         * Does an in-place rigid transformation of a Finger.
         * @param transform A LeapTransform containing the desired translation, rotation, and scale
         * to be applied to the Finger.
        public static Finger Transform(this Finger finger, LeapTransform transform)
            Bone nextBone = finger.bones[3];

            nextBone.NextJoint = transform.TransformPoint(nextBone.NextJoint);

            finger.TipPosition = nextBone.NextJoint;

            for (int i = 3; i-- != 0;)
                Bone bone = finger.bones[i];

                bone.NextJoint = nextBone.PrevJoint = transform.TransformPoint(bone.NextJoint);

                nextBone = bone;

            nextBone.PrevJoint = transform.TransformPoint(nextBone.PrevJoint);

            finger.TipVelocity           = transform.TransformVelocity(finger.TipVelocity);
            finger.Direction             = finger.bones[2].Direction;
            finger.StabilizedTipPosition = transform.TransformPoint(finger.StabilizedTipPosition);
            finger.Width  *= Math.Abs(transform.scale.x);
            finger.Length *= Math.Abs(transform.scale.z);

         * Does an in-place rigid transformation of a Bone.
         * @param transform A LeapTransform containing the desired translation, rotation, and scale
         * -    *  to be applied to the bone.
        public static Bone Transform(this Bone bone, LeapTransform transform)
            bone.PrevJoint = transform.TransformPoint(bone.PrevJoint);
            bone.NextJoint = transform.TransformPoint(bone.NextJoint);

