Пример #1
        public string BuildQuery()
            string queryString = "DELETE FROM " + _table;
            if (_whereStatement.ClauseLevels > 0)
                queryString += " WHERE " + _whereStatement.BuildWhereStatement();

            queryString += ";";
            return queryString;
Пример #2
        public string BuildQuery()
            string queryString = "UPDATE " + _table + " SET";

            for (int i = 0; i < _set.Count; i++)
                queryString += " " + _set.Keys[i] + "=" + Escape.EscapeString(_set[_set.Keys[i]]) + (i + 1 == _set.Count ? ("") : (","));
            if (_whereStatement.ClauseLevels > 0)
                queryString += " WHERE " + _whereStatement.BuildWhereStatement();
            queryString += ";";
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the select query
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns a string containing the query, or a DbCommand containing a command with parameters</returns>
        private object BuildQuery(bool buildCommand)
            if (buildCommand && _dbProviderFactory == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot build a command when the Db Factory hasn't been specified. Call SetDbProviderFactory first.");

            DbCommand command = null;

            if (buildCommand)
                command = _dbProviderFactory.CreateCommand();

            string Query = "SELECT ";

            // Output Distinct
            if (_distinct)
                Query += "DISTINCT ";

            // Output Top clause
            if (!(_topClause.Quantity == 100 & _topClause.Unit == TopUnit.Percent))
                Query += "TOP " + _topClause.Quantity;
                if (_topClause.Unit == TopUnit.Percent)
                    Query += " PERCENT";
                Query += " ";

            // Output column names
            if (_selectedColumns.Count == 0)
                if (_selectedTables.Count == 1)
                    Query += _selectedTables[0] + "."; // By default only select * from the table that was selected. If there are any joins, it is the responsibility of the user to select the needed columns.
                Query += "*";
                foreach (string ColumnName in _selectedColumns)
                    Query += ColumnName + ',';
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(','); // Trim de last comma inserted by foreach loop
                Query += ' ';
            // Output table names
            if (_selectedTables.Count > 0)
                Query += " FROM ";
                foreach (string TableName in _selectedTables)
                    Query += TableName + ',';
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(','); // Trim de last comma inserted by foreach loop
                Query += ' ';

            // Output joins
            if (_joins.Count > 0)
                foreach (JoinClause Clause in _joins)
                    string JoinString = "";
                    switch (Clause.JoinType)
                    case JoinType.InnerJoin: JoinString = "INNER JOIN"; break;

                    case JoinType.OuterJoin: JoinString = "OUTER JOIN"; break;

                    case JoinType.LeftJoin: JoinString = "LEFT JOIN"; break;

                    case JoinType.RightJoin: JoinString = "RIGHT JOIN"; break;
                    JoinString += " " + Clause.ToTable + " ON ";
                    JoinString += WhereStatement.CreateComparisonClause(Clause.FromTable + '.' + Clause.FromColumn, Clause.ComparisonOperator, new SqlLiteral(Clause.ToTable + '.' + Clause.ToColumn));
                    Query      += JoinString + ' ';

            // Output where statement
            if (_whereStatement.ClauseLevels > 0)
                if (buildCommand)
                    Query += " WHERE " + _whereStatement.BuildWhereStatement(true, ref command);
                    Query += " WHERE " + _whereStatement.BuildWhereStatement();

            // Output GroupBy statement
            if (_groupByColumns.Count > 0)
                Query += " GROUP BY ";
                foreach (string Column in _groupByColumns)
                    Query += Column + ',';
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(',');
                Query += ' ';

            // Output having statement
            if (_havingStatement.ClauseLevels > 0)
                // Check if a Group By Clause was set
                if (_groupByColumns.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Having statement was set without Group By");
                if (buildCommand)
                    Query += " HAVING " + _havingStatement.BuildWhereStatement(true, ref command);
                    Query += " HAVING " + _havingStatement.BuildWhereStatement();

            // Output OrderBy statement
            if (_orderByStatement.Count > 0)
                Query += " ORDER BY ";
                foreach (OrderByClause Clause in _orderByStatement)
                    string OrderByClause = "";
                    switch (Clause.SortOrder)
                    case Sorting.Ascending:
                        OrderByClause = Clause.FieldName + " ASC"; break;

                    case Sorting.Descending:
                        OrderByClause = Clause.FieldName + " DESC"; break;
                    Query += OrderByClause + ',';
                Query  = Query.TrimEnd(','); // Trim de last AND inserted by foreach loop
                Query += ' ';
            if (_limitClause.Limit > 0)
                Query += "LIMIT " + _limitClause.Limit;
                if (_limitClause.Offset > 0)
                    Query += " OFFSET " + _limitClause.Offset;
                Query += " ";
            if (_limitClause.Offset > 0 && _limitClause.Limit <= 0)
                Query += " OFFSET " + _limitClause.Offset;
                Query += " ";
            if (buildCommand)
                // Return the build command
                command.CommandText = Query;
                // Return the built query