Пример #1
         * Starts the chosen daily facts or speed test
        public void startTheFacts(MathOperationTypeEnum sign, Boolean isSpeedTest, Boolean processAllDailyFacts)
            operationType = new MathOperation (sign);

            if (userProfile.Equals (GUEST_PROFILE))
                var confirmResult = MessageBox.Show ("Would you like to create a profile before continuing?\nA profile is required for your progress to be saved.", "Confirm Cancel", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (confirmResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                    createNewUserProfile ();

            // Determine if the user has already used the daily facts today.
            String dateData = files.readDailyFactsDateDataFromFile(operationType.operationType);
            if (dateData == "MAX_TIME_ELAPSED")
                MessageBox.Show ("A month or more has passed since your last speed test.\nPlease retake the " + operationType.ToString () +
                                     "Facts speed test.", "New Speed Test Needed");

            else if (dateData == DateTime.Today.ToString ("d"))
                saveProgress = false;
                var continueWithoutSavingResponse = MessageBox.Show ("Oops! It looks like you have already practiced your " + operationType.ToString () +
                    " facts today.\nYou can practice them again, but your progress will not be saved.\n\n Continue anyway?",
                    "Progress Will Not Be Saved", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

                if (continueWithoutSavingResponse == DialogResult.No)
                saveProgress = true;

            speedTest = isSpeedTest;
            processingAllDailyFacts = processAllDailyFacts;

            if (!processingAllDailyFacts)
                toggleMainMenuControl ();
                toggleFactsDisplayControl ();

            // Change the bool value so the last set of messages for all daily facts are not suppressed.
            else if (operationType.operationType == MathOperationTypeEnum.DIVISION)
                processingAllDailyFacts = !processingAllDailyFacts;

            // Initialize and reset data structures for holding facts data
            incorrectResponses = new Stack <int> ();
            reference.unknownFacts.Clear ();
            reference.knownFacts.Clear ();
            reference.correctResponseCount = 0;
            reference.factResponseTime.Clear ();
            reference.factsOrder.Clear ();
            incorrectResponses.Clear ();
            factsReviewControl.incorrectQuestions.Clear ();

            reference.startProcessingFacts (speedTest, operationType, m_factsDisplayControl, processingAllDailyFacts, userProfile);
Пример #2
        public static List<Fact> loadCustomSpeedFacts(MathOperation operation)
            List<Fact> speedFactsList = new List<Fact> ();
            Fact speedFact = new Fact ();
            speedFact.operation = operation;

            String speedFactsFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine (speedTestPath, operation.ToString () + ".txt");

            using (System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader (speedFactsFilename))
                String speedFactNumber;
                while ((speedFactNumber = file.ReadLine ()) != null)
                    speedFact.leftNum = System.Convert.ToInt32 (speedFactNumber);

                    if ((speedFactNumber = file.ReadLine ()) != null)
                        speedFact.rightNum = System.Convert.ToInt32 (speedFactNumber);
                        speedFactsList.Add (speedFact);

            return speedFactsList;
Пример #3
        public void saveCustomSpeedFacts(MathOperation operation, List<Fact> speedFacts)
            String speedFactsFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine (speedTestPath, operation.ToString () + ".txt");

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter (speedFactsFilename))
                foreach (Fact speedFact in speedFacts)
                    file.WriteLine (speedFact.leftNum);
                    file.WriteLine (speedFact.rightNum);
Пример #4
        private void editSpeedFactsButton_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (speedTestComboBox.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show ("You didn't select the type of speed test facts.\nPlease select the fact type before continuing.",
                    "No Speed Test Chosen", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            MathOperation operation = new MathOperation ((MathOperationTypeEnum) Enum.Parse (typeof (MathOperationTypeEnum), speedTestComboBox.Text, true));

            SpeedFactEditDialog speedFactEditDialog = new SpeedFactEditDialog ();
            speedFactEditDialog.Text = operation.ToString () + speedFactEditDialog.Text;
            DataGridView speedFactDataGridView = speedFactEditDialog.speedFactsDataGridView;

            List<Fact> speedFacts;
            if ((speedFacts = FactsFiles.loadCustomSpeedFacts (operation)).Count () == 0)
                // Load the default speed fact data for creation of the speed facts.
                speedFacts = FactsFiles.loadDefaultSpeedFacts (operation);

            // Load the current speed facts.
            for (int index = 0; index < speedFacts.Count (); ++index)
                speedFactDataGridView.Rows.Add (speedFacts[index].leftNum, speedFacts[index].rightNum);

            // Update the current selected cell to a new row.
            speedFactDataGridView.CurrentCell =
                speedFactDataGridView.Rows[speedFactDataGridView.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[0];

            if (speedFactEditDialog.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.OK)
                speedFacts.Clear ();

                String topNumber;
                String bottomNumber;

                DataGridViewCell cell1;
                DataGridViewCell cell2;

                for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < speedFactDataGridView.RowCount; ++rowIndex)
                        cell1 = speedFactDataGridView[rowIndex, 0];
                        cell2 = speedFactDataGridView[rowIndex, 1];

                        // TODO prompt to re-enter row with invalid input
                        topNumber = cell1.Value.ToString ();
                        bottomNumber = cell2.Value.ToString ();
                        speedFacts.Add (new Fact (System.Convert.ToInt16 (topNumber), System.Convert.ToInt16 (bottomNumber), operation));
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        if (exception is System.FormatException || exception is System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException || exception is System.NullReferenceException)
                            // Do nothing. No data entered in this row.

                if (speedFacts.Count () < 4)
                    MessageBox.Show ("At least 4 speed facts are recommended.\nHaving less than 4 will affect the accuracy of determining the daily facts.\nPlease consider revising and adding more facts.",
                            "Add More Speed Facts", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                files.saveCustomSpeedFacts (operation, speedFacts);

            if (speedFactEditDialog != null)
                speedFactEditDialog.Dispose ();