public static int dpixResizeImageData(this DPix dpixd, DPix dpixs) { if (null == dpixs) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpixs cannot be null."); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixResizeImageData((HandleRef)dpixd, (HandleRef)dpixs)); }
public static int dpixSetPixel(this DPix dpix, int x, int y, double val) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null."); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixSetPixel((HandleRef)dpix, x, y, val)); }
public static int dpixChangeRefcount(this DPix dpix, int delta) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null."); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixChangeRefcount((HandleRef)dpix, delta)); }
public static int dpixSetAllArbitrary(this DPix dpix, double inval) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null"); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixSetAllArbitrary((HandleRef)dpix, inval)); }
public static int dpixSetWpl(this DPix dpix, int wpl) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null."); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixSetWpl((HandleRef)dpix, wpl)); }
public static int dpixGetMax(this DPix dpix, out double pmaxval, out int pxmaxloc, out int pymaxloc) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null"); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixGetMax((HandleRef)dpix, out pmaxval, out pxmaxloc, out pymaxloc)); }
public static IntPtr dpixGetData(this DPix dpix) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null."); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixGetData((HandleRef)dpix)); }
public static int dpixAddMultConstant(this DPix dpix, double addc, double multc) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null"); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixAddMultConstant((HandleRef)dpix, addc, multc)); }
public static int dpixSetResolution(this DPix dpix, int xres, int yres) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null."); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixSetResolution((HandleRef)dpix, xres, yres)); }
// DPix accessors public static int dpixGetDimensions(this DPix dpix, out int pw, out int ph) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fpix cannot be null."); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixGetDimensions((HandleRef)dpix, out pw, out ph)); }
public static int dpixWriteStream(IntPtr fp, DPix dpix) { if (IntPtr.Zero == fp || null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fp, boxa cannot be null"); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixWriteStream(fp, (HandleRef)dpix)); }
public static int dpixCopyResolution(this DPix dpixd, DPix dpixs) { if (null == dpixd || null == dpixs) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpixs, dpixd cannot be null."); } return(Native.DllImports.fpixCopyResolution((HandleRef)dpixd, (HandleRef)dpixs)); }
public static int dpixWriteMem(out IntPtr pdata, IntPtr psize, DPix dpix) { if (IntPtr.Zero == psize || null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("psize, dpix cannot be null"); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixWriteMem(out pdata, psize, (HandleRef)dpix)); }
public static int dpixSetData(this DPix dpix, IntPtr data) { if (null == dpix || IntPtr.Zero == data) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix, data cannot be null."); } return(Native.DllImports.fpixSetData((HandleRef)dpix, data)); }
public static void dpixDestroy(this DPix pdpix) { if (null == pdpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pdpix cannot be null"); } var pointer = (IntPtr)pdpix; Native.DllImports.dpixDestroy(ref pointer); }
public static int dpixWrite(string filename, DPix dpix) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename cannot be null"); } if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null"); } return(Native.DllImports.dpixWrite(filename, (HandleRef)dpix)); }
public static Pix dpixConvertToPix(this DPix dpixs, int outdepth, int negvals, int errorflag) { if (null == dpixs) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpixs cannot be null"); } var pointer = Native.DllImports.dpixConvertToPix((HandleRef)dpixs, outdepth, negvals, errorflag); if (IntPtr.Zero == pointer) { return(null); } else { return(new Pix(pointer)); } }
public static DPix dpixScaleByInteger(this DPix dpixs, int factor) { if (null == dpixs) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpixs cannot be null"); } var pointer = Native.DllImports.dpixScaleByInteger((HandleRef)dpixs, factor); if (IntPtr.Zero == pointer) { return(null); } else { return(new DPix(pointer)); } }
public static DPix dpixClone(this DPix dpix) { if (null == dpix) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpix cannot be null."); } var pointer = Native.DllImports.dpixClone((HandleRef)dpix); if (IntPtr.Zero == pointer) { return(null); } else { return(new DPix(pointer)); } }
public static DPix dpixEndianByteSwap(this DPix dpixd, DPix dpixs) { if (null == dpixs) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpixs cannot be null"); } var pointer = Native.DllImports.dpixEndianByteSwap((HandleRef)dpixd, (HandleRef)dpixs); if (IntPtr.Zero == pointer) { return(null); } else { return(new DPix(pointer)); } }
public static DPix dpixLinearCombination(this DPix dpixd, DPix dpixs1, DPix dpixs2, float a, float b) { if (null == dpixs1 || null == dpixs2) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dpixs1, dpixs2 cannot be null"); } var pointer = Native.DllImports.dpixLinearCombination((HandleRef)dpixd, (HandleRef)dpixs1, (HandleRef)dpixs2, a, b); if (IntPtr.Zero == pointer) { return(null); } else { return(new DPix(pointer)); } }
public static int pixQuadtreeVariance(this Pix pixs, int nlevels, Pix pix_ma, DPix dpix_msa, out FPixa pfpixa_v, out FPixa pfpixa_rv) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static int pixVarianceInRectangle(this Pix pixs, HandleRef box, Pix pix_ma, DPix dpix_msa, out float pvar, out float prvar) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }