private void GradeClass() { LearnSite.BLL.Room rm = new LearnSite.BLL.Room(); LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); string Hid = tcook.Hid.ToString(); DDLgrade.DataSource = rm.GetGrade(Int32.Parse(Hid)); DDLgrade.DataTextField = "Rgrade"; DDLgrade.DataValueField = "Rgrade"; DDLgrade.DataBind(); if (Request.QueryString["Sgrade"] != null) { DDLgrade.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["Sgrade"].ToString(); } DDLgrade.Enabled = false; int Rgrade = Int32.Parse(DDLgrade.SelectedValue); DDLclass.DataSource = rm.GetLimitClass(Rgrade); DDLclass.DataTextField = "Rclass"; DDLclass.DataValueField = "Rclass"; DDLclass.DataBind(); if (Request.QueryString["Sclass"] != null) { DDLclass.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["Sclass"].ToString(); } DDLclass.Enabled = false; }
/// <summary> /// 登录cookie设置和跳转 /// </summary> /// <param name="Tmodel"></param> /// <param name="aaaastr"></param> private void cookieJump(LearnSite.Model.Teacher Tmodel, string aaaastr) { bool hpermiss = Tmodel.Hpermiss; if (LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.SetTMCookies(Tmodel, hpermiss)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200);//设置cookies后,延时200毫秒 if (Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.teaCookieNname] != null) { LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); Session[tcook.Hid.ToString() + aaaastr] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Response.Redirect("~/Teacher/infomation.aspx", false); } else { if (Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.mngCookieNname] != null) { Response.Redirect("~/Manager/index.aspx", false); } else { string msg = "本机cookies设置失效,无法登录!"; Labelmsg.Text = msg; } } } }
protected void Btnedit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fckstr = mcontent.InnerText; if (fckstr != "") { if (Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.teaCookieNname] != null) { string Mcidstr = Request.QueryString["Cid"].ToString(); int myCid = Int32.Parse(Mcidstr); LearnSite.Model.Courses course = new LearnSite.Model.Courses(); course.Cid = myCid; course.Ctitle = Texttitle.Text.Trim(); course.Cclass = DDLclass.SelectedValue; course.Ccontent = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(fckstr); course.Cdate = DateTime.Now; course.Cks = Int32.Parse(DDLCks.SelectedValue); course.Cobj = Int32.Parse(DDLcobj.SelectedValue); course.Cterm = Int32.Parse(DDLCterm.SelectedValue); LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); course.Chid = tcook.Hid; course.Cpublish = CheckPublish.Checked; LearnSite.BLL.Courses coursebll = new LearnSite.BLL.Courses(); coursebll.UpdateCourse(course); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); string msg = "更新学案内容成功!"; LearnSite.Common.MessageBox.Alert(msg, this.Page); string url = "~/Teacher/courseshow.aspx?Cid=" + myCid.ToString(); Response.Redirect(url, false); } } }
private void EditSoft() { if (Texttitle.Text != "" && ddlcategory.SelectedValue != "") { LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); string Fhid = tcook.Hid.ToString(); LearnSite.Model.Soft soft = new LearnSite.Model.Soft(); string fid = Request.QueryString["Fid"].ToString(); soft.Fid = Int32.Parse(fid); string fclass = DDLclass.SelectedValue; soft.Fclass = fclass; soft.Fup = false; if (fclass == "教程" || fclass == "微课" || fclass == "课程") { soft.Fup = true; } soft.Fcontent = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(mcontent.InnerText); soft.Fdate = DateTime.Now; soft.Fhit = Int32.Parse(LabelFhit.Text); soft.Ftitle = Texttitle.Text.Trim(); soft.Ffiletype = LabelFfiletype.Text; soft.Furl = Linkold.CommandArgument; soft.Fhide = CheckBoxFhide.Checked; soft.Fopen = Int32.Parse(DDLopen.SelectedValue); soft.Fyid = Int32.Parse(ddlcategory.SelectedValue); if (!CheckBoxFhid.Checked) { soft.Fhid = Int32.Parse(Fhid); } else { soft.Fhid = -1; } if (soft.Ftitle != "" && soft.Fcontent != "") { if (FUsoft.PostedFile.FileName != "") { string uploadfile = FUsoft.PostedFile.FileName; soft.Ffiletype = uploadfile.Substring(uploadfile.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); soft.Furl = LearnSite.Common.Fileupload.Fupload(FUsoft); } LearnSite.BLL.Soft bll = new LearnSite.BLL.Soft(); bll.Update(soft); Labelmsg.Text = "修改资源成功!"; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); string url = "~/Teacher/softview.aspx?Fid=" + fid; Response.Redirect(url, false); } else { Labelmsg.Text = "清添加资源内容介绍!"; } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "请添加资源标题!"; } }
private void ShowMgid() { LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); int hid = tcook.Hid; LearnSite.BLL.Gauge gbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Gauge(); DDLMgid.DataSource = gbll.GetListGauge(hid); DDLMgid.DataTextField = "Gtitle"; DDLMgid.DataValueField = "Gid"; DDLMgid.DataBind(); }
protected void ButtonDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.Cookies[LearnSite.Common.CookieHelp.teaCookieNname] != null) { int Cid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Cid"].ToString()); LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); int Chid = tcook.Hid; LearnSite.BLL.Courses coursebll = new LearnSite.BLL.Courses(); coursebll.DeleteCourse(Cid, Chid); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); Response.Redirect("~/Teacher/course.aspx", false); } }
private void ListTypeChinese() { LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); string Hid = tcook.Hid.ToString(); if (Session[Hid + "ChinesePageIndex"] != null) { GVType.PageIndex = Int32.Parse(Session[Hid + "ChinesePageIndex"].ToString()); } LearnSite.BLL.Chinese bll = new LearnSite.BLL.Chinese(); GVType.DataSource = bll.GetListTitle(); GVType.DataBind(); }
protected void Btnadd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fckstr = Request.Form["textareaItem"].Trim(); if (Texttitle.Text != "" && fckstr != "") { if (Request.QueryString["Mcid"] != null) { LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); string hidstr = tcook.Hid.ToString(); //string serverUrl = LearnSite.Common.WordProcess.ServerUrl(); //fckstr = fckstr.Replace(serverUrl, ""); int Mcid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Mcid"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.TopicDiscuss bll = new LearnSite.BLL.TopicDiscuss(); LearnSite.Model.TopicDiscuss model = new LearnSite.Model.TopicDiscuss(); model.Tcid = Mcid; model.Ttitle = Texttitle.Text.Trim(); model.Tcontent = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(fckstr); model.Tcount = 0; model.Tteacher = Int32.Parse(hidstr); model.Tdate = DateTime.Now; model.Tclose = CheckPublish.Checked; model.Tresult = ""; int tid = bll.Add(model); LearnSite.Model.ListMenu lmodel = new LearnSite.Model.ListMenu(); LearnSite.BLL.ListMenu lbll = new LearnSite.BLL.ListMenu(); lmodel.Lcid = Mcid; lmodel.Lshow = true; lmodel.Lsort = lbll.GetMaxLsort(Mcid) + 1; lmodel.Ltitle = Texttitle.Text.Trim(); lmodel.Ltype = 3; lmodel.Lxid = tid; lbll.Add(lmodel); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); //Labelmsg.Text = "添加主题讨论成功"; string url = "~/Teacher/courseshow.aspx?Cid=" + Mcid.ToString(); Response.Redirect(url, false); } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "内容及标题不能为空!"; } }
protected void Btnadd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["Cid"] != null) { string Fcid = Request.QueryString["Cid"].ToString(); string Fcontent = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Request.Form["textareaItem"].Trim()); Labelmsg.Text = "添加反思成功"; LearnSite.Model.Flection flection = new LearnSite.Model.Flection(); flection.Fcontent = Fcontent; flection.Fdate = DateTime.Now; LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); flection.Fhid = tcook.Hid; flection.Fcid = Int32.Parse(Fcid); LearnSite.BLL.Flection flectionbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Flection(); flectionbll.Add(flection); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); string url = "~/Lessons/thinkshow.aspx?Cid=" + Int32.Parse(Fcid); Response.Redirect(url, false); } }
private void ShowCid() { LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); int Hid = tcook.Hid; LabelGradeClass.Text = Request.QueryString["wGrade"].ToString() + "年级" + Request.QueryString["wClass"].ToString() + "班"; int Sgrade = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["wGrade"].ToString()); int Sclass = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["wClass"].ToString()); string myCid = Request.QueryString["wCid"].ToString();//直接url传递 string cterm = LearnSite.Common.XmlHelp.GetTerm(); LearnSite.BLL.Courses cbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Courses(); DDLCid.DataSource = cbll.ShowCidCtitle(Hid, Sgrade, Int32.Parse(cterm)); DDLCid.DataTextField = "Ctitle"; DDLCid.DataValueField = "Cid"; DDLCid.DataBind(); if (myCid != "") { DDLCid.SelectedValue = myCid;//设置为自动获取的今天本班学案Cid } }
protected void Btnedit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["Tcid"] != null) { string fckstr = mcontent.InnerText; if (Texttitle.Text != "" && fckstr != "") { LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); string hidstr = tcook.Hid.ToString(); int Tcid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Tcid"].ToString()); int Tid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Tid"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.TopicDiscuss bll = new LearnSite.BLL.TopicDiscuss(); string Ttitle = Texttitle.Text.Trim(); string Tcontent = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(fckstr); bool Tclose = CheckClose.Checked; bll.UpdateTopic(Tid, Ttitle, Tcontent, Tclose); LearnSite.Model.ListMenu lmodel = new LearnSite.Model.ListMenu(); LearnSite.BLL.ListMenu lbll = new LearnSite.BLL.ListMenu(); lmodel.Lcid = Tcid; lmodel.Lxid = Tid; lmodel.Ltype = 3; lmodel.Ltitle = Texttitle.Text.Trim(); lbll.UpdateLtitle(lmodel); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); string url = "~/Teacher/topicshow.aspx?Tid=" + Tid; Response.Redirect(url, false); } else { Labelmsg.Text = "内容及标题不能为空!"; } } }
protected void GVType_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { GridView theGrid = sender as GridView; // refer to the GridView int newPageIndex = 0; if (-2 == e.NewPageIndex) { // when click the "GO" Button TextBox txtNewPageIndex = null; GridViewRow pagerRow = theGrid.BottomPagerRow; if (null != pagerRow) { txtNewPageIndex = pagerRow.FindControl("txtNewPageIndex") as TextBox; // refer to the TextBox with the NewPageIndex value } if (null != txtNewPageIndex) { newPageIndex = int.Parse(txtNewPageIndex.Text) - 1; // get the NewPageIndex } } else { // when click the first, last, previous and next Button newPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; } // check to prevent form the NewPageIndex out of the range newPageIndex = newPageIndex < 0 ? 0 : newPageIndex; newPageIndex = newPageIndex >= theGrid.PageCount ? theGrid.PageCount - 1 : newPageIndex; theGrid.PageIndex = newPageIndex; LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); string Hid = tcook.Hid.ToString(); Session[Hid + "ChinesePageIndex"] = newPageIndex; ListTypeChinese(); }
protected void Btnadd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fckstr = mcontent.InnerText; if (Texttitle.Text != "" && fckstr != "") { if (Request.QueryString["Cid"] != null) { LearnSite.Model.TeaCook tcook = new LearnSite.Model.TeaCook(); string hidstr = tcook.Hid.ToString(); int Vcid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Cid"].ToString()); LearnSite.BLL.Survey vbll = new LearnSite.BLL.Survey(); LearnSite.Model.Survey vmodel = new LearnSite.Model.Survey(); vmodel.Vcid = Vcid; vmodel.Vclose = CheckClose.Checked; vmodel.Vcontent = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(fckstr); vmodel.Vdate = DateTime.Now; vmodel.Vhid = Int32.Parse(hidstr); bool vp = false; vmodel.Vpoint = vp; vmodel.Vtitle = Texttitle.Text.Trim(); int Vtype = Int32.Parse(DDLvtype.SelectedValue); vmodel.Vtype = Vtype; //Vcid,Vhid,Vtitle,Vcontent,Vtype,Vclose,Vpoint,Vdate string url = ""; LearnSite.Model.ListMenu lmodel = new LearnSite.Model.ListMenu(); LearnSite.BLL.ListMenu lbll = new LearnSite.BLL.ListMenu(); lmodel.Lcid = Vcid; lmodel.Lshow = true; lmodel.Lsort = lbll.GetMaxLsort(Vcid) + 1; lmodel.Ltitle = Texttitle.Text.Trim(); lmodel.Ltype = 2; if (Request.QueryString["Vid"] != null) { int vid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Vid"].ToString()); vmodel.Vid = vid; vbll.UpdateSurvey(vmodel); //更新到调查表中 lmodel.Lxid = vid; lbll.UpdateLtitle(lmodel); //更新到导航中 LearnSite.BLL.SurveyFeedback fkbll = new LearnSite.BLL.SurveyFeedback(); fkbll.UpdateFvtype(vid, Vtype); //2014-3-15修订,如果调查类型改变的话,同时也改变调查结果记录中的类型 url = "~/Survey/survey.aspx?Cid=" + Vcid + "&Vid=" + vid; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } else { int newvid = vbll.Addsurvey(vmodel); //增加到调查表中 lmodel.Lxid = newvid; lbll.Add(lmodel); //增加到导航中 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); url = "~/Survey/survey.aspx?Cid=" + Vcid + "&Vid=" + newvid; } Response.Redirect(url, false); } } else { Labelmsg.Text = "内容及标题不能为空!"; } }