Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructors a new sprite.
 /// </summary>        
 public ImpFlock(ContentManager p_Content, string p_XMLFile, Vector2 p_InitialPosition)
     Direction = GV.LEFT;
     IsAlive = true;
     returnPosition = p_InitialPosition;
     Position = p_InitialPosition;
     currentPattern = 0;
     time = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i <5; i++)
         Imp newImp = new Imp(GV.ContentManager, "XML Documents/ImpAnimations", p_InitialPosition);
         newImp.FlockPosition = i;
     State = new FlockPatrolState(this);
     StateMachine = new StateMachine(this, new FlockPatrolState(this));
     StateMachine.AddState("KismetDataTypes.FlockPatrolState", "", "FlockPatrolState");
     StateMachine.AddState("KismetDataTypes.FlockPatrolState", "insight", "FlockAttackState");
     StateMachine.AddState("KismetDataTypes.FlockAttackState", "", "FlockAttackState");
     StateMachine.AddState("KismetDataTypes.FlockAttackState", "insight", "FlockAttackState");
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// updates each imp in the flock.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_GameTime"></param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            time += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
            SightDetected = false;
            if (flockList.Count > 0)
                float minDistance = 0;
                int index = 0;

                if (MagicItemManager.lightCount > 0)
                    Vector2[] lightSpells = MagicItemManager.GetLightMagicArray(MagicItemManager.lightCount);

                    // Since the camera's position is removed from the light magic's position
                    // when returning the array of positions (makes it easier for the shader),
                    // it needs to be added back in for calculating the position in the world.
                    // Check all the lights for moving them close to a nearby light source
                    for (int i = 0; i < MagicItemManager.lightCount; i += 1)
                        float diffx = lightSpells[i].X - Position.X;
                        float diffy = lightSpells[i].Y - Position.Y;
                        float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt((diffx * diffx) + (diffy * diffy));
                        // Get the distances between the imps and the light sources, comparing
                        // each time to find the closest one and its index in the array
                        if (distance < minDistance)
                            minDistance = distance;
                            index = i;
                        else if (minDistance == 0)
                            minDistance = distance;
                            index = i;
                    // Set the new values for the flock's base location
                    ReturnPosition = lightSpells[index];
                    // Sets the flock's current position to be around the light
                    Position = lightSpells[index];
                else // Go into the lights that are a part of the level
                    for (int i = 0; i < GV.Level.NumLights; i += 1)
                        float diffx = GV.Level.Lights[i].Centre.X - Position.X;
                        float diffy = GV.Level.Lights[i].Centre.Y - Position.Y;
                        float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt((diffx * diffx) + (diffy * diffy));
                        // Get the distances between the imps and the light sources, comparing
                        // each time to find the closest one and its index in the array
                        if (distance < minDistance)
                            minDistance = distance;
                            index = i;
                        else if (minDistance == 0)
                            minDistance = distance;
                            index = i;

                    // Set the new base position foor the flock
                    ReturnPosition = GV.Level.Lights[index].Centre;

                float distanceX = Math.Abs(ReturnPosition.X - Position.X);
                if (distanceX > 15 && !playerLight)
                    // Sets the current position if the imps have strayed too far from a light
                    Position = ReturnPosition;

                for (int i = 0; i < flockList.Count; i++) // Loop through List with for each item in list
                    Imp imp = flockList[i];
                    if (!imp.IsAlive)
                        float radius = GV.Player.LightRadius;
                        Vector2 PlayerPosition = new Vector2(GV.Player.Position.X, GV.Player.Position.Y - (((float)GV.Player.Sprite.BoundingBox.Bottom - (float)GV.Player.Sprite.BoundingBox.Top)) / 2);
                        Vector2 impPosition = new Vector2(imp.Position.X, imp.Position.Y - (((float)imp.Sprite.BoundingBox.Bottom - (float)imp.Sprite.BoundingBox.Top)) / 2);
                        // check to see if there is a collision
                        float diffx = PlayerPosition.X - impPosition.X;
                        float diffy = impPosition.Y - PlayerPosition.Y;

                        double diffRadius = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)diffx, 2) + Math.Pow((double)diffy, 2));

                        if (diffRadius <= radius)
                            if (diffx < 0)
                                imp.Direction = GV.LEFT;
                                imp.Direction = GV.RIGHT;

                            SightDetected = true;

                        if (time >= 2.0f)
                            currentPattern = (currentPattern + 1) % 3;
                            time = 0.0f;

                        if (State.GetType().ToString() == "KismetDataTypes.FlockAttackState")
                            currentPattern = 3;

                        Vector2 patternPosition = patternList[currentPattern][i];
                        Vector2 flockPosition = PatternMap[(int)patternPosition.X, (int)patternPosition.Y];
                        //Vector2 patternPosition = patternList[1][i];

                        Vector2 worldPosition = Position + flockPosition;
                        imp.Position += (worldPosition - imp.Position) / 40;
                        imp.Velocity = Velocity;


                Position += Velocity;

                //Console.WriteLine("insight " + SightDetected);
                //Console.WriteLine("state " + State.GetType().ToString());
                if (SightDetected)
                    //Console.WriteLine("insight " + SightDetected);
                    attackTime = 0;
                    //returnPosition = Position;
                    State = new FlockAttackState(this);
                    SightDetected = true;
                    //Console.WriteLine("  switch to attack state");
                else if (!SightDetected && State.GetType().ToString() == "KismetDataTypes.FlockAttackState")
                    //Position = new Vector2(returnPosition.X, returnPosition.Y);
                    State = new FlockPatrolState(this);
                    //Console.WriteLine("  switch to patrol state");

                IsAlive = false;