Пример #1
        //all the work is done in the constructor for this class
        public InspectKMLforMissions(String _kmlFilename, String _datasetFolder, StreamWriter _outfile)
            //instantiate the polygons class -- filled herein
            polygons = new List<Polygon>();  //List of polygons from the kml

            //class names from input names
            kmlFilename     = _kmlFilename;     //input kml file name with complete path
            datasetFolder   = _datasetFolder;   //folder containing the input kml file
            outfile = _outfile;                 //KMLDebugFile.txt written to the datasetFolder

            //filename of the input kml file -- may not be the polygon/path name stored inside the kml file
            String kmlName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(kmlFilename);

            XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader(kmlFilename);  //associate the textReader with input file

            //  top of the loop to read all folders and placemarks in the input kml
            //   read to a folder or placemark element in the kml
            //   determine if the "Polygon" tag or "lineString" tag is present
            //   assume each placemark has a set of coordinates
            //   read the lat/lon vertices from the coordinates

            //these are set to true when we detect a folder or placemark
            bool folderElementLocated           = false;
            bool placemarkElementLocated        = false;

            String PlacemarkName       = "";
            String PlacemarkFolderName = "";

            //this will become the key exported polygon result from reviewing the input kml
            polygons = new List<Polygon>();

            while (textReader.Read())    ///read xml elements sequentially in a while loop
                //generally, there may be no folders -- but multiple placemarks may be inside a folder
                if (textReader.IsStartElement() && textReader.Name == "Folder")
                    folderElementLocated = true;
                //for a single mission plan there will be only a single placemark -- this is most common
                //however, we can also allow to plan multiple polygon projects
                if (textReader.IsStartElement() && textReader.Name == "Placemark")
                    placemarkElementLocated = true;  //found a placemark

                if (folderElementLocated || placemarkElementLocated)
                    //each placemark should have a "name" element
                    if (textReader.IsStartElement() && textReader.Name == "name")
                        textReader.Read();  //read the next element -- should be a name
                        if (folderElementLocated)
                            PlacemarkFolderName = (String)textReader.Value;
                            folderElementLocated = false;

                        //this where the work occurs --- this placemark name has the coordinates for the client polygons
                        if (placemarkElementLocated)
                            PlacemarkName = (String)textReader.Value;
                            Constants.Log(" Polygon name: " + PlacemarkName);

                            placemarkElementLocated = false;
                            //at this point we have a placmark and its name

                            //fill this structure and place into the polygon list
                            Polygon p = new Polygon();

                            //coverage type must be set below from info in the kml file
                            p.polyCoverageType = COVERAGE_TYPE.notSet;

                            //now locate the polygon Coordinates associated with this Placemark.
                            //the below coordinate reader also works with a linear feature
                            //These are contained in a <coordinates> element
                            while (textReader.Read())

                                //we cycle through subsequent elements for every detected Placemark tag
                                //below code works for either the polygon coverage or for a linear feature coverage


                                //we will distinguish a "polygon" coverage using the Google Earth tag Polygon.
                                if (textReader.IsStartElement() && textReader.Name == "Polygon")
                                    p.polyCoverageType = COVERAGE_TYPE.polygon;
                                    outfile.WriteLine("Found a Placemark and Polygon tag in the unut XML file: assume polygon coverage \n");
                                    Constants.Log("Found a Polygon tag in the input kml file -- assuming polygon coverage");

                                if (textReader.IsStartElement() && textReader.Name == "LineString")
                                     //set flag for detection of a linear feature coverage
                                    p.polyCoverageType = COVERAGE_TYPE.linearFeature;
                                    outfile.WriteLine("Found a Placemark and lineString tag in the input XML file: assume linestring coverage \n");
                                    Constants.Log("Found a lineString tag in the input kml file -- assuming linearFeature coverage");

                                if (textReader.Name == "coordinates")  //this will be the coordinates of the client poygon
                                    //outfile.WriteLine(" Found <coordinates> tag for the polygon data   ");
                                    textReader.Read();  //here we read the complete set of coordinates as a single string
                                    //textReader.Value contains a string with all the polygon coordinates

                                    char[] delimiterChars = { ',', ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r' };   //these delimiters were determined by looking at a file ...
                                    //the "value" is the text between the <coordinates> and </coordinates>
                                    //below we read the complete string value and split it into separate substrings -- ugly but it works
                                    //the substrings contain the individual coordinate values with some ""s and the heights are "0".
                                    string[] coordinateValues = textReader.Value.ToString().Split(delimiterChars);

                                    p.meanLatDeg = 0.0;         p.meanLonDeg = 0.0;
                                    p.Easting       = new List<double>();           p.Northing      = new List<double>();
                                    p.latitudeDeg   = new List<double>();           p.longitudeDeg  = new List<double>();

                                    //get the quantitative lat/long values from the text array ... there are a number of ""s in the text file ...
                                    //each Google point has three values : longitude, Latitude, height -- we assume the height is zero here
                                    int k = 0; int i = 0;
                                    while (i < coordinateValues.Count())  //loop through the number of coordinates in the poloygon
                                        if (coordinateValues[i] != "")

                                            double lat = 0.0;
                                            double lon = 0.0;
                                                lat = Convert.ToDouble(coordinateValues[i + 1]);
                                                lon = Convert.ToDouble(coordinateValues[i]);
                                                Constants.Log("Cant convert the lat or long value to decimal values ");

                                            //Constants.Log( lat.ToString("F5") + "  " + lon.ToString("F5") );

                                            //String ooo = String.Format("{0,2} {1,13:####.00000000} {2,13:####.00000000}", k.ToString(), latitude[k], longitude[k]);

                                            p.meanLatDeg += lat;
                                            p.meanLonDeg += lon;
                                            k++;  //index of the storage array

                                            //increment the split array by 3 because the points are:  lat,lon,height
                                            i += 3;  //increment by 3 to get the next coordinate
                                        else i++;  //here we skip the ""s in the text array

                                    //completed storing the lat/lon array from the kml file
                                    int numLatLonPoints = k;  //final number of lat/lon points

                                    if (p.polyCoverageType == COVERAGE_TYPE.linearFeature)
                                        Constants.Log("Input kml file contains a linearFeature with " + numLatLonPoints.ToString() + " points");
                                    else if(p.polyCoverageType == COVERAGE_TYPE.polygon)
                                        Constants.Log("Input kml file contains a polygon with " + numLatLonPoints.ToString() + " points");

                                    //at this point we have the placemark name and the list of geodetic coordinates for the polygon from this placemark.

                                    p.meanLatDeg /= numLatLonPoints;  //geodetic mean of the polygon
                                    p.meanLonDeg /= numLatLonPoints;

                                    //we will allow three levels of naming:  job, project, polygon
                                    //the original idea was that job = the overall job containing projects and individual polygons in a job
                                    //an example would be
                                    //job:          agricultureFieldsForDate
                                    //Project:      FarmerJohn, FarmerJoe
                                    //polygon:      field#1, field#2, etc
                                    //However, the current setup is that we have a single polygon in the input kml file
                                    p.JobName       = kmlFilename;
                                    p.ProjectName   = PlacemarkFolderName;
                                    p.PolygonName   = PlacemarkName;

                                    if (p.polyCoverageType == COVERAGE_TYPE.notSet)
                                        MessageBox.Show("There were no Polygon or LinearPath coverages found in this input kml file -- exiting");


                                } //end of parsing the coordinates element value into individual polygon lat/lon indices
                            }//end of accessing the <coordinates> element of the placemark
                        } // end of processing Placemark

                    }//end of    if (textReader.IsStartElement() && textReader.Name == "name")
                }//  end of   if (folderElementLocated || placemarkElementLocated)

            }  //end of    while (textReader.Read())

            //need to provide a messageBox if there were no polygon or lineString tags in this kml file

            //outfile.WriteLine(" Finished reading the polygon points. Number of points = " /*+ numLatLonPoints.ToString()*/);
Пример #2
        public void getGoogleMapToCoverProject(ref Polygon p, bool downloadMap)
            double maxLat = p.maxLatDeg;
            double minLat = p.minLatDeg;
            double maxLon = p.maxLonDeg;
            double minLon = p.minLonDeg;

            if (p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lat > maxLat) maxLat = p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lat;
            if (p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lat < minLat) minLat = p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lat;
            if (p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lon > maxLon) maxLon = p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lon;
            if (p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lon < minLon) minLon = p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lon;

            //get the bounding rectangle for the map without any buffer
            foreach (airport apt in p.airports)  //map covers airports used in the planning
                if (apt.lat > maxLat) maxLat = apt.lat;
                if (apt.lat < minLat) minLat = apt.lat;
                if (apt.lon > maxLon) maxLon = apt.lon;
                if (apt.lon < minLon) minLon = apt.lon;
            //make sure the map covers all the polygon
            if (p.maxLatDeg > maxLat) maxLat = p.maxLatDeg;
            if (p.minLatDeg < minLat) minLat = p.minLatDeg;
            if (p.maxLonDeg > maxLon) maxLon = p.maxLonDeg;
            if (p.minLonDeg < minLon) minLon = p.minLonDeg;

            PointD mapCenter = new PointD( (maxLon + minLon)/2.0,  (maxLat + minLat)/2.0  );

            //set a buffer around the map size that will contain the project polygon and airports plus a border
            double bufferPercent = 0.05;
            double latBuffer = bufferPercent * (maxLat - minLat);
            double lonBuffer = bufferPercent * (maxLon - minLon);

            //  get the google maps zoom level that will encompass this map within a 640X480 pixel size
            int selectedZoom = 1;
            //note: the returned image size is reduced as the zooom is increased
            //so increase til the the image no longer fits -- image size assumed to be 640X480
            //640 X 480 is larges image that can be retreived frn Google Maps for FGree.
            for (int zoom = 5; zoom < 20; zoom++)
                setMap(zoom, mapCenter);

                PointD mapNWCordinates = getNWMapCoordinates();
                if (mapNWCordinates.X > (minLon - lonBuffer) || mapNWCordinates.Y < (maxLat + latBuffer))
                    //test to see if the desired boundary rect is no longer contained in the Google Maps image
                    //set the desired zoom level to the last good zoom level
                    selectedZoom = zoom - 1;

            //this URL returns a valid image
            //bing maps web server example:    http://bing.com/maps/default.aspx?cp=43.901683~-69.522416&lvl=12&style=r

            //build up the URL to retrieve the Google Map -- see the above model for the syntax
            String GoogleMapsURL = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=" +
                        mapCenter.Y.ToString() + "," +
                        mapCenter.X.ToString() + "&zoom=" + selectedZoom.ToString() + "&size=640x480&sensor=false";

            //this downloads a map that can be opened --- need to figure out the scaling...
            //GoogleMapsURL = "http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Imagery/Map/Road/Routes?wp.0=Seattle,WA;64;1&wp.1=Redmond,WA;66;2&key=" +
            //    Constants.bingKey;

            //set the file storage location
            String backgroundImageFolder = datasetFolder + "\\" + polygonName + "_Background";
            if (!Directory.Exists(backgroundImageFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(backgroundImageFolder);

            String SaveToFile = backgroundImageFolder + "\\ProjectMap.png";

            if (downloadMap)
                //get the file from the web using a webClient
                getFileFromWeb(GoogleMapsURL, SaveToFile);

                Image img = Image.FromFile(SaveToFile); //get an image object from the stored file

                //must convert this image into a non-indexed image in order to draw on it -- saved file PixelFormat is "Format8bppindexed"
                Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm);  //create a graphics object
                g.DrawImage(img, 0, 0); //now draw the original indexed image (from the file) to the non-indexed image

            setMap(selectedZoom, mapCenter);

            p.NWMapCorner = getNWMapCoordinates();
            p.SEMapCorner = getSEMapCoordinates();
            p.mapName = polygonName + "_Background\\ProjectMap.png";

            ////draw the overall polygon onto the map
            //for (int j = 0; j < p.latitudeDeg.Count; j++ )
            //    int jp1 = (j+1) % p.latitudeDeg.Count;
            //    Point startPix = FromCoordinatesToLocalMapPixels(new PointD(p.longitudeDeg[j],   p.latitudeDeg[j]  ));  //first convert center to Google Map pixels
            //    Point endPix   = FromCoordinatesToLocalMapPixels(new PointD(p.longitudeDeg[jp1], p.latitudeDeg[jp1]));  //first convert center to Google Map pixels
            //    //startPix.X = 0; startPix.Y = 0; endPix.X = 640; endPix.Y = 480;
            //    g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red, 3), startPix, endPix);

            //String missionImageFolder = datasetFolder + "\\" + polygonName + "_Summary";
            //if (!Directory.Exists(missionImageFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(missionImageFolder);
            //bm.Save(datasetFolder + "\\" + p.mapName);
Пример #3
        public List<airport> airportsNearPolygon(Polygon p)
            //this procedure gets a List of airports close to a client polygon
            //we break the polygpon rectangular boundary into rectangular chunks 50kmx50km
            //the Google "Places" API will return airports within a 50km radius of a point
            //so we call the API using the 50 mi squares ..
            // this is only approximate and should be rethought !!!

            //this will become the returned airports list
            airports = new List<airport>();

            //we will also get the elevation at the airport lat/lon using the Google Elevation API
            //below is the prefix and postfix where the lat/lon of the request is in the middle
            String elevationAPIPrefix = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/xml?locations=";
            String elevationAPIPostfix = "&sensor=false";

            //get poly NS and EW height/width for the poly bounding rectangle
            double NSPolyHeightMeters = p.maxNorthing - p.minNorthing;
            double EWPolyWidthMeters  = p.maxEasting  - p.minEasting;

            //find number of 50km boxes to cover the NS height + 100km added to top and bottom
            int numberNSDivisions = Convert.ToInt32((NSPolyHeightMeters + 100000.0) / 50000.0) + 1;
            int numberEWDivisions = Convert.ToInt32((EWPolyWidthMeters + 100000.0) / 50000.0) + 1;

            double aptLat = 0.0, aptLon = 0.0;
            //start 100km below the S edge but by 25km
            //we will step in 50km chunks cause the Places API only gives us places within 50km of a point
            double northing = p.minNorthing - 75000.0;  //start at the south edge and move north
                //cycle through all the 50km square regions covering the polygon
                for (int i = 0; i < numberNSDivisions; i++)
                    double easting = p.minEasting - 75000.0;  //start at the westmost and move east (+)
                    for (int j = 0; j < numberEWDivisions; j++)
                        List<airport> localAirports = new List<airport>();  //local airports for this 50km square
                        utm.UTMtoLL(northing, easting, p.UTMZone, ref aptLat, ref aptLon);
                        localAirports = airportsWitin50kmRadius(aptLat, aptLon, p.meanLatDeg, p.meanLonDeg); //get local list for 50km square
                        //Console.WriteLine("new code  "  +  i.ToString() + "  " + j.ToString() + "  " + localAirports.Count.ToString());
                        //localAirports = airportsWitin50kmRadius(meanLatDeg, meanLonDeg, meanLatDeg, meanLonDeg);
                        easting += 50000.0;  // move east by 50km
                        if (localAirports.Count == 0)   continue; //if this 50km square has NO airports -- go to the next box to the east

                        //check the new airports from the local list against the complete list --- dont add airports twice
                        for (int iap = 0; iap < localAirports.Count; iap++)  //not using a foreach cause we want to add the altitude to the airport struct
                            bool repeated = false;
                            foreach (airport ap in airports)  //cycle through the local airports
                                //if the airport name in the local list is same as airport name in total list break and label as a repeat
                                if (ap.name == localAirports[iap].name)
                                    //Console.WriteLine("repeated airport:  " + ap.name);
                                    repeated = true; break;

                            if (!repeated)  //use this airport in the exported list
                                //form the Google Elevation API request for the elevation at this airport
                                XmlTextReader tr = new XmlTextReader(elevationAPIPrefix + localAirports[iap].lat + "," + localAirports[iap].lon + elevationAPIPostfix);
                                while (tr.Read())  //read the response xml reply from the elevation API to get the elevation
                                    if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "elevation")
                                        airport temp = localAirports[iap];   //cannot modify localAirports[iap].altitude directly!!!!
                                        temp.altitude = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);  //modify a temp version of the airport struct and then re-insert to the list
                                        localAirports[iap] = temp;


                                String lcName = localAirports[iap].name.ToLower();
                                //Console.WriteLine("new non-repeated airport:  " + lcName);

                                if ((lcName.Contains("air") || lcName.Contains("field") || lcName.Contains("aero")))
                                    Console.WriteLine("adding new airport:  " + lcName);
                                    //Console.WriteLine("rejected non-repeated airport:  " + lcName);
                    northing += 50000.0;  //move to the north by 50km
                //int a = 0;

            airports.Sort( (apt1, apt2) => string.Compare(apt1.name, apt2.name));

            return airports;
Пример #4
        public ReflyPlanner(String _reflyKmlPathFilename, Polygon _p)
            reflyKmlPathFilename = _reflyKmlPathFilename;
            p = _p;

            UTM2Geodetic utm = new UTM2Geodetic();

            XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader(reflyKmlPathFilename);  //associate the textReader with input file
            while (textReader.Read())
                if (textReader.IsStartElement() && textReader.Name == "coordinates")
                    //read in and process the coordinates into refly line segments

                    textReader.Read();  //here we read the complete set of coordinates as a single string
                    //textReader.Value contains a string with all the polygon coordinates
                    char[] delimiterChars = { ',', ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r' };   //these delimiters were determined by looking at a file ...
                    //the "value" is the text between the <coordinates> and </coordinates>
                    //below we read the complete string value and split it into separate substrings -- ugly but it works
                    //the substrings contain the individual coordinate values with some ""s and the heigts are "0".
                    string[] coordinateValues = textReader.Value.ToString().Split(delimiterChars);

                    //get the quantitative lat/long values from the text array ... there are a number of ""s in the text file ...
                    //each Google point has three values : longitude, Latitude, height -- we assume the height is zero here
                    int k = 0; int i = 0;
                    double lat1=0.0, lat2=0.0, lon1=0.0, lon2=0.0;
                    while (i < coordinateValues.Count())
                        if (coordinateValues[i] != "")

                            lat1 = Convert.ToDouble(coordinateValues[i + 1]);
                            lon1 = Convert.ToDouble(coordinateValues[i]);

                            //odd-even numbered (k) points are the endpoints
                            if ( (k+1) % 2 == 0)
                                //have found a segment pair of lat/lon points
                                //order the start/end points so the start end is to the south
                                endPoints ep = new endPoints();
                                if (lat1 > lat2)
                                    ep.endLat = lat1;
                                    ep.endLon = lon1;
                                    ep.startLat = lat2;
                                    ep.startLon = lon2;
                                    ep.endLat = lat2;
                                    ep.endLon = lon2;
                                    ep.startLat = lat1;
                                    ep.startLon = lon1;
                                utm.LLtoUTM(ep.startLat * Deg2Rad, ep.startLon * Deg2Rad, ref ep.startUTMY, ref ep.startUTMX, ref p.UTMZone, true);
                                utm.LLtoUTM(ep.endLat * Deg2Rad, ep.endLon * Deg2Rad, ref ep.endUTMY, ref ep.endUTMX, ref p.UTMZone, true);


                            lat2 = lat1;
                            lon2 = lon1;

                            k++;  //index of the storage array

                            //increment the split array by 3 because the points are lat,lon,height
                            i += 3;  //increment by 3 to get the next coordinate
                        else i++;  //here we skip the ""s in the text array
Пример #5
        private COVERAGE_SUMMARY getPolygonFlightPathCoverage(double rotationRad,
            Polygon p, double swathWidthKm, double maxFLLengthKm, double minLineLength, double DRImageHeightKm,
            ref int numSets, ref int numFlightLines, ref double[,,] XAllSets, ref double[,,] YAllSets)
            //this procedure defines a set of flight lines that cover a polygon
            //The flight lines are returned on the arrays XallSets, YAllSets

            //For coverages other than North-South,
            //rotate the input easting, Northing polygon vertices by angle about the polygon centroid
            //cover the rotated polygon with a North-South set of flight lines
            //This will result in a YAllSets[i,k,j], XAllsets[i,k,j] set of flight line endpoints
            //where i=0,1 to represent the start or end
            //      j= the set number
            //      k= flightline number within the set
            //now rotate the flight line endpoints by -theta about the polygon centroid.
            //now YAllSets, XAlSets are rotated vectors
            //go through the set-based flight lines, tossing zero-length lines
            //and to produce a 1D (non-set-based) list of flight lines
            //The flightline-length computation must use the generalized UTM flight line endpoints.

            //rotate the input polygon
            List<double> originalPolygonEasting = new List<double>();
            List<double> originalPolygonNorthing = new List<double>();
            for (int i = 0; i < p.Northing.Count; i++)
            //rotate the original coordinates
            p.maxEasting = -999999999999.0; p.maxNorthing = -9999999999999.0;
            p.minEasting = 999999999999.0; p.minNorthing = 9999999999999.0;

            //double rotation = (-p.rotationAngleDeg) * Constants.Deg2Rad;

            for (int i = 0; i < p.Northing.Count; i++)
                double delEasting = originalPolygonEasting[i] - p.meanEasting;
                double delNorthing = originalPolygonNorthing[i] - p.meanNorthing;
                p.Easting[i]  = p.meanEasting  + Math.Cos(rotationRad) * delEasting + Math.Sin(rotationRad) * delNorthing;
                p.Northing[i] = p.meanNorthing - Math.Sin(rotationRad) * delEasting + Math.Cos(rotationRad) * delNorthing;

                //recompute the maximums for the rotated vertices
                if (p.Easting[i] > p.maxEasting) p.maxEasting = p.Easting[i];
                if (p.Northing[i] > p.maxNorthing) p.maxNorthing = p.Northing[i];
                if (p.Easting[i] < p.minEasting) p.minEasting = p.Easting[i];
                if (p.Northing[i] < p.minNorthing) p.minNorthing = p.Northing[i];
            //compute the north-to-south distance wherein we will space the flightlines
            double NSDstanceKm = (p.maxNorthing - p.minNorthing) / 1000.0;
            double EWDstanceKm = (p.maxEasting - p.minEasting) / 1000.0;
            double NSDstanceMi = (p.maxNorthing - p.minNorthing) / 0.3048 / 5280.0;
            double EWDstanceMi = (p.maxEasting - p.minEasting) / 0.3048 / 5280.0;
            //must also recompute the maxNorthing and maxEasting for the rotated vertices

            //int numFlightLines = 0, numSets = 0;
            double maxFLLengthMet = 0.0;
            double E2WKm = 0.0;

            numFlightLines = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(EWDstanceKm / swathWidthKm));  //flight lines should always be inside the polygon

            //input flight line length is reduced to cause an integer number of equal-length flight lines to span the NS extent
            numSets = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(NSDstanceKm / maxFLLengthKm)) + 1;
            maxFLLengthKm = NSDstanceKm / numSets;  //make maxFLLength equal-to or smaller-than max so each set has constant NS length
            double maxFLLengthMi = maxFLLengthKm * 1000.0 / 0.3048 / 5280.0;
            maxFLLengthMet = maxFLLengthKm * 1000.0;
            E2WKm = swathWidthKm * numFlightLines;  //redefine the E2W coverage distance so that flightline spacing fixed by camera FOV and sidelap

            //this is the final UTM set of flight line endpointd
            //XAllSets[k,i,j], YAllSets[k,i,j] whete k=0,1 (start,end of flight line), i=Set, j=FlightlineInSet
            //X is the Easting and Y is the Northing
            //the Start is always below (to the south) from the end for a flight line
            //double[, ,] XAllSets;
            //double[, ,] YAllSets;

            //set up for the polygon math
            polygonMath polyMath = new polygonMath(p.Easting, p.Northing, datasetFolder);

            //these arrays store the endpoints of the flight lines not-terminated by max line length constraint
            double[,] XintAllFL = new double[2, numFlightLines + 1];  //beginning and end of each flight line
            double[,] YintAllFL = new double[2, numFlightLines + 1];

            double EastingStart = 0, EastingEnd = 0, NorthingStart = 0, NorthingEnd = 0;
            //set the first NS flight line on the eastmost side -- no more than 1/2 swathwidth inside the polygon
            //because the flight lines are N-S, the eastings for the endpoints will be the same
            //NOTE:  EWDstanceKm is the max extent of the polygon rectangular boundary
            //E2WKm will be <= EWDstanceKm
            EastingStart = p.minEasting + 1000.0 * (EWDstanceKm - E2WKm) / 2.0; //fight lines will always be inside the polygon
            EastingEnd = EastingStart; // all NS flight lines have the same EW coordinates (they are exactly NS)
            //initialize the initial flight line ends as the max of the polygon rectangular envelope
            NorthingStart = p.maxNorthing;
            NorthingEnd = p.minNorthing;

            outfile.WriteLine(" Precompute the flight line lengths without maxLength consideration");

            //without the below statement, the last flight line will be too far inside the right max extent
            //something fishy about the above integer math!!!!!

            //pre compute all the flightline intersections with the polygon without consideration of Sets that will act to reduce the flight line length
            //this initial step computes the flightlines as though they can have infinite length
            //  Sets:  vertically divide the Project polygon into equal-distance regions where we will look for non-zero flight lines
            double maxUnterminatedLineLength = -999.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numFlightLines; i++)
                //flight line intersections wthout consideration of line length
                double[] Xint = new double[2];
                double[] Yint = new double[2];

                //compute the north-most and south-most flightline ends by the intersection of the flightline with the polygon
                //here we only return two intersections -- internal to this procedure, we compute the most-north and most-south of all intersections
                