Пример #1
        public static void AgainstRandomPlayer(ref HumanPlayer player, ref RandomPlayer rand, ref string inputname)
            Roshambo userinput   = player.GenerateRoshambo(); // Saves the users input into another variable
            Roshambo randomInput = rand.GenerateRoshambo();

            if (userinput == randomInput)
                Console.WriteLine($"{inputname}: {userinput}");
                Console.WriteLine($"TheSharks: {randomInput}");
                Console.WriteLine("It's a Tie");
            else if (userinput == Roshambo.Rock && randomInput == Roshambo.Paper || userinput == Roshambo.Paper && randomInput == Roshambo.Scissors || userinput == Roshambo.Scissors && randomInput == Roshambo.Rock)
                Console.WriteLine($"{inputname}: {userinput}");
                Console.WriteLine($"TheSharks: {randomInput}");
                Console.WriteLine("TheSharks win");
                Console.WriteLine($"{inputname}: {userinput}");
                Console.WriteLine($"TheSharks: {randomInput}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{inputname} wins");
Пример #2
        public static void PlayGame()
            Rock         rockplayer = new Rock();   // Rock object call rockplayer
            RandomPlayer rand = new RandomPlayer(); // RandomPlayer object called rand
            string       inputname, opponent;

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors!");

            Console.WriteLine("Enter your name: ");

            inputname = Console.ReadLine();
            HumanPlayer player = new HumanPlayer(inputname); // HimanPlayer object called player

            while (true)                                     // While true, run this code
                Console.WriteLine($"Would you like to play against TheJets or TheSharks (J/S)");

                opponent = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                if (opponent == "J")
                    AgainstRockPlayer(ref player, ref rockplayer, ref inputname); // Calls method that plays against the Rock CPU
                else if (opponent == "S")
                    AgainstRandomPlayer(ref player, ref rand, ref inputname); // Calls method that plays against the RandomPlayer CPU
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid option");

                Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? (Y/N)");

                string continueInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                if (continueInput == "Y")
                else if (continueInput == "N")
                    Console.WriteLine("Thanks for playing");
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter (Y/N");