public static void siteSuccession(Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.SiteCohorts siteCohorts)
            int RDflag;

            float  siteRD = SiteVars.SiteRD[siteCohorts.Site];
            double GSO1   = EcoregionData.GSO1[siteCohorts.Ecoregion];
            double GSO2   = EcoregionData.GSO2[siteCohorts.Ecoregion];
            double GSO3   = EcoregionData.GSO3[siteCohorts.Ecoregion];
            double GSO4   = EcoregionData.GSO4[siteCohorts.Ecoregion];

            if (siteRD < GSO1)
                RDflag = 0;
            else if (siteRD >= GSO1 && siteRD < GSO2)
                RDflag = 1;
            else if (siteRD >= GSO2 && siteRD <= GSO3)
                RDflag = 2;
            else if (siteRD > GSO3 && siteRD <= GSO4)
                RDflag = 3;
                Debug.Assert(siteRD > GSO4);
                RDflag = 4;

            if (0 == RDflag || 1 == RDflag || 2 == RDflag)
                //GetSeedNumberOnSite(Row, Col);

                //SeedGermination(siteptr, l, RDflag);

                NaturalMortality(siteCohorts, 1);//kill the youngest of trees
            else if (3 == RDflag)
                NaturalMortality(siteCohorts, 0);//kill all ages of trees
                NaturalMortality(siteCohorts, 0);//kill all ages of trees

                if (SiteVars.SiteRD[siteCohorts.Site] > GSO4)

        public static void Selfthinning(Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.SiteCohorts siteCohorts)
            double targetRD = SiteVars.SiteRD[siteCohorts.Site] - EcoregionData.GSO4[siteCohorts.Ecoregion];
            double qmd      = siteCohorts.siteQMD;

            float[] shadeArray = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.7f, 0.9f };
            //SortedList<double, Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.ICohort> cohortMortality = new SortedList<double, Library.DensityCohorts.ICohort>();
            SortedDictionary <int, double> cohortMortality = new SortedDictionary <int, double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < siteCohorts.AllCohorts.Count; i++)
                double reldia = siteCohorts.AllCohorts[i].Diameter / qmd;
                double mort   = (0.84525 - (0.01074 * reldia) + (0.0000002 * Math.Pow(reldia, 3))) * (1 - shadeArray[siteCohorts.AllCohorts[i].Species.ShadeTolerance]);
                cohortMortality.Add(i, mort);

            var sortedDict      = from entry in cohortMortality orderby entry.Value descending select entry;
            var sortedMortality = sortedDict.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            double countRD = targetRD;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double> item in sortedMortality)
                int   deadTrees = (int)Math.Round(item.Value * siteCohorts.AllCohorts[item.Key].Treenumber);
                float deadRD    = computeMortalityRD(siteCohorts.AllCohorts[item.Key], deadTrees);

                if (deadTrees > 0)
                    SummaryLogMortality slm = new SummaryLogMortality();

                    slm.Time           = EcoregionData.ModelCore.CurrentTime;
                    slm.SiteIndex      = siteCohorts.Site.DataIndex;
                    slm.EcoName        = siteCohorts.Ecoregion.Name;
                    slm.Species        = siteCohorts.AllCohorts[item.Key].Species.Name;
                    slm.Age            = siteCohorts.AllCohorts[item.Key].Age;
                    slm.TreeNumber     = deadTrees;
                    slm.Diameter       = Math.Round(siteCohorts.AllCohorts[item.Key].Diameter, 1);
                    slm.MortalityCause = "Competition";


                countRD -= deadRD;
                if (countRD < 0)
        // Self thinning test

        public static void SelfthinningTest(Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.SiteCohorts siteCohorts)
            double targetRD = SiteVars.SiteRD[siteCohorts.Site] - EcoregionData.GSO4[siteCohorts.Ecoregion];
            double qmd      = siteCohorts.siteQMD;

            float[] shadeArray = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.7f, 0.9f };
            //SortedList<double, Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.ICohort> cohortMortality = new SortedList<double, Library.DensityCohorts.ICohort>();
            SortedDictionary <int, double> cohortMortality = new SortedDictionary <int, double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < siteCohorts.AllCohorts.Count; i++)
                double reldia = siteCohorts.AllCohorts[i].Diameter / qmd;
                double mort   = (0.84525 - (0.01074 * reldia) + (0.0000002 * Math.Pow(reldia, 3))) * (1 - shadeArray[siteCohorts.AllCohorts[i].Species.ShadeTolerance]);
                cohortMortality.Add(i, mort);

            var sortedDict      = from entry in cohortMortality orderby entry.Value descending select entry;
            var sortedMortality = sortedDict.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            double countRD = targetRD;

            Random randomNumber = new Random();

            while (countRD > 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double> item in sortedMortality)
                    if (siteCohorts.AllCohorts[item.Key].Treenumber <= 0 || countRD <= 0)
                    if (randomNumber.NextDouble() < item.Value)
                        int   deadTrees = 1;
                        float deadRD    = computeMortalityRD(siteCohorts.AllCohorts[item.Key], deadTrees);


                        countRD -= deadRD;
Пример #4
        public static void TotalSiteRD(Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.SiteCohorts cohorts)
            float siteRD = 0;

            if (cohorts == null)
                SiteVars.SiteRD[cohorts.Site] = siteRD;
                foreach (Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.ICohort cohort in cohorts.AllCohorts)
                    double tmp_term1 = Math.Pow((cohort.Diameter / 25.4), 1.605);
                    float  tmp_term2 = 10000 / SpeciesParameters.SpeciesDensity.AllSpecies[cohort.Species.Index].MaxSDI;
                    int    tmp_term3 = cohort.Treenumber;
                    double tmp       = tmp_term1 * tmp_term2 * tmp_term3 / Math.Pow(EcoregionData.ModelCore.CellLength, 2);
                    siteRD += (float)tmp;

                SiteVars.SiteRD[cohorts.Site] = siteRD;
            //return siteRD;
        public static void NaturalMortality(Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.SiteCohorts siteCohorts, int StartAge)
            double DQ_const = 3.1415926 / (4 * 0.0002471 * Math.Pow(EcoregionData.ModelCore.CellLength, 2) * Math.Pow(30.48, 2));
            Random rand     = new Random();

            //kill all tree, else kill youngest tree
            if (StartAge == 0)
                double tmpDQ = 0;

                foreach (Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.ICohort cohort in siteCohorts.AllCohorts)
                    if (SpeciesParameters.SpeciesDensity.AllSpecies[cohort.Species.Index].SpType >= 0)
                        tmpDQ += Math.Pow(cohort.Diameter, 2) * DQ_const * cohort.Treenumber;
                foreach (Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.ICohort cohort in siteCohorts.AllCohorts)
                    if (SpeciesParameters.SpeciesDensity.AllSpecies[cohort.Species.Index].SpType >= 0)
                        double TmpMortality = Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.Cohorts.SuccessionTimeStep / 10 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(3.25309 - 0.00072647 * tmpDQ + 0.01668809 * cohort.Diameter / 2.54));
                        TmpMortality = (1.0f < TmpMortality ? 1.0f : TmpMortality);

                        double DeadTree = cohort.Treenumber * TmpMortality;

                        Debug.Assert(DeadTree <= UINT_MAX && DeadTree >= 0);

                        int DeadTreeInt = (int)DeadTree;

                        //if (DeadTree - DeadTreeInt >= 0.0001)
                        if (DeadTree > DeadTreeInt)
                            if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.1)

                        if (DeadTreeInt >= cohort.Treenumber)
                            siteCohorts.RemoveCohort((Cohort)cohort, null);
                        else if (DeadTreeInt > 0)

                        tmpDQ -= Math.Pow(cohort.Diameter, 2) * DQ_const * DeadTree;
                        cohort.ChangeTreenumber((int)Math.Pow(EcoregionData.ModelCore.CellLength, 2));
            else //kill youngest tree
                double tmpDQ = 0;

                foreach (Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.ICohort cohort in siteCohorts.AllCohorts)
                    if (SpeciesParameters.SpeciesDensity.AllSpecies[cohort.Species.Index].SpType >= 0)
                        tmpDQ += Math.Pow(cohort.Diameter, 2) * DQ_const * cohort.Treenumber;

                foreach (Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.ICohort cohort in siteCohorts.AllCohorts)
                    if (SpeciesParameters.SpeciesDensity.AllSpecies[cohort.Species.Index].SpType >= 0)
                        if (cohort.Age <= (Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.Cohorts.SuccessionTimeStep * StartAge))
                            double TmpMortality = Landis.Library.DensityCohorts.Cohorts.SuccessionTimeStep / 10 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(3.25309 - 0.00072647 * tmpDQ + 0.01668809 * cohort.Diameter / 2.54));
                            TmpMortality = (1.0f < TmpMortality ? 1.0f : TmpMortality);

                            double DeadTree = cohort.Treenumber * TmpMortality;

                            Debug.Assert(DeadTree <= UINT_MAX && DeadTree >= 0);

                            int DeadTreeInt = (int)DeadTree;

                            //if (DeadTree - DeadTreeInt >= 0.0001)
                            if (DeadTree > DeadTreeInt)
                                if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.1)

                            if (DeadTreeInt >= cohort.Treenumber)
                                siteCohorts.RemoveCohort((Cohort)cohort, null);
                            else if (DeadTreeInt > 0)

                            tmpDQ -= Math.Pow(cohort.Diameter, 2) * DQ_const * DeadTree;
                        cohort.ChangeTreenumber((int)Math.Pow(EcoregionData.ModelCore.CellLength, 2));
Пример #6

        public static void SetSiteAccessFunctions(SiteCohorts sitecohorts)
            Cohort.ecoregion = sitecohorts.Ecoregion;
        = sitecohorts.Site;