        public static void Initialize(IInputParameters parameters)
            LitterParameters = new LitterType[2];

            LitterType litterParmsSurface = new LitterType();
            LitterType litterParmsSoil    = new LitterType();

            // Structural decomposition rate, the fraction of the pool that turns over each year.
            litterParmsSurface.DecayRateStrucC = 3.9; //DEC1(1)
            litterParmsSoil.DecayRateStrucC    = 4.9; //DEC1(2)

            // Metabolic decomposition rate, the fraction of the pool that turns over each year.
            litterParmsSurface.DecayRateMetabolicC = 1.48; //DEC2(1)  //modified assuming they meant, 'percentage'
            litterParmsSoil.DecayRateMetabolicC    = 1.85; //DEC2(2)  //modified assuming they meant, 'percentage'

            // Decomposition rate of organic matter with active turnover, the fraction of the pool
            // that turns over each year (SOM1)
            litterParmsSurface.DecayRateMicrobes = 1.0; // 6.0; //DEC3(1)  set to 1.0 until meaning of 'fraction' is determined.
            litterParmsSoil.DecayRateMicrobes    = 1.0; // 7.3; //DEC3(2)

            LitterParameters[0] = litterParmsSurface;
            LitterParameters[1] = litterParmsSoil;

            CalibrateMode = parameters.CalibrateMode;
            WType         = parameters.WType;
            //ProbEstablishAdjust = parameters.ProbEstablishAdjustment;
            //FractionSOM2toCO2   = parameters.FractionSOM2toCO2;
            //FractionSOM3toCO2   = parameters.FractionSOM3toCO2;
            //DecayRateSOM2       = parameters.DecayRateSOM2;
            //DecayRateSOM3       = parameters.DecayRateSOM3;
        public static void Initialize(IInputParameters parameters)
            LitterParameters = new LitterType[2];

            LitterType litterParmsSurface = new LitterType();
            LitterType litterParmsSoil = new LitterType();

            // Structural decomposition rate, the fraction of the pool that turns over each year.
            litterParmsSurface.DecayRateStrucC = 3.9;//DEC1(1)  
            litterParmsSoil.DecayRateStrucC = 4.9; //DEC1(2)  

            // Metabolic decomposition rate, the fraction of the pool that turns over each year.
            litterParmsSurface.DecayRateMetabolicC = 1.48; //DEC2(1)  //modified assuming they meant, 'percentage'
            litterParmsSoil.DecayRateMetabolicC = 1.85; //DEC2(2)  //modified assuming they meant, 'percentage'

            // Decomposition rate of organic matter with active turnover, the fraction of the pool
            // that turns over each year (SOM1)
            litterParmsSurface.DecayRateMicrobes = 1.0; // 6.0; //DEC3(1)  set to 1.0 until meaning of 'fraction' is determined.
            litterParmsSoil.DecayRateMicrobes = 1.0; // 7.3; //DEC3(2)  

            LitterParameters[0] = litterParmsSurface;
            LitterParameters[1] = litterParmsSoil;

            CalibrateMode       = parameters.CalibrateMode;
            WType = parameters.WType;
            //ProbEstablishAdjust = parameters.ProbEstablishAdjustment;
            //FractionSOM2toCO2   = parameters.FractionSOM2toCO2;
            //FractionSOM3toCO2   = parameters.FractionSOM3toCO2;
            //DecayRateSOM2       = parameters.DecayRateSOM2;
            //DecayRateSOM3       = parameters.DecayRateSOM3;
