DifferingBit() публичный Метод

Determines the least significant bit at which the given ID differs from this one, from 0 through 8 * ID_LENGTH - 1. PRECONDITION: IDs do not match.
public DifferingBit ( ID other ) : int
other ID The ID to compare to
Результат int
Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns what bucket an ID maps to.
 /// PRECONDITION: ourID not passed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The id to check</param>
 /// <returns>The bucket number</returns>
 private int BucketFor(ID id)
Пример #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("ID tests");
            byte[] aData = new byte[20];
            aData[3] = 10;
            byte[] bData = new byte[20];
            bData[1] = 10;

            ID a = new ID(aData);
            ID b = new ID(bData);
            Debug.Assert(a != b);
            Debug.Assert(a == a);
            Debug.Assert(!(b == a));
            Debug.Assert(a < b);
            Debug.Assert(b > a);
            Debug.Assert(a.GetHashCode() != b.GetHashCode());
            Debug.Assert(a.DifferingBit(b) == 4 * 8 - 2); // next to last bit of 4th byte differs
            Console.WriteLine("Test complete");

            Console.WriteLine("Testing KademilaNode");
            KademliaNode node1 = new KademliaNode(new EndpointAddress("soap.udp://localhost:8002/kademlia"));
            ServiceHost host1 = new ServiceHost(node1, new Uri("soap.udp://localhost:8002/kademlia"));
            KademliaNode node2 = new KademliaNode(new EndpointAddress("soap.udp://localhost:8001/kademlia"));
            ServiceHost host2 = new ServiceHost(node2, new Uri("soap.udp://localhost:8001/kademlia"));
            //			node1.Bootstrap();
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); // Wait for the other node to process its bucket queue

            // Do a big test
            List<KademliaNode> nl = new List<KademliaNode>();
            KademliaNode lastNode = node1;
            for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                KademliaNode node = new KademliaNode();
                lastNode = node;
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); // Wait for the other node to process its bucket queue
            Console.WriteLine("Connectivity tests complete");
            // Do a store test
            ID babiesID = ID.RandomID();
            node1.Put(babiesID, "=====I eat babies=====");
            Console.WriteLine("Store tests complete");

            // Get it back
            IList<string> foundVals = node1.Get(babiesID);
            foreach(string s in foundVals) {
                Console.WriteLine("1 Found: " + s);
            foundVals = node2.Get(babiesID);
            foreach(string s in foundVals) {
                Console.WriteLine("2 Found: " + s);
            Console.WriteLine("Find tests complete");

            Console.WriteLine("Testing DHT");
            Dht dht = new Dht("C:\\Users\\seby\\Documents\\progetto_malgeri\\p2p-player\\nodes"+Console.ReadLine()+".xml");
            dht.Put("A", "The value for A");
            Console.WriteLine("A = " + dht.Get("A"));

            Console.WriteLine("Multi-value test");
            dht.Put("Animal", "cat");
            dht.Put("Animal", "dog");
            dht.Put("Animal", "double-beaver");
            dht.Put("Animal", "wombat");
            dht.Put("Animal", "alot");
            Console.WriteLine("Animal entry count " + node1.Get(ID.Hash("Animal")).Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Animal entry count " + node2.Get(ID.Hash("Animal")).Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Arbitrary animal = " + dht.Get("Animal"));

            Console.WriteLine("Testing complete! Press any key to exit the program.");