CreateStreamCollection() статический приватный Метод

Converts a collection of stream GUIDs to a KStudioEventStreamSelectorCollection object that can be used for playback and record
static private CreateStreamCollection ( IEnumerable streamGuids, bool swapColor ) : KStudioEventStreamSelectorCollection
streamGuids IEnumerable collection of stream Guids to add
swapColor bool true, if the uncompressed and compressed color streams should be swapped
Результат KStudioEventStreamSelectorCollection
Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Records streams from the Kinect sensor to an event file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">KStudioClient which is connected to the Kinect service</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">Path to new event file which will be created for recording</param>
        /// <param name="duration">How long the recording should last before being stopped</param>
        /// <param name="streamNames">Collection of streams to include in the recording</param>
        public static void RecordClip(KStudioClient client, string filePath, TimeSpan duration, IEnumerable <string> streamNames)
            if (client == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("client");

            if (!client.IsServiceConnected)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorNotConnected);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");

            HashSet <Guid> streamDataTypeIds = new HashSet <Guid>();
            KStudioEventStreamSelectorCollection streamCollection = new KStudioEventStreamSelectorCollection();
            KStudioRecording recording = null;

            // decide which streams to record
            if (streamNames != null && streamNames.Count <string>() > 0)
                streamDataTypeIds = StreamSupport.ConvertStreamsToGuids(streamNames);
                if (Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLower().Equals(Strings.XrfExtension))

            // verify streams are recordable by the Kinect sensor
            foreach (Guid stream in streamDataTypeIds)
                KStudioEventStream eventStream = client.GetEventStream(stream, KStudioEventStreamSemanticIds.KinectDefaultSensorProducer);
                if (!eventStream.IsRecordable)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Strings.ErrorRecordingStreamNotSupported, StreamSupport.ConvertStreamGuidToString(stream)));


            // fix file extension, if necessary
            if (streamDataTypeIds.Contains(KStudioEventStreamDataTypeIds.RawIr) && Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToUpperInvariant().Equals(Strings.XefExtension.ToUpperInvariant()))
                Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, Strings.XrfExtension);

            // attempt to record streams for the specified duration
                recording = client.CreateRecording(filePath, streamCollection);
            catch (Exception)
                //K4W supports uncompressed and compressed color, so if we get an error, try recording the other type
                streamCollection = StreamSupport.CreateStreamCollection(streamDataTypeIds, true);
                recording        = client.CreateRecording(filePath, streamCollection);

            using (recording)
                while (recording.State == KStudioRecordingState.Recording)

                if (recording.State == KStudioRecordingState.Error)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorRecordingFailed);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Plays an event file to the Kinect service
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">KStudioClient which is connected to the Kinect service</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">Path to event file which is targeted for playback</param>
        /// <param name="streamNames">Collection of streams to include in the playback session</param>
        /// <param name="loopCount">Number of times the playback should be repeated before stopping</param>
        public static void PlaybackClip(KStudioClient client, string filePath, IEnumerable <string> streamNames, uint loopCount)
            if (client == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("client");

            if (!client.IsServiceConnected)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorNotConnected);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");

            KStudioPlayback playback = null;

            // determine if all specified streams are valid for playback
            if (streamNames.Count <string>() > 0)
                HashSet <Guid> playbackDataTypeIds = StreamSupport.ConvertStreamsToPlaybackGuids(streamNames);
                Playback.VerifyStreamsForPlayback(client, filePath, playbackDataTypeIds);

                    KStudioEventStreamSelectorCollection streams = StreamSupport.CreateStreamCollection(playbackDataTypeIds, false);
                    playback = client.CreatePlayback(filePath, streams);
                catch (Exception)
                    //K4W supports uncompressed and compressed color, so if we get an error, try playing the other type
                    KStudioEventStreamSelectorCollection streams = StreamSupport.CreateStreamCollection(playbackDataTypeIds, true);
                    playback = client.CreatePlayback(filePath, streams);
                playback = client.CreatePlayback(filePath);

            // begin playback
            using (playback)
                playback.EndBehavior = KStudioPlaybackEndBehavior.Stop;   // this is the default behavior
                playback.Mode        = KStudioPlaybackMode.TimingEnabled; // this is the default behavior
                playback.LoopCount   = loopCount;

                while (playback.State == KStudioPlaybackState.Playing)

                if (playback.State == KStudioPlaybackState.Error)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorPlaybackFailed);