/// Create new instance of dialog showing module's properties
        /// <param name="configItem">The object with module's configuration</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Pointer to parent window (this dialog will be closed when window will be destroyed)</param>
        public ModulePropertyDialog(BConfigItem configItem, Gtk.Window parent)
            : base(parent)
            this.configItem = configItem;
              // initialize dialog's widgets
              InitializeDialog(configItem, "/beline/conf/module/configuration");

              // connect signals to handlers
              btnClose.Clicked += new EventHandler(btnClose_click);
Пример #2
        private BConfigManager()
            // create global configuration
              globalConf = new BConfigItem(Path.Combine(LibBeline.GlobalPath, "global.conf"));
              globalConf.ImportGlobalConfig(Path.Combine(LibBeline.LocalPath, "global.conf"));

            BValueType str = (BValueType)globalConf["/beline/conf/global/limit[@maxmodulescount]"];
            capacity = Convert.ToInt32(str.ToString());
            capacity = 32;

              moduleConf = new Hashtable(capacity);
        ///<summary>Initialize dialog's widgets by private section of the configuration file</summary>
        protected override void InitializeDialog(BConfigItem configItem, string wayInXml)
            base.InitializeDialog(configItem, wayInXml);

              Label tabLabel = new Label("Libbeline");
              // add hint to created fold
              tooltips.SetTip(tabLabel, "Konfigurace knihovny libbeline", "Konfigurace knihovny libbeline");

              VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 4);

              //*** subtree limits
              Label headingLabel = new Label();
              headingLabel.Markup = "<b>Limity</b>";
              headingLabel.Xalign = 0.0f;
              headingLabel.Xpad = 10; headingLabel.Ypad = 3;
              vbox.PackStart(headingLabel, false, false, 6);

              string timeoutValue = configItem["/beline/conf/global/limit[@defaulttimeout]"].ToString();
              AddIntItem(vbox, "Timeout [s]", timeoutValue, "Defaultní timeout pro moduly", "60",
            "600", "10", "/beline/conf/global/limit[@defaulttimeout]");

              //*** subtree paths
              headingLabel = new Label();
              headingLabel.Markup = "<b>Cesty</b>";
              headingLabel.Xalign = 0.0f;
              headingLabel.Xpad = 10; headingLabel.Ypad = 3;
              vbox.PackStart(headingLabel, false, false, 6);

              // templates
              string templatesValue = configItem["/beline/conf/global/paths[@templates]"].ToString();
              AddStringItem(vbox, "Šablony", templatesValue, "Cesta k šablonám zpráv",
              // fifos
              string fifosValue = configItem["/beline/conf/global/paths[@fifos]"].ToString();
              AddStringItem(vbox, "Dočasný adresář", fifosValue,
            "Celá cesta k temp adresáři, ve kterém je možné odkládat dočasné soubory",

              // add new tab to the notebook
              nbProperties.AppendPage(vbox, tabLabel);
        /// Initialize an instance of BSlaveServiceManager
        /// <param name="projectName">This name is used when searching a project's configuration file. Must be same as the name of the configuration file.</param>
        private BSlaveServiceManager(string projectName)
            observers = new ArrayList();

            // intialize configuration of this module (module should read this configuration)
            moduleConfiguration = BConfigManager.GetInstance().LoadModuleConfig(
              System.IO.Path.Combine(BConfigManager.GlobalModulesPath, projectName + ".conf"));
              System.IO.Path.Combine(BConfigManager.LocalModulesPath, projectName + ".conf"));

            // don't know far end's PID so send 0 to search for
            busManager = BBusManagerFactory.CreateBusManager(null);
              catch (Exception e)
              { // log all top level errors
Пример #5
        /// Go throught all widgets and save changes made by user back to the config item
        /// and then call SaveConfigToFile to default configuration file
        /// <param name="configItem">The configuration object whose information should be saved</param>
        protected virtual void Save(BConfigItem configItem)
            foreach (Widget folderWidget in nbProperties.AllChildren)
              {// go through all tabs (there are stored VBoxs with tab contain and Labels with tab name)
            Gtk.VBox tmpVBox = folderWidget as Gtk.VBox;
            if (tmpVBox == null) continue;   // skip labels
            foreach (Widget propertyWidget in tmpVBox.AllChildren)
              { // go through all headers
            Gtk.HBox tmpHBox = propertyWidget as Gtk.HBox;
            if (tmpHBox == null) continue;   // skip headings

            foreach (Widget item in tmpHBox.AllChildren)
              if (item.Name.Substring(0,4) == "item")
                string [] property = (string[])properties[item.Name];
                if (item.GetType() == typeof(Gtk.Entry))
                  configItem.SetAttribute(property[0], property[1], ((Gtk.Entry)item).Text);
                else if (item.GetType() == typeof(Gtk.SpinButton))
                  configItem.SetAttribute(property[0], property[1], ((Gtk.SpinButton)item).Value.ToString());
                else if (item.GetType() == typeof(Gtk.CheckButton))
                  configItem.SetAttribute(property[0], property[1], ((Gtk.CheckButton)item).Active.ToString());
                else if (item.GetType() == typeof(Gtk.ComboBox))
                  configItem.SetAttribute(property[0], property[1], ((Gtk.ComboBox)item).Active.ToString());

