Car() публичный статический Метод

public static Car ( object arg ) : Object
arg object
Результат Object
Пример #1
        public static object CompileQuasiQuote(int level, object arg, Environment environment)
            if (level == 0)
                return(Compile1(arg, environment));

            if (arg is ISequence)
                ISequence c = (ISequence)arg;
                if (c.First() == UNQUOTE)
                    return(new Pair(UNQUOTE, new Pair(CompileQuasiQuote(level - 1, Runtime.Car(Runtime.Cdr(arg)), environment))));

                if ((level == 1) && (c.First() == UNQUOTE_SPLICING))
                    return(new Pair(UNQUOTE_SPLICING, new Pair(CompileQuasiQuote(level - 1, Runtime.Car(Runtime.Cdr(arg)), environment))));

                if (c.First() == QUASIQUOTE)
                    return(new Pair(QUASIQUOTE, new Pair(CompileQuasiQuote(level + 1, Runtime.Car(Runtime.Cdr(arg)), environment))));

                Pair r = null;
                foreach (object o in c)
                    r = new Pair(CompileQuasiQuote(level, o, environment), r);


Пример #2
        public static Expression Compile1(Object s, Environment environment)
            // Literals are constants
            if (Runtime.IsLiteral(s))

            // Special Syntax gets expanded and compiled
            if (Runtime.IsSsyntax(s))
                return(Compile1(Runtime.ExpandSSyntax(s), environment));

            // Symbols are variable references
            if (s is Symbol)

            // Special Syntax gets expanded and compiled
            if (Runtime.IsSsyntax(Runtime.Car(s)))
                object expansion = Runtime.ExpandSSyntax(((Pair)s).First());
                return(Compile1(new Pair(expansion, (Pair)s), environment));

            if (s is Pair)
                object f = ((Pair)s).First();

                // Special Forms

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("if"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileIf(((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("quote"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileQuote(((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("call-clr"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileCall((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("call-instance"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileInstanceCall((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("fn"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileFn((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("macro"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileMac((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if (f == Symbol.FromName("quasiquote"))
                    return(Compiler.CompileQuasiQuote((Pair)((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

                if ((f is Symbol) && (environment.Contains((Symbol)f)))
                    object value = environment.GetValue((Symbol)f);

                    // Macros get invoked at compile time, then their results are themeselves compiled
                    if (value is Macro)
                        object expansion = ((Macro)value).Call(Runtime.AsArray(((Pair)s).Rest()));
                        return(Compile1(expansion, environment));

                // It must be a function call
                return(CompileFunctionCall(f, ((Pair)s).Rest(), environment));

            throw new LSharpException(string.Format("Bad object in expression: ", s), environment);