Пример #1
 public void CopyFrom(EcsComponentMask mask)
     BitsCount = mask.BitsCount;
     if (Bits.Length < BitsCount)
         Bits = new int[mask.Bits.Length];
     Array.Copy(mask.Bits, 0, Bits, 0, BitsCount);
Пример #2
 public bool IsIntersects(EcsComponentMask mask)
     if (BitsCount > 0 && mask.BitsCount > 0)
         for (var i = 0; i < BitsCount; i++)
             var bit = Bits[i];
             for (var j = 0; j < mask.BitsCount; j++)
                 if (mask.Bits[j] == bit)
Пример #3
 public bool IsEquals(EcsComponentMask mask)
     if (BitsCount != mask.BitsCount)
     for (var i = 0; i < BitsCount; i++)
         var j   = mask.BitsCount - 1;
         var bit = Bits[i];
         for (; j >= 0; j--)
             if (mask.Bits[j] == bit)
         if (j == -1)
Пример #4
        public static void Inject(EcsWorld world, IEcsSystem system)
            var worldType            = world.GetType();
            var systemType           = system.GetType();
            var ecsFilter            = typeof(EcsFilter);
            var ecsIndex             = typeof(int);
            var attrEcsWorld         = typeof(EcsWorldAttribute);
            var attrEcsFilterInclude = typeof(EcsFilterIncludeAttribute);
            var attrEcsFilterExclude = typeof(EcsFilterExcludeAttribute);
            var attrEcsIndex         = typeof(EcsIndexAttribute);

            foreach (var f in systemType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                // [EcsWorld]
                if (f.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(worldType) && !f.IsStatic && Attribute.IsDefined(f, attrEcsWorld))
                    f.SetValue(system, world);

                // [EcsFilterInclude]
                if (f.FieldType == ecsFilter && !f.IsStatic)
                    EcsComponentMask includeMask = null;
                    var standardFilterIncDefined = Attribute.IsDefined(f, attrEcsFilterInclude);
                    if (standardFilterIncDefined)
                        includeMask = new EcsComponentMask();
                        var components = ((EcsFilterIncludeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(f, attrEcsFilterInclude)).Components;
                        for (var i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)
                            includeMask.SetBit(world.GetComponentIndex(components[i]), true);
                    EcsComponentMask excludeMask = null;
                    var standardFilterExcDefined = Attribute.IsDefined(f, attrEcsFilterExclude);
                    if (standardFilterExcDefined)
                        excludeMask = new EcsComponentMask();
                        var components = ((EcsFilterExcludeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(f, attrEcsFilterExclude)).Components;
                        for (var i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)
                            excludeMask.SetBit(world.GetComponentIndex(components[i]), true);
                    if (standardFilterIncDefined && includeMask.IsEmpty())
                        throw new Exception("Include filter cant be empty at system: " + systemType.Name);
                    if (standardFilterExcDefined && excludeMask.IsEmpty())
                        throw new Exception("Exclude filter cant be empty at system: " + systemType.Name);
                    if (!standardFilterIncDefined && standardFilterExcDefined)
                        throw new Exception("EcsFilterExclude can be applied only as pair to EcsFilterInclude at system: " + systemType.Name);
                    if (includeMask != null && excludeMask != null && includeMask.IsIntersects(excludeMask))
                        throw new Exception("Exclude and include filters are intersected at system: " + systemType.Name);
                    if (standardFilterIncDefined)
                        f.SetValue(system, world.GetFilter(includeMask, excludeMask ?? new EcsComponentMask()));

                // [EcsIndex]
                if (f.FieldType == ecsIndex && !f.IsStatic && Attribute.IsDefined(f, attrEcsIndex))
                    var component = ((EcsIndexAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(f, attrEcsIndex)).Component;
                    f.SetValue(system, world.GetComponentIndex(component));