Пример #1
        public void SerializeSkeleton()
            BodyJoints fileObject = new BodyJoints(this.trackedBody);
            IFormatter formatter  = new BinaryFormatter();
            Stream     stream     = new FileStream("..\\..\\..\\Dataset\\exercise2\\" + i.ToString() + ".bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);

            formatter.Serialize(stream, fileObject);
Пример #2
        void kinectService_SkeletonUpdated(object sender, SkeletonEventArgs e)
            if (App.Current.MainWindow != null)
                this.trackedBody = e.TrackedBody;

                //Joint Positions for the Tracked body
                BodyJoints trackedBodyJoints = new BodyJoints(trackedBody);

                //Compare the tracked and ideal right hand joint positions
                setBodyDeviation(trackedBodyJoints, idealBodyJoints);
Пример #3
        private void setBodyDeviation(BodyJoints trackedBodyJoints, BodyJoints idealBodyJoints)
            trackedBodyJoints = TranslateSkeleton(idealBodyJoints, trackedBodyJoints);
            double totalDeviation = 0.0;
            double threshold      = 500.0;

            totalDeviation = trackedBodyJoints - idealBodyJoints;
            Console.WriteLine("Total Deviation = " + totalDeviation);
            if (totalDeviation > threshold)
                Console.WriteLine("too much error detected");
                bodyHasNotDeviated = false;
                bodyHasNotDeviated = true;
Пример #4
        private BodyJoints TranslateSkeleton(BodyJoints idealBody, BodyJoints trackedBody)
            int numJoints = idealBody.getNumJoints();

            Joint idealHeadJoint = idealBody.getJoint(JointType.Head);
            float idealHeadX     = idealHeadJoint.Position.X;
            float idealHeadY     = idealHeadJoint.Position.Y;
            float idealHeadZ     = idealHeadJoint.Position.Z;

            Joint trackedHeadJoint = trackedBody.getJoint(JointType.Head);
            float trackedHeadX     = trackedHeadJoint.Position.X;
            float trackedHeadY     = trackedHeadJoint.Position.Y;
            float trackedHeadZ     = trackedHeadJoint.Position.Z;

            float[] diff = { idealHeadX - trackedHeadX, idealHeadY - trackedHeadY, idealHeadZ - trackedHeadZ };


Пример #5
        public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
            JObject jsonObj = new JObject();

            BodyJoints bodyJoints = (BodyJoints)value;

            JArray joints = new JArray();
            //for (int i = 0; i < bodyJoints.idealBodyJoints.GetLength(0); i++)
            //    JObject joint = new JObject();
            //    joint.Add("x", bodyJoints.idealBodyJoints[i, 0]);
            //    joint.Add("y", bodyJoints.idealBodyJoints[i, 1]);
            //    joint.Add("z", bodyJoints.idealBodyJoints[i, 2]);
            //    joints.Add(joint);

            JObject jointJson = new JObject();

            jointJson.Add("joints", joints);

Пример #6
        public ViewModel(IKinectService kinectService)
            dbManager = new DBManager();

            this.kinectService = kinectService;
            this.kinectService.SkeletonUpdated += new System.EventHandler <SkeletonEventArgs>(kinectService_SkeletonUpdated);

            //BodyJoints fileObject = new BodyJoints(idealBodyJoints);
            //IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            //Stream stream = new FileStream("F:\\College\\Quarter4\\218\\project\\positions\\exercise1\\1.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
            //formatter.Serialize(stream, fileObject);

            IFormatter formatter  = new BinaryFormatter();
            Stream     stream     = new FileStream("..\\..\\..\\Dataset\\1.bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
            BodyJoints fileObject = (BodyJoints)formatter.Deserialize(stream);

            idealBodyJoints = fileObject;

            //IFormatter formatter2 = new BinaryFormatter();
            //Stream stream2 = new FileStream("F:\\College\\Quarter4\\218\\project\\positions\\exercise1\\1.bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
            //BodyJoints fileObject2 = (BodyJoints)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
            //float[,] idealBodyJoints2 = fileObject.idealBodyJoints;

             * float[,] idealBodyJoints2 = {{ -0.009447459f , 0.60294944f, 1.31400883f} ,
             *                                      { 0.002266258f, 0.42004475f, 1.32388508f }  ,
             *                                      { 0.000935936f , 0.213289276f, 1.30896533f } ,
             *                                      {  0.000739973853f, -0.0607283078f, 1.25822461f }  ,
             *                                      { 0.220867485f, -0.1269243f, 1.17617548f },
             *                                      { -0.1677815f, -0.136166364f, 1.1603055f },
             *                                      { 0.07320645f, -0.0546527356f   ,1.22442615f },
             *                                      { -0.07176963f, -0.06349322f, 1.22342634f },
             *                                      { 0.238081276f, -0.330413043f, 1.10450733f },
             *                                      { -0.114430159f, -0.391302735f, 1.197041f },
             *                                      { 0.121732004f, -0.8049696f, 1.131731f },
             *                                      { 0.0298294257f, -0.8586146f, 1.19491315f },
             *                                      { 0.000113591552f, -0.7418386f, 1.09284163f },
             *                                      { 0.1216219f, -0.822920859f, 1.08214772f }};
             * //this.idealBodyJoints = idealBodyJoints2;
             * //setBodyDeviation(idealBodyJoints, idealBodyJoints2);


             * string jsonBodyJoints = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileObject3);
             * Console.WriteLine("printing json " + jsonBodyJoints);
             * var server = new WebSocketServer("ws://");
             * server.Start(socket =>
             * {
             *  socket.OnOpen = () =>
             *  {
             *      _clients.Add(socket);
             *      socket.Send(jsonBodyJoints);
             *  };
             *  socket.OnClose = () =>
             *  {
             *      _clients.Remove(socket);
             *  };
             *  socket.OnMessage = message =>
             *  {
             *      foreach (var client in _clients)
             *      {
             *          // Send the message to everyone!
             *          // Also, send the client connection's unique identifier in order
             *          // to recognize who is who.
             *          //       client.Send(client.ConnectionInfo.Id + " says: " + message);
             *          client.Send("sending body joints");
             *      }
             *      Console.WriteLine("Switched to " + message);
             *  };
             * });