
        /// <summary>
        /// Grows the cohorts during spin-up
        /// Makes the set of biomass cohorts at a site based on the age cohorts
        /// at the site, using a specified method for computing a cohort's
        /// initial biomass.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ageCohorts">
        /// A sorted list of age cohorts, from oldest to youngest.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="site">
        /// Site where cohorts are located.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="initialBiomassMethod">
        /// The method for computing the initial biomass for a new cohort.
        /// </param>
        public static ISiteCohorts MakeBiomassCohorts(List <Landis.Library.AgeOnlyCohorts.ICohort> ageCohorts,
                                                      ActiveSite site,
                                                      ComputeMethod initialBiomassMethod)
            IEcoregion ecoregion = PlugIn.ModelCore.Ecoregion[site];

            //if (Climate.Spinup_AllData.Count >= ageCohorts[0].Age)
            //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("Making Biomass Cohorts using spin-up climate data");

            SiteVars.Cohorts[site] = new Library.LeafBiomassCohorts.SiteCohorts();
            if (ageCohorts.Count == 0)

            int indexNextAgeCohort = 0;

            //  The index in the list of sorted age cohorts of the next
            //  cohort to be considered

            //  Loop through time from -N to 0 where N is the oldest cohort.
            //  So we're going from the time when the oldest cohort was "born"
            //  to the present time (= 0).  Because the age of any age cohort
            //  is a multiple of the succession timestep, we go from -N to 0
            //  by that timestep.  NOTE: the case where timestep = 1 requires
            //  special treatment because if we start at time = -N with a
            //  cohort with age = 1, then at time = 0, its age will N+1 not N.
            //  Therefore, when timestep = 1, the ending time is -1.

            //int endTime = (successionTimestep == 1) ? -1 : -1;
            //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Ageing initial cohorts.  Oldest cohorts={0} yrs, succession timestep={1}, endTime={2}.", ageCohorts[0].Age, successionTimestep, endTime);
            for (int time = -(ageCohorts[0].Age); time <= -1; time += successionTimestep)
                //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Ageing initial cohorts.  Oldest cohorts={0} yrs, succession timestep={1}.", ageCohorts[0].Age, successionTimestep);
                EcoregionData.SetSingleAnnualClimate(ecoregion, time + ageCohorts[0].Age, Climate.Phase.SpinUp_Climate);     //the spinup climate array is sorted from oldest to newest years

                //  Add those cohorts that were born at the current year
                while (indexNextAgeCohort < ageCohorts.Count && ageCohorts[indexNextAgeCohort].Age == -time)
                    ISpecies species = ageCohorts[indexNextAgeCohort].Species;

                    float[] initialBiomass = initialBiomassMethod(species, SiteVars.Cohorts[site], site);

                    SiteVars.Cohorts[site].AddNewCohort(ageCohorts[indexNextAgeCohort].Species, 1,
                                                        initialBiomass[0], initialBiomass[1]);

                Main.Run(site, successionTimestep, true);

        public override void Initialize()
            PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("Initializing {0} ...", ExtensionName);
            Timestep            = parameters.Timestep;
            SuccessionTimeStep  = Timestep;
            sufficientLight     = parameters.LightClassProbabilities;
            ProbEstablishAdjust = parameters.ProbEstablishAdjustment;
            MetadataHandler.InitializeMetadata(Timestep, modelCore, SoilCarbonMapNames, SoilNitrogenMapNames, ANPPMapNames, ANEEMapNames, TotalCMapNames);
            CohortBiomass.SpinupMortalityFraction = parameters.SpinupMortalityFraction;

            //Initialize climate.
            Climate.Initialize(parameters.ClimateConfigFile, false, modelCore);
            FutureClimateBaseYear = Climate.Future_MonthlyData.Keys.Min();



            //  Cohorts must be created before the base class is initialized
            //  because the base class' reproduction module uses the core's
            //  SuccessionCohorts property in its Initialization method.
            Library.LeafBiomassCohorts.Cohorts.Initialize(Timestep, new CohortBiomass());

            // Initialize Reproduction routines:
            Reproduction.SufficientResources = SufficientLight;
            Reproduction.Establish           = Establish;
            Reproduction.AddNewCohort        = AddNewCohort;
            Reproduction.MaturePresent       = MaturePresent;
            base.Initialize(modelCore, parameters.SeedAlgorithm);


            Landis.Library.BiomassCohorts.Cohort.DeathEvent            += CohortDied;
            Landis.Library.LeafBiomassCohorts.Cohort.PartialDeathEvent += CohortPartialMortality;

            InitializeSites(parameters.InitialCommunities, parameters.InitialCommunitiesMap, modelCore); //the spinup is heppend within this fucntion
            if (parameters.CalibrateMode)
