protected override void LoadContent() { Console.WriteLine("Loading game content..."); SpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); rawScreen = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight); ClutEffect = GetEffect("clut"); TransitionEffect = GetEffect("transition"); transitionImage = Mix.GetTexture("transition"); RetrowaveEffect = GetEffect("shaderwave"); Console.WriteLine("Enumerating characters and locations..."); var fighterFiles = Mix.GetFilesWithPattern("fighters\\*.char.json"); var fighters = new List <string>(); foreach (var f in fighterFiles) { fighters.Add(f.Substring(f.IndexOf('\\') + 1)); } var arenaFiles = Mix.GetFilesWithPattern("locales\\*.bg.json"); var arenas = new List <string>(); foreach (var a in arenaFiles) { arenas.Add(a.Substring(a.IndexOf('\\') + 1)); } if (Args.Length >= 3 && Args[0] == "/edit") { Console.WriteLine("|c3|Edit mode requested."); LoadingScreen.Start(() => { Components.Add(new Editor("locales\\" + Args[1] + ".bg.json", Args[2] + ".char.json")); }); } else if (Args.Length > 0 && Args[0] == "/quick") { Console.WriteLine("|c3|Quick battle requested."); var names = new string[2]; var colors = new int[2]; var rand = new Random(); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { names[i] = fighters[rand.Next(fighters.Count)]; } var numNames = (Args.Length > 2) ? 2 : 1; for (var i = 0; i < numNames; i++) { names[i] = Args[i + 1].ToLowerInvariant(); colors[i] = 1; if (names[i].Contains(",")) { colors[i] = int.Parse(names[i].Substring(names[i].IndexOf(',') + 1)); names[i] = names[i].Remove(names[i].IndexOf(',')); } if (!names[i].EndsWith(".char.json")) { names[i] += ".char.json"; } } //Ensure mirror matches have distinct colors if (names[0] == names[1] && colors[0] == colors[1]) { colors[1]++; } var arena = "locales\\" + ((Args.Length > 3) ? Args[3] + ".bg.json" : arenas[rand.Next(arenas.Count)]); LoadingScreen.Start(() => { var left = new Character(names[0], colors[0]); var right = new Character(names[1], colors[1]); Components.Add(new Arena(arena, left, right)); }); } else { Console.WriteLine("|c3|Regular gameplay requested."); LoadingScreen.Start(() => { var fighterList = new List <Character>(); foreach (var f in fighters) { fighterList.Add(new Character(f, 0)); } Kafe.Characters = fighterList.ToArray(); Components.Add(new TitleBackground()); Components.Add(new TitleScreen(false)); }); } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.Seconds > 2 || skipLogo) { if (anim < 128) { anim++; } } if (anim < 64) { return; } if (Input.Controls[0].TrgUp) { if (selection == 0) { selection = captions.Length; } selection--; } else if (Input.Controls[0].TrgDown) { selection++; if (selection == captions.Length) { selection = 0; } } else if (Input.WasJustReleased(Keys.Escape)) { Input.Flush(); if (selection < 2) { selection = 2; } else { Kafe.AskToQuit(); } } else if (Input.WasJustReleased(Keys.Enter) || Input.Controls[0].TrgA) { Input.Flush(); switch (selection) { case 0: //Story Mode Kafe.DoTransition(false, () => { Kafe.Me.Components.Remove(this); LoadingScreen.Start(() => { var charSelect = new CharacterSelect(false) { Enabled = false }; Kafe.Me.Components.Add(charSelect); Kafe.DoTransition(true, () => { charSelect.Enabled = true; }); }); }); break; case 1: //Versus Mode Kafe.DoTransition(false, () => { Kafe.Me.Components.Remove(this); LoadingScreen.Start(() => { var charSelect = new CharacterSelect(true) { Enabled = false }; Kafe.Me.Components.Add(charSelect); Kafe.DoTransition(true, () => { charSelect.Enabled = true; }); }); }); break; case 2: //Quit Kafe.AskToQuit(); break; } } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); for (var i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (locked[i]) { continue; } var control = Input.Controls[i]; var oldCursor = cursor[i]; if (control.TrgLeft) { cursor[i]--; if (cursor[i] < 0) { cursor[i] = Kafe.Characters.Length - 1; } } else if (control.TrgRight) { cursor[i]++; if (cursor[i] >= Kafe.Characters.Length) { cursor[i] = 0; } } else if (control.TrgUp) { cursor[i] -= 5; if (cursor[i] < 0) { cursor[i] = Kafe.Characters.Length - 1; } } else if (control.TrgDown) { cursor[i] += 5; if (cursor[i] >= Kafe.Characters.Length) { cursor[i] = 0; } } else if (control.TrgA || control.TrgB || control.TrgC || control.TrgD || control.TrgE || control.TrgF) { locked[i] = true; if (control.TrgA) { selection[i].ColorSwap = 1; } else if (control.TrgB) { selection[i].ColorSwap = 2; } else if (control.TrgC) { selection[i].ColorSwap = 3; } else if (control.TrgD) { selection[i].ColorSwap = 4; } else if (control.TrgE) { selection[i].ColorSwap = 5; } else if (control.TrgF) { selection[i].ColorSwap = 6; } selection[i].SwitchTo(StandardAnims.Select); //For single-player games, select another character at random for now. if (numPlayers == 1) { var j = i ^ 1; var rand = new Random(); while (cursor[j] == cursor[i]) { cursor[j] = rand.Next(Kafe.Characters.Length); } selection[j] = Kafe.Characters[cursor[j]]; selection[j].ColorSwap = 0; selection[j].SwitchTo(StandardAnims.Select); //selection[j].Computer = true; locked[j] = true; showTwo = true; } } if (numPlayers > 1 && cursor[i] == cursor[i ^ 1]) { cursor[i] = oldCursor; } else { selection[i] = Kafe.Characters[cursor[i]]; } } if (Input.WasJustReleased(Keys.Escape)) { Kafe.DoTransition(false, () => { Kafe.Me.Components.Remove(this); LoadingScreen.Start(() => { var title = new TitleScreen(true) { Enabled = false }; Kafe.Me.Components.Add(title); Kafe.DoTransition(true, () => { title.Enabled = true; }); }); }); } if (lockTimer == -1) { if (locked[0] && locked[1]) { lockTimer = 1000; } } else { lockTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (lockTimer <= 0) { this.Enabled = false; Kafe.DoTransition(false, () => { Kafe.Me.Components.Remove(this); for (var i = 0; i < Kafe.Me.Components.Count; i++) { if (Kafe.Me.Components[i] is TitleBackground) { Kafe.Me.Components.RemoveAt(i); break; } } LoadingScreen.Start(() => { //TODO: base this on the other character. var arena = new Arena("locales\\", selection[0], selection[1]) { Enabled = false }; Kafe.Me.Components.Add(arena); Kafe.DoTransition(true, () => { arena.Enabled = true; }); }); }); } } }