowed.Returned " + "FROM tblSchoolYear RIGHT JOIN (tblCategory INNER JOIN (tblBooks INNER JOIN (tblBarrowers RIGHT JOIN tblBarrowed ON tblBarrowers.BarrowerID = tblBarrowed.BarrowerID) ON tblBooks.BookNo = tblBarrowed.BookNo) ON tblCategory.IndexCategory = tblBooks.CategoryIndex) ON tblSchoolYear.IndexSY = tblBarrowers.SchoolYear " + "WHERE ((([YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd])='" + listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text + "') AND ((tblBarrowed.DateDue)<=Now()) AND ((tblBarrowed.Returned)=No)) " + "ORDER BY tblBooks.BookNo ASC"; FORMViewer.sTable = "tblBarrowed"; FORMViewer sForm = new FORMViewer(); sForm.ShowDialog(); } else if (sSYSelect == "Report Returned Books") { FORMViewer.sDeploy = "Returned Books"; FORMViewer.sSchoolYear = listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text; FORMViewer.sSQL = "SELECT [YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd] AS SY, tblBarrowers.BarrowerID, [LastName] & ', ' & [FirstName] & ' ' & [MiddleName] AS Fullname, tblBooks.BookNo, tblBooks.ISBN, tblBooks.BookTitle, tblCategory.CategoryName, tblBarrowed.DateBarrowed, tblBarrowed.DateDue, tblBarrowed.DateRetured, tblBarrowed.DelayedDays, tblBarrowed.Returned " + "FROM tblSchoolYear RIGHT JOIN (tblCategory INNER JOIN (tblBooks INNER JOIN (tblBarrowers RIGHT JOIN tblBarrowed ON tblBarrowers.BarrowerID = tblBarrowed.BarrowerID) ON tblBooks.BookNo = tblBarrowed.BookNo) ON tblCategory.IndexCategory = tblBooks.CategoryIndex) ON tblSchoolYear.IndexSY = tblBarrowers.SchoolYear " + "WHERE ((([YearStart] & ' - ' & [YearEnd])='" + listView1.Items[listView1.FocusedItem.Index].SubItems[0].Text + "') AND ((tblBarrowed.Returned)=Yes)) " + "ORDER BY tblBooks.BookNo ASC"; FORMViewer.sTable = "tblBarrowed"; FORMViewer sForm = new FORMViewer(); sForm.ShowDialog(); } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) {} } else { MessageBox.Show("No records to preview. Pls try again", clsVariables.sMSGBOX, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }