Пример #1
        private Library lib; // The library

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Precondition:  None
        // Postcondition: The form's GUI is prepared for display. A few test items and patrons
        //                are added to the library
        public Prog2Form()

            lib = new Library(); // Create the library

            // Insert test data - Magic numbers allowed here
            lib.AddLibraryBook("The Wright Guide to C#", "UofL Press", 2010, 14, "ZZ225 3G", "Andrew Wright");
            lib.AddLibraryBook("Harriet Pooter", "Stealer Books", 2000, 21, "AG773 ZF", "IP Thief");
            lib.AddLibraryMovie("Andrew's Super-Duper Movie", "UofL Movies", 2011, 7,
                "MM33 2D", 92.5, "Andrew L. Wright", LibraryMediaItem.MediaType.BLURAY,
            lib.AddLibraryMovie("Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of C#", "Disney Programming", 2011, 10,
                "MO93 4S", 122.5, "Steven Stealberg", LibraryMediaItem.MediaType.DVD, LibraryMovie.MPAARatings.G);
            lib.AddLibraryMusic("C# - The Album", "UofL Music", 2011, 14,
                "CD44 4Z", 84.3, "Dr. A", LibraryMediaItem.MediaType.CD, 10);
            lib.AddLibraryMusic("The Sounds of Programming", "Soundproof Music", 1996, 21,
                "VI64 1Z", 65.0, "Cee Sharpe", LibraryMediaItem.MediaType.VINYL, 12);
            lib.AddLibraryJournal("Journal of C# Goodness", "UofL Journals", 2011, 14,
                "JJ12 7M", 1, 2, "Information Systems", "Andrew Wright");
            lib.AddLibraryJournal("Journal of VB Goodness", "UofL Journals", 2007, 14,
                "JJ34 3F", 8, 4, "Information Systems", "Alexander Williams");
            lib.AddLibraryMagazine("C# Monthly", "UofL Mags", 2010, 14,
                "MA53 9A", 16, 7);
            lib.AddLibraryMagazine("C# Monthly", "UofL Mags", 2010, 14,
                "MA53 9B", 16, 8);
            lib.AddLibraryMagazine("C# Monthly", "UofL Mags", 2010, 14,
                "MA53 9C", 16, 9);
            lib.AddLibraryMagazine("VB Magazine", "UofL Mags", 2011, 14,
                "MA21 5V", 1, 1);

            // Add 5 Patrons
            lib.AddPatron("Ima Reader", "12345");
            lib.AddPatron("Jane Doe", "11223");
            lib.AddPatron("John Smith", "54321");
            lib.AddPatron("James T. Kirk", "98765");
            lib.AddPatron("Jean-Luc Picard", "33456");
Пример #2
        private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //object for deserializing in binary format
            System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter reader = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
            DialogResult result; //result of OpenFileDialog
            string fileName; // name of file containing data

            using (OpenFileDialog filechooser = new OpenFileDialog())
                result = filechooser.ShowDialog();
                fileName = filechooser.FileName; //get specified name

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)

                    if (fileName == string.Empty)
                        MessageBox.Show("Invalid File Name");
                        input = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //create file stream to allow read access from file
                        lib = (Library)reader.Deserialize(input); //store deserialized file in lib variable
                catch (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException)
                    MessageBox.Show("No more records in file.");
                    if (input != null)