Пример #1
        private QVTTemplate.IPropertyTemplateItem ConstructPropertyTemplateItem(QVTRelations.IRelation relation, QVTRelations.IDomainPattern domainPattern, QVTTemplate.IObjectTemplateExp objectTemplateExp, EnAr.Connector connector, EnAr.ConnectorEnd connectorEnd, EnAr.Element linkedElement, ISet <EnAr.Connector> visitedConnectors)
            EssentialOCL.IOclExpression value;
            EMOF.IType type;
            QVTTemplate.IObjectTemplateExp targetObjectTemplateExp;

            ISet <EnAr.Connector> realVisitedConnectors           = visitedConnectors ?? new HashSet <EnAr.Connector>();
            ISet <EnAr.Connector> realVisitedConnectorsPropagated = new HashSet <EnAr.Connector>(realVisitedConnectors);


            // Case cycle among object templates: simple variable expression
            if (objectElementToObjectTemplate.ContainsKey(linkedElement))
                targetObjectTemplateExp = objectElementToObjectTemplate[linkedElement];
                EssentialOCL.IVariable existingVariable = targetObjectTemplateExp.BindsTo;
                value = new EssentialOCL.VariableExp()
                    ReferredVariable = existingVariable
                type = existingVariable.Type;
            // Case no cycle; recursive creation of object template
                targetObjectTemplateExp = ConstructObjectTemplateExp(relation, domainPattern, linkedElement, realVisitedConnectorsPropagated);
                value = targetObjectTemplateExp;
                type  = ((QVTTemplate.IObjectTemplateExp)value).BindsTo.Type;

            EMOF.IProperty property = null;

            // If the connector end has a role, we use it to find the corresponding EMOF property
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectorEnd.Role))
                property = objectTemplateExp.ReferredClass.GetAllInheritedAttributes().Single(p => p.Name == connectorEnd.Role);

            // If the connector end has no role (due to the else)
            // AND if we haven't visited the connector yet
            // AND if the connector has no roles whatsoever, we try to guess the type
            else if (!realVisitedConnectors.Contains(connector) && connector.ClientEnd.Role.IsNullOrEmpty() && connector.SupplierEnd.Role.IsNullOrEmpty())
                IList <EMOF.IProperty> candidateProperties = objectTemplateExp.ReferredClass.GetAllInheritedAttributes().Where(p =>
                                                                                                                               (p.Type as EMOF.IClass)?.GetAllSubTypes().Contains(type) ?? p.Type == type).ToList();

                if (candidateProperties.Count == 0)
                    throw new InvalidQVTRelationsModelException("Relation " + relation.Name
                                                                + ", invalid property connector between " + objectTemplateExp.BindsTo.Name + " and " + targetObjectTemplateExp.BindsTo.Name
                                                                + ", no possible property", connector);
                if (candidateProperties.Count > 1)
                    throw new InvalidQVTRelationsModelException("Relation " + relation.Name
                                                                + ", ambiguous property connector between " + objectTemplateExp.BindsTo.Name + " and " + targetObjectTemplateExp.BindsTo.Name
                                                                + ", cannot choose a property between the following: [" + string.Join(";", candidateProperties.Select(p => p.Name)) + "]", connector);
                property = candidateProperties.Single();

            QVTTemplate.PropertyTemplateItem propertyTemplateItem = null;
            if (property != null)
                propertyTemplateItem = new QVTTemplate.PropertyTemplateItem()
                    ReferredProperty = property,
                    Value            = value,
                    IsOpposite       = false, // TODO?
                    ObjContainer     = objectTemplateExp

Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance
 /// </summary>
 public VariableExpReferencedElementsCollection(VariableExp parent)
     this._parent = parent;