public void OnFingerTap(Lean.LeanFinger finger)
        Vector2 referencePoint = new Vector2();

        referencePoint.x = 0.0f;
        referencePoint.y = 0.0f;
        if (finger.GetDistance(referencePoint) < 200.0)
            foreach (GameObject obj in onTapDisplays)

        // Does the prefab exist?
        if (Prefab != null)
            // Make sure the finger isn't over any GUI elements
            if (finger.IsOverGui == false)
                // Clone the prefab, and place it where the finger was tapped
                var position = finger.GetWorldPosition(50.0f);
                var rotation = Quaternion.identity;
                var clone    = (GameObject)Instantiate(Prefab, position, rotation);

                // Make sure the prefab gets destroyed after some time
                Destroy(clone, 2.0f);