DrawDiamond() публичный статический Метод

public static DrawDiamond ( Rect rect, Color color ) : void
rect UnityEngine.Rect
color Color
Результат void
Пример #1
        private void DrawIndicatorH(Rect rect, float value, float minV, float maxV)

            bool clamped = false;

            if (value < minV)
                value   = minV;
                clamped = true;
            if (value > maxV)
                value   = maxV;
                clamped = true;

            float sx = rect.width;
            float sy = rect.height;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, sx, sy), "");

            Color color = XKCDColors.NeonGreen;

            float spacing = (float)Math.Floor(sx * 0.11f + 0.5f);
            float middle  = (float)Math.Floor(sx * 0.5f + 0.5f);

            Rect lineRect = new Rect(0, 3, 1, sy - 6);

            for (float x = middle + spacing; x < sx; x += spacing)
                lineRect.x = x;
                Drawing.DrawRect(lineRect, color);

            for (float x = middle - spacing; x > 0; x -= spacing)
                lineRect.x = x;
                Drawing.DrawRect(lineRect, color);

            lineRect.x      = middle - 1;
            lineRect.y      = 1;
            lineRect.height = sy - 3;
            lineRect.width  = 3;
            color           = XKCDColors.NeonBlue;

            Drawing.DrawRect(lineRect, color);

            // our box runs for 0 to sx-1
            // we do not want diamond to get clipped
            // so lowest y should be 0 and highest should be (sx-1)-9
            // center should draw at middle - 4
            float frac  = -0.5f + (value - minV) / (maxV - minV);            // range -0.5 to 0.5
            float range = (sx - 1) - 9;
            float xx    = middle + range * frac - 4;

            Color dcolor = clamped ? XKCDColors.NeonRed : XKCDColors.NeonBlue;

            Drawing.DrawDiamond(new Rect(xx, 3, 9, 15), dcolor);
