Пример #1
        public static Dictionary<ktString, ktString> ParseInfoString( ktString InfoStr )
            int p = 0, p2 = 0;
            ktString property;
            ktString prop_name, prop_value;

            Dictionary<ktString, ktString> InfoMap = new Dictionary<ktString, ktString>();

            while (!InfoStr.IsEmpty())
                p = InfoStr.IndexOf(';');
                if (p < 0)
                    property = InfoStr;
                    p = InfoStr.Length() - 1;
                    property = InfoStr.SubString(0, p).Trim();
                p2 = property.IndexOf('=');
                prop_name = property.SubString(0, p2).AsUpper();
                prop_value = property.SubString(p2 + 1);

                InfoMap.Add(prop_name, prop_value);

                InfoStr.Remove(0, p + 1);
                InfoStr = InfoStr.Trim();

            return InfoMap;
Пример #2
        // Match and compare...
        // Find, but with a mask (using ? and *)
        public bool Matches(ktString Mask)
            /* ** <note>
               For now we just cross our fingers and hopes that this function (/method?)
               actually works. We haven't runned this code yet.
                (BTW this goes with most of the whole class...)</note>
            bool Match = false;
            bool GoOn = true;

            int Pos;
            ktTripple Joker = 0; // 1 == * and 2 == ?

            ktString MatchTmp;
            ktString Str = new ktString(GetValue());

            // Don't stop until we say so
            while (GoOn)
                Joker = 0;

                // If there's no more "Joker"
                if ((Pos = ktRegEx.Find(Mask.GetValue(), "\\*|\\?")) < 0)
                    // If (the rest of) the mask matches the string
                    if (Mask == Str)
                        // Stop looping
                        GoOn = false;
                        // And "OK it"
                        Match = true;
                        // Stop looping
                        GoOn = false;
                        // Didn' match...
                        Match = false;
                    // Find a "Joker" and get everything infront of it
                    MatchTmp = Mask.SubStr(0, Pos);
                    // Remove what we got from the mask
                    Mask.Remove(0, MatchTmp.Length());

                    // Chech the "Joker"
                    //  If the first char is * in the "new mask"
                    //   then indicate that
                    if (Mask.First() == '*')
                        Joker = 1;
                    //  Or if it's ?...
                        Joker = 2;

                    // Remove the "Joker"

                    // If this part of the mask doesn't match... (simply not a match)
                    if ((!MatchTmp.IsEmpty()) && (MatchTmp != Str.SubStr(0, MatchTmp.Length())))
                        // Stop looping
                        GoOn = false;
                        Match = false;
                        // As we now that this part of the mask matches the string
                        //  Remove that part from the string
                        Str.Remove(0, MatchTmp.Length());

                        // If the "Joker" is *
                        if (Joker == 1)
                            // Get the position of the next "Joker"
                            Pos = ktRegEx.Find(Mask.GetValue(), "\\*|\\?");

                            // If we didn't find a new "Joker"
                            if (Pos < 0)
                                // get the length of the rest of the mask ("find the end")
                                Pos = Mask.Length();
                                // If Pos is 0
                                if (Pos == 0)
                                    // No more mask...
                                    Pos = -1;

                            // If Pos is less than 0
                            //  This (should) means that the * was the last thing in
                            //   the mask and should therefor match the rest of the string
                            if (Pos < 0)
                                // Stop looping
                                GoOn = false;
                                // It's a match...
                                Match = true;
                                // Get the next part of the mask
                                MatchTmp = Mask.SubStr(0, Pos);
                                // Remove that part of the mask...
                                Mask.Remove(0, Pos);

                                // If the "submask" matches the corresponding "substring"
                                if ((Pos = Str.Find(MatchTmp)) >= 0)
                                    // The substring matched...
                                    Match = true;
                                    // Remove the matched "substring"
                                    Str.Remove(0, Pos + MatchTmp.Length());

                                    // If the mask now is empty
                                    if (Mask.IsEmpty())
                                        // Stop looping
                                        GoOn = false;
                                        // If the string isn't empty
                                        if (!Str.IsEmpty())
                                            // As the mask is empty but not the
                                            //  the string, it means that it's
                                            //  an missmatch...
                                            Match = false;
                                    // It wasn't a match (the match failed...
                                    // Stop looping
                                    GoOn = false;
                                    Match = false;
                            // If the "Joker" is ?
                            // Just remove the first char

                            // As the mask has matched so far...
                            Match = true;


                // If the mask is empty (and we can go on)
                //   Means that the mask matched the string
                if (((Str == "") || (Mask == "")) && (GoOn))
                    // Stop looping
                    GoOn = false;
                    // And "OK it"
                    Match = true;

            return Match;
Пример #3
        // Get the number of occurrenses of a substring in the string
        public int Freq(ktString Str)
            int Cnt = 0;

            // Go thru the string
            for (int I = 0; I < Length(); I++)
                // Found a occurence
                if (SubStr(I, Str.Length()) == Str)
                    // Skip the occurence..
                    //   We don't want to Count all occurences of "ab" (for instance)
                    //    when we're looking for "abab"
                    I += Str.Length() - 1;
                    // Count it...

            return Cnt;
Пример #4
        // Search Functions
        // Find a substring in the string
        //   either search front-to-end (default) or end-to-front
        public int Find(ktString Needle, bool FromEnd)
            int Pos = -1;
            int AddI = 1, StartI = 0, StopI = Length() -1;

            // If we should go backwards...
            if (FromEnd)
                // Go backwards (Count down)
                AddI = -1;
                // start at the end
                StartI = Length() - Needle.Length();
                // Stop in the beginning
                StopI = 1;

            // Go thru all characters (either forward or reverse...)
            for (int I = StartI; ((AddI * I) <= StopI) && (Pos < 0); I += AddI)
                // If we found an occurence
                if (SubStr(I, Needle.Length()) == Needle)
                    // Save it's position
                    Pos = I;

            // Return the position
            return Pos;
Пример #5
        // Check if the string contains the substring Str
        public bool StartsWith(ktString Str, out ktString Rest)
            bool Ret = false;

            if ((Length() >= Str.Length()) &&
                 (Str == SubStr(0, Str.Length())))
                Ret = true;
                Rest = SubStr(Str.Length());
                Rest = "";

            return Ret;
Пример #6
        // Replace First (or all) occurrences of substring with another one.
        //   (returns number of replacements)
        public int Replace(ktString OldString, ktString NewString, bool ReplaceAll)
            // Init Variables
            int Count = 0;
            string Tmp;
            int Pos, tPos = 0;

            // Get the first position
            Pos = tPos = Find(OldString);

            // Go on as long as we can find 'OldString'
            while (tPos >= 0)
                // Cut out everything before the 'OldString'
                Tmp = m_Content.Substring(0, Pos);
                // Insert 'NewString' (I.e. replace)
                Tmp = Tmp + NewString.GetValue();
                // Append everything after 'OldString'
                Tmp = Tmp + m_Content.Substring(Pos + OldString.Length());

                // Save
                m_Content = Tmp;

                // Find the next position
                tPos = SubStr(Pos + NewString.Length()).Find(OldString);
                Pos = Pos + NewString.Length() + tPos;

                // Count how many replaces we made

                // If we only should replace the first occurence of 'OldString'
                if (!ReplaceAll)
                    // Stop (-1 indicates that we didn't find 'OldString' again)
                    Pos = -1;

            // Return the Count
            return Count;