              // save to ~/.beline/messages config file
Пример #6
        ///<summary>Initialize dialog's widgets by private section of the configuration file</summary>
        ///<param name="configItem">The peice of configuration (global, module etc.) that should be dispalyed</param>
        ///<param name="wayInXml">Way to the root element of custom configuration in configItem</param>
        protected virtual void InitializeDialog(BConfigItem configItem, string wayInXml)
            // create notebook tabs with items
              XmlNode configure = configItem.GetXmlNode(wayInXml);

              if (configure == null)
              { // no private configuration => nothing to build

              // go throught all folds
              foreach (XmlNode fold in configure.ChildNodes)
            // skip non-valid elements
            if (fold.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || fold.LocalName != "fold") continue;
            XmlElement foldElement = (XmlElement)fold;
            string foldLabel = foldElement.GetAttribute("label");
            string foldHint = foldElement.GetAttribute("hint");

            if (wayInXml.LastIndexOf("/fold") == -1)
              wayInXml += "/fold[@text='" + foldLabel + "']";
              wayInXml = wayInXml.Substring(0, wayInXml.LastIndexOf("/fold")) + "/fold[@text='" + foldLabel + "']";

            Label tabLabel = new Label(foldLabel);
            VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 4);

            // add hint to created fold
            tooltips.SetTip(tabLabel , foldHint, foldHint);

            // go throught all chapters in one fold
            foreach (XmlNode heading in fold.ChildNodes)
              // skip non-valid elements
              if (heading.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || heading.LocalName != "heading") continue;
              XmlElement headingElement = (XmlElement)heading;
              string headingText = headingElement.GetAttribute("text");
              if (wayInXml.LastIndexOf("/heading") == -1)
            // this is first iteration of loop, so no heading in string
            wayInXml += "/heading[@text='" + headingText + "']";
            // this is another iteration of loop, so I must cut heading from prevoius iteration and then append new
            wayInXml = wayInXml.Substring(0, wayInXml.LastIndexOf("/heading")) + "/heading[@text='" + headingText + "']";

              Label headingLabel = new Label();
              headingLabel.Markup = "<b>" + headingText + "</b>";
              headingLabel.Xalign = 0.0f;
              headingLabel.Xpad = 10; headingLabel.Ypad = 3;
              vbox.PackStart(headingLabel, false, false, 6);
              // go throught all properties in one section
              foreach (XmlNode property in heading.ChildNodes)
            // skip non-valid elements
            if (property.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || property.LocalName != "bcfgitem") continue;
            // to get attributes cast to XmlElement
            XmlElement propertyElement = (XmlElement)property;
            // read info from attributes
            string propertyLabel = propertyElement.GetAttribute("label");
            string propertyHint = propertyElement.GetAttribute("hint");
            if (wayInXml.LastIndexOf("/bcfgitem") == -1)
              // this is first iteration of loop, so no bcfgitem in string
              wayInXml += "/bcfgitem[@label='" + propertyLabel + "']";
              // this is another iteration of loop, so I must cut bcfgitem from prevoius iteration and then append new
              wayInXml = wayInXml.Substring(0, wayInXml.LastIndexOf("/bcfgitem")) + "/bcfgitem[@label='" + propertyLabel + "']";

            XmlElement propertyValue = (XmlElement)property.FirstChild;
            switch (propertyValue.LocalName)
              case "string":
                // store the way in Xml to this element
                wayInXml += "/string[@value]";
                AddStringItem(vbox, propertyLabel, propertyValue.GetAttribute("value"),
                  propertyHint, wayInXml);
              case "bool":
                // store the way in Xml to this element
                wayInXml += "/bool[@value]";
                AddBoolItem(vbox, propertyLabel, propertyValue.GetAttribute("value"),
                  propertyHint, wayInXml);
              case "int":
                // store the way in Xml to this element
                wayInXml += "/int[@value]";
                AddIntItem(vbox, propertyLabel, propertyValue.GetAttribute("value"),
                  propertyHint, propertyValue.GetAttribute("minimum"), propertyValue.GetAttribute("maximum"),
                  propertyValue.GetAttribute("step"), wayInXml);
              case "select":
                // store the way in Xml to this element
                wayInXml += "/select[@selected]";
                ArrayList options = new ArrayList(propertyValue.ChildNodes.Count);
                foreach (XmlElement option in propertyValue.ChildNodes)
                { // prepair array for an AddComboItem method
                  XmlElement optionElement = (XmlElement)option;
                AddComboItem(vbox, propertyLabel, propertyValue.GetAttribute("selected"),
                  propertyHint, options, wayInXml);
            } // switch
              } // for each properties
            } // for each headings

            // add new tab to the notebook
            nbProperties.AppendPage(vbox, tabLabel);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>Load new module's configuration from global and then from local config file</summary>
        public BConfigItem LoadModuleConfig(string aFileName)
            if (moduleConf.Count == capacity) throw new Exception("Maximum count of configuration items reached.");

              BConfigItem retval = new BConfigItem(Path.Combine(BConfigManager.GlobalModulesPath,aFileName));
              retval.ImportConfig(Path.Combine(BConfigManager.LocalModulesPath, aFileName));
              moduleConf.Add(retval.OID, retval);

              return retval;