public static Vector3 ClampedToRect(this Vector3 worldPosition, Pose rectCenterPose, float rectWidth, float rectHeight) { bool unused; return(worldPosition.ClampedToRect(rectCenterPose, rectWidth, rectHeight, out unused)); }
private void moveTarget(Pose oldPose, Pose newPose) { if (moveTransform == null) { return; } // Translate on all three axes. var translation = newPose.position - oldPose.position; // Rotate only around world up. var rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis( maxAbs( // Take the max of two in case angle is degenerate for one. Vector3.SignedAngle( oldPose.rotation * Vector3.forward, newPose.rotation * Vector3.forward, Vector3.up ), Vector3.SignedAngle( oldPose.rotation * Vector3.up, newPose.rotation * Vector3.up, Vector3.up ) ) * rotationMult, Vector3.up ); var origPose = moveTransform.ToPose(); var movedPose = origPose + new Pose(translation, rotation); moveTransform.position = movedPose.position; moveTransform.rotation = movedPose.rotation; }
public void MoveSelfToPanel() { var panelPose = new Pose(panelTransform.position, panelTransform.rotation); this.transform.SetWorldPose(panelPose); panelTransform.SetWorldPose(panelPose); }
public void MoveSelfToBall() { var ballPose = new Pose(ballTransform.position, ballTransform.rotation); this.transform.SetWorldPose(ballPose); ballTransform.SetWorldPose(ballPose); }
public void MoveTo(Transform t) { Pose followingPose = t.ToWorldPose(); this.transform.SetWorldPose(followingPose); t.SetWorldPose(followingPose); }
public static Vector3 ClampedToPlane(this Vector3 worldPosition, Pose planePose) { var localSpacePoint = worldPosition.From(planePose).position; var localSpaceOnPlane = new Vector3(localSpacePoint.x, localSpacePoint.y, 0f); return((planePose * localSpaceOnPlane).position); }
public static Pose Integrated(this Pose thisPose, Movement movement, float deltaTime) { thisPose.position = movement.velocity * deltaTime + thisPose.position; if (movement.angularVelocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.00001f) { var angVelMag = movement.angularVelocity.magnitude; thisPose.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angVelMag * deltaTime, movement.angularVelocity / angVelMag) * thisPose.rotation; } return(thisPose); }
public static Vector3 ClampedToRect(this Vector3 worldPosition, Pose rectCenterPose, float rectWidth, float rectHeight, out bool isProjectionWithinRect) { var localSpacePoint = worldPosition.From(rectCenterPose).position; var localSpaceOnPlane = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(localSpacePoint.x, -rectWidth, rectWidth), Mathf.Clamp(localSpacePoint.y, -rectHeight, rectHeight), 0f); isProjectionWithinRect = Mathf.Abs(localSpacePoint.x) <= rectWidth; isProjectionWithinRect &= Mathf.Abs(localSpacePoint.y) <= rectHeight; return((rectCenterPose * localSpaceOnPlane).position); }
public static Vector3 ClampedToRect(this Vector3 worldPosition, Pose rectCenterPose, float rectWidth, float rectHeight, out float sqrDistToRect, out bool isProjectionInRect) { var localSpacePoint = worldPosition.From(rectCenterPose).position; isProjectionInRect = Mathf.Abs(localSpacePoint.x) <= rectWidth / 2f; isProjectionInRect &= Mathf.Abs(localSpacePoint.y) <= rectHeight / 2f; var localSpaceOnPlane = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(localSpacePoint.x, -rectWidth / 2f, rectWidth / 2f), Mathf.Clamp(localSpacePoint.y, -rectHeight / 2f, rectHeight / 2f), 0f); var positionOnRect = (rectCenterPose * localSpaceOnPlane).position; sqrDistToRect = (positionOnRect - worldPosition).sqrMagnitude; return(positionOnRect); }
public static void DrawPose(this RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer, Pose pose, float radius = 0.10f, bool drawCube = false) { drawer.PushMatrix(); drawer.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(pose.position, pose.rotation,; var origColor = drawer.color; //drawer.DrawWireSphere(, radius); if (drawCube) { drawer.DrawCube(, * radius * 0.3f); } drawer.DrawPosition(, radius * 2); drawer.color = origColor; drawer.PopMatrix(); }
/// <summary> /// Calls body.MovePosition() and body.MoveRotation() using the argument Pose. /// </summary> public static void MovePose(this Rigidbody body, Pose pose) { body.MovePosition(pose.position); body.MoveRotation(pose.rotation); }
/// <summary> /// Sets body.position and body.rotation using the argument Pose. /// </summary> public static void SetPose(this Rigidbody body, Pose pose) { body.position = pose.position; body.rotation = pose.rotation; }
public static Vector3 GetLocalPlanePosition(this Vector3 worldPosition, Pose planePose) { var localSpacePoint = worldPosition.From(planePose).position; return(localSpacePoint); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void Enable() { base.Enable(); if (leapControllerOrientation == LeapControllerOrientation.Headset) { // If the leap controller is mounted on a headset then add the LeapXRServiceProvider to the scene // The LeapXRServiceProvider can only be attached to a camera LeapMotionServiceProvider = CameraCache.Main.gameObject.AddComponent <LeapXRServiceProvider>(); //If northstar driver is installed, we need to get the LeapOffset values from the .vrsettings file //LeapMotionServiceProvider.GetComponent<LeapXRServiceProvider>().deviceOffsetMode = Leap.Unity.LeapXRServiceProvider.DeviceOffsetMode.Transform; //private Transform LeapOrigin = GetLeapOffset(); //LeapMotionServiceProvider.GetComponent<LeapXRServiceProvider>().deviceOrigin = LeapOrigin //private Transform LeapOrigin = 0; //C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\northstar\resources\settings\default.vrsettings string path = @"c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\northstar\resources\settings\default.vrsettings"; //path = ""; if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { //Check if we have a valid calibration to read Debug.Log(path + "exists"); //Create game object to apply sensor offset GameObject leapProvider = new GameObject("LeapProvider"); //Read in data from calibration file string headsetsettings = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); Debug.Log(headsetsettings); //Parse data Calibration headset = JsonUtility.FromJson <Calibration>(headsetsettings); Leaptrackerodometryorigin leapoffset = headset.leapTrackerOdometryOrigin; Debug.Log("headset : --" + headset.leapTrackerOdometryOrigin); Vector3 leapposition = new Vector3(leapoffset.position_x, leapoffset.position_y, leapoffset.position_z); Quaternion leaprotation = new Quaternion(leapoffset.rotation_x, leapoffset.rotation_y, leapoffset.rotation_z, leapoffset.rotation_w); //Apply leap offset Leap.Unity.Pose pose = new Leap.Unity.Pose(leapposition, leaprotation); leapProvider.transform.SetLocalPose(pose); LeapMotionServiceProvider.GetComponent <LeapXRServiceProvider>().deviceOrigin = leapProvider.transform; LeapMotionServiceProvider.GetComponent <LeapXRServiceProvider>().deviceOffsetMode = Leap.Unity.LeapXRServiceProvider.DeviceOffsetMode.Transform; Debug.Log("Applied Leap Offset from North Star vrsettings"); } else { Debug.Log(path + " not found, setting default Leap Offset"); LeapMotionServiceProvider = CameraCache.Main.gameObject.AddComponent <LeapXRServiceProvider>(); } } if (leapControllerOrientation == LeapControllerOrientation.Desk) { // Create a separate gameobject if the leap controller is on the desk GameObject leapProvider = new GameObject("LeapProvider"); // The LeapServiceProvider does not need to be attached to a camera, but the location of this gameobject is the anchor for the desk hands LeapMotionServiceProvider = leapProvider.AddComponent <LeapServiceProvider>(); // Follow the transform of the main camera by adding the service provider as a child of the main camera leapProvider.transform.parent = CameraCache.Main.transform; // Apply hand position offset, an offset is required to render the hands in view and in front of the camera LeapMotionServiceProvider.transform.position += leapHandsOffset; } // Add the attachment hands to the scene for the purpose of getting the tracking state of each hand and joint positions GameObject leapAttachmentHandsGameObject = new GameObject("LeapAttachmentHands"); leapAttachmentHands = leapAttachmentHandsGameObject.AddComponent <AttachmentHands>(); // The first hand in attachmentHands.attachmentHands is always left leftAttachmentHand = leapAttachmentHands.attachmentHands[0]; // The second hand in attachmentHands.attachmentHands is always right rightAttachmentHand = leapAttachmentHands.attachmentHands[1]; // Enable all attachment point flags in the leap hand. By default, only the wrist and the palm are enabled. foreach (TrackedHandJoint joint in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TrackedHandJoint))) { leapAttachmentHands.attachmentPoints |= LeapMotionArticulatedHand.ConvertMRTKJointToLeapJoint(joint); } }
public static void SetWorldPose(this Transform t, Pose worldPose) { t.SetPose(worldPose); }