void AddHostBtnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ip = PromptWindow.Prompt("Add Host", "Enter host IP address:", ""); if (ip == null) { return; } bool ok = false; while (!ok) { ok = (NetworkManager.Instance.AddHost(ip, NetworkManager.LANLINE_PORT, true) != null); if (!ok) { if (MessageBox.Show( "Could not verify that the host is alive.\n" + "Are you sure Lanline is running on it?\n\n" + "Try the same host again?", "Oops.", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) != DialogResult.Yes ) { break; } } } RefreshHostsList(); }
void SharesListDragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { DataObject dobj = e.Data as DataObject; StringCollection sc = dobj.GetFileDropList(); foreach (string s in sc) { if (Directory.Exists(s)) { string defVpath = Path.GetFileName(s.TrimEnd('\\')); string vpath = PromptWindow.Prompt( "Virtual Path", "Enter the virtual path for the new share " + s + " (or just accept the default if you feel like that)", defVpath ); if (vpath != null) { if (!ShareManager.Instance.AddPath(s, vpath)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not add the path. Duplicate vpath, maybe?"); } } } } RefreshSharesList(); }
public static String Prompt(string title, string label, string value) { PromptWindow pw = new PromptWindow(); pw.label.Text = label; pw.Text = title; pw.textBox1.Text = value; if (pw.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { return(pw.textBox1.Text); } return(null); }