private void processInsertions(ref string ret, HttpSessionData sessionData)
            // <ISSID> to a hidden input containing the SSID
            ret = ret.Replace("<ISSID>", "<input type='hidden' name='ssid' value='" + sessionData.Ssid + "'>");

            // <SSID> to the SSID
            ret = ret.Replace("<SSID>", sessionData.Ssid);

            // <HREF(xyz)> to a link to xyz containing the SSID
            for (int i = 2; i < ret.Length - 9; i++)
                if (ret[i - 2] == '<' && ret[i - 1] == 'a' && ret.Substring(i, 6) == " HREF(")
                    for (int j = i + 7; j < ret.Length - 1; j++)
                        if (ret[j] == ')')
                            string href = ret.Substring(i + 6, (j + 1) - i - 7);
                            ret = ret.Remove(i, (j + 1) - i);
                            ret = ret.Insert(i, " href=\"#\" onclick=\"var f=document.createElement('form');f.setAttribute('method','POST');f.setAttribute('action','" + href +
                                             "');f.setAttribute('enctype','application/x-www-form-urlencoded');var i=document.createElement('input');i.setAttribute('type','hidden');i.setAttribute('name','ssid');i.setAttribute('value','" + sessionData.Ssid +

                            i = j + 1;
        private string GetContents(HttpSessionData sessionData)
            string ret = "";

                ret = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(File);

                ProcessData(((HttpSessionData)sessionData), ref ret);

                if (ReplaceHrefs)
                    ProcessHrefs(ref ret, ((HttpSessionData)sessionData));

                processInsertions(ref ret, ((HttpSessionData)sessionData));
            catch (Exception e)
                ret = Master.GetErrorMsg("Exception in PageFiller '" + URL + "'", "<b>An Error occured while processing the output</b><br>" + e.SafeToString());

 /// <summary>
 /// the method which is called when the response is requested for this page
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sessionData">the current sessionData</param>
 /// <param name="output">the page to return</param>
 public abstract void ProcessData(HttpSessionData sessionData, ref string output);
        private void ProcessHrefs(ref string ret, HttpSessionData sessionData)
            // href="#" untouched
            // href="somelink.html?123=bla" even with onclick="xyz" will contain the ssid in post

            for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length - 1; i++)
                if ((ret[i] == '<' && ret[i + 1] == 'a') || (i > 5 && ret.Substring(i - 6, 7) == "<button"))
                    int  state = 0;
                    int  hrefPos = -1, onclickPos = -1;
                    int  linkStartPos = -1, onclickStartPos = -1;
                    int  linkEndPos = -1, onclickEndPos = -1;
                    char stringEndChar = '\0';

                    // search for href
                    for (int j = i + 3; j < ret.Length - 5; j++)
                        if (state == 0 && j < ret.Length - 5 && ret.Substring(j, 4) == "href" && hrefPos == -1)
                            j      += 3;
                            hrefPos = j;
                            state   = 1;
                        else if (state == 1 && ret[j] == '=')
                            state = 2;
                        else if (state == 2 && (ret[j] == '\'' || ret[j] == '\"'))
                            state         = 3;
                            stringEndChar = ret[j];
                            linkStartPos  = j + 1;

                            if (j + 1 < ret.Length && ret[j + 1] == '#')
                                goto CONTINUE_SEARCH_FOR_LINK_TAG;

                        else if (state == 3 && j > linkStartPos + 1 && ret[j] == stringEndChar)
                            state      = 0;
                            linkEndPos = j - 1;
                        else if (state == 0 && j < ret.Length - 5 && ret.Substring(j, 7) == "onclick" && onclickPos == -1)
                            state = -1;
                            j    += 6;
                        else if (state == -1 && ret[j] == '=')
                            state = -2;
                        else if (state == -2 && (ret[j] == '\'' || ret[j] == '\"'))
                            stringEndChar   = ret[j];
                            state           = -3;
                            onclickStartPos = j + 1;
                        else if (state == -3 && ret[j] == stringEndChar)
                            onclickEndPos = j - 1;
                            state         = 0;
                        else if (ret[j] == '>')
                            if (linkStartPos > -1 && linkEndPos > -1)
                                ret = ret.Remove(linkStartPos - 1, 1);
                                ret = ret.Insert(linkStartPos - 1, "\"");

                                ret = ret.Remove(linkEndPos + 1, 1);
                                ret = ret.Insert(linkEndPos + 1, "\"");

                                if (onclickStartPos > -1 && onclickEndPos > -1)
                                    ret = ret.Remove(onclickStartPos - 1, 1);
                                    ret = ret.Insert(onclickStartPos - 1, "\"");

                                    ret = ret.Remove(onclickEndPos + 1, 1);
                                    ret = ret.Insert(onclickEndPos + 1, "\"");

                                    string hash = SessionContainer.GenerateUnusedHash();
                                    string add  = ";var f_"
                                                  + hash + "=document.createElement('form');f_"
                                                  + hash + ".setAttribute('method','POST');f_"
                                                  + hash + ".setAttribute('action','"
                                                  + ret.Substring(linkStartPos, linkEndPos - linkStartPos + 1) + "');f_"
                                                  + hash + ".setAttribute('enctype','application/x-www-form-urlencoded');var i_"
                                                  + hash + "=document.createElement('input');i_"
                                                  + hash + ".setAttribute('type','hidden');i_"
                                                  + hash + ".setAttribute('name','ssid');i_"
                                                  + hash + ".setAttribute('value','"
                                                  + sessionData.Ssid + "');f_"
                                                  + hash + ".appendChild(i_"
                                                  + hash + ");document.body.appendChild(f_"
                                                  + hash + ");f_"
                                                  + hash + ".submit();document.body.remove(f_"
                                                  + hash + ");";

                                    if (onclickStartPos > linkStartPos)
                                        ret = ret.Insert(onclickEndPos + 1, add);
                                        j  += add.Length;

                                        ret = ret.Remove(linkStartPos, linkEndPos - linkStartPos + 1);
                                        ret = ret.Insert(linkStartPos, "#");
                                        j  -= (linkEndPos - 1);
                                        ret = ret.Remove(linkStartPos, linkEndPos - linkStartPos + 1);
                                        ret = ret.Insert(linkStartPos, "#");
                                        j  -= (linkEndPos - 1);

                                        ret = ret.Insert(onclickEndPos + 1, add);
                                        j  += add.Length;
                                    string add = "#\" onclick =\"var f=document.createElement('form');f.setAttribute('method','POST');f.setAttribute('action','"
                                                 + ret.Substring(linkStartPos, linkEndPos - linkStartPos + 1)
                                                 + "');f.setAttribute('enctype','application/x-www-form-urlencoded');var i=document.createElement('input');i.setAttribute('type','hidden');i.setAttribute('name','ssid');i.setAttribute('value','"
                                                 + sessionData.Ssid
                                                 + "');f.appendChild(i);document.body.appendChild(f);f.submit();document.body.remove(f);";

                                    ret = ret.Remove(linkStartPos, linkEndPos - linkStartPos + 1);
                                    j  -= linkEndPos;
                                    ret = ret.Insert(linkStartPos, add);
                                    j  += add.Length;

                            i = j;
                            goto CONTINUE_SEARCH_FOR_LINK_TAG;
                    CONTINUE_SEARCH_FOR_LINK_TAG :;