Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// The main entry point for the application.
 /// </summary>
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (Game1 game = new Game1())
Пример #2
 private static bool IsEnemy(Building _building, Game1 _game)
     return _building.player == _game.enemy;
Пример #3
        public static Object WhatClicked(Game1 game, Ray clippedRay)
            bool selected = false;
            foreach (Unit unit in game.player.UnitList)
                selected = Collisions.RayModelCollision(clippedRay, unit.currentModel.Model, unit.GetWorldMatrix());
                if (selected)
                    return unit;

            foreach (Building building in game.player.BuildingList)
                selected = Collisions.RayModelCollision(clippedRay, building.currentModel.Model, building.GetWorldMatrix());
                if (selected)
                    return building;

            foreach (Unit unit in game.enemy.UnitList)
                selected = Collisions.RayModelCollision(clippedRay, unit.currentModel.Model, unit.GetWorldMatrix());
                if (selected)
                    return unit;

            foreach (Building building in game.enemy.BuildingList)
                selected = Collisions.RayModelCollision(clippedRay, building.currentModel.Model, building.GetWorldMatrix());
                if (selected)
                    return building;

            foreach (Decoration decoration in game.decorations.DecorationList)
                selected = Collisions.RayModelCollision(clippedRay, decoration.currentModel.Model, decoration.GetWorldMatrix());
                if (selected)
                    return decoration;
            return 0;
Пример #4
 private static bool IsEnemy(Unit _unit, Game1 _game)
     return _unit.player == _game.enemy;
Пример #5
        public static void ProcessInput(Game1 game)
            if (Input.currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                if (Input.currentMouseState.X < Minimap.width + Minimap.diff && Input.currentMouseState.Y < Minimap.height + Minimap.diff)
                    Camera.cameraPosition.X = Input.currentMouseState.X * 5;
                    Camera.cameraPosition.Z = Input.currentMouseState.Y * 5 + 75;

            if (Input.oldMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && Input.currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
               if (insideRectangle(LowerOptionPanel.firstTabPosition) && UnitBackground.whichUnit == 0 && LowerOptionPanel.isUnit)
                    GUIEventManager.CreateMessage(new Message((int)GUIEventManager.Events.GuiCLICK, 1, 0, game)); //1 to nadawca czyli 1 button , 0 to odbiorca czyli kto ma wykonac : 0 to dron
                else if (insideRectangle(LowerOptionPanel.secondTabPosition) && UnitBackground.whichUnit == 0 && LowerOptionPanel.isUnit)
                    GUIEventManager.CreateMessage(new Message((int)GUIEventManager.Events.GuiCLICK, 2, 0, game)); //1 to nadawca czyli 1 button , 0 to odbiorca czyli kto ma wykonac : 0 to dron
               else if (insideRectangle(LowerOptionPanel.thirdTabPosition) && UnitBackground.whichUnit == 0 && LowerOptionPanel.isUnit)
                    GUIEventManager.CreateMessage(new Message((int)GUIEventManager.Events.GuiCLICK, 3, 0, game)); //1 to nadawca czyli 1 button , 0 to odbiorca czyli kto ma wykonac : 0 to dron
               else if (insideRectangle(LowerOptionPanel.fourthTabPosition) && UnitBackground.whichUnit == 0 && LowerOptionPanel.isUnit)
                    GUIEventManager.CreateMessage(new Message((int)GUIEventManager.Events.GuiCLICK, 4, 0, game)); //1 to nadawca czyli 1 button , 0 to odbiorca czyli kto ma wykonac : 0 to dron

               else if (insideRectangle(LowerOptionPanel.firstTabPosition) && UnitBackground.whichUnit == 1 && !LowerOptionPanel.isUnit)
                    GUIEventManager.CreateMessage(new Message((int)GUIEventManager.Events.GuiCLICK, 1, 1, game)); //1 to nadawca czyli 1 button , 0 to odbiorca czyli kto ma wykonac : 0 to dron
               else if (insideRectangle(LowerOptionPanel.secondTabPosition) && UnitBackground.whichUnit == 1 && !LowerOptionPanel.isUnit)
                    GUIEventManager.CreateMessage(new Message((int)GUIEventManager.Events.GuiCLICK, 2, 1, game)); //1 to nadawca czyli 1 button , 0 to odbiorca czyli kto ma wykonac : 0 to dron
               else if (insideRectangle(LowerOptionPanel.thirdTabPosition) && UnitBackground.whichUnit == 1 && !LowerOptionPanel.isUnit)
                    GUIEventManager.CreateMessage(new Message((int)GUIEventManager.Events.GuiCLICK, 3, 1, game)); //1 to nadawca czyli 1 button , 0 to odbiorca czyli kto ma wykonac : 0 to dron
               else if (insideRectangle(LowerOptionPanel.firstTabPosition) && UnitBackground.whichUnit == 2 && !LowerOptionPanel.isUnit)
                   GUIEventManager.CreateMessage(new Message((int)GUIEventManager.Events.GuiCLICK, 1, 2, game)); //1 to nadawca czyli 1 button , 0 to odbiorca czyli kto ma wykonac : 0 to dron
               else if (insideRectangle(LowerOptionPanel.secondTabPosition) && UnitBackground.whichUnit == 2 && !LowerOptionPanel.isUnit)
                   GUIEventManager.CreateMessage(new Message((int)GUIEventManager.Events.GuiCLICK, 2, 2, game)); //1 to nadawca czyli 1 button , 0 to odbiorca czyli kto ma wykonac : 0 to dron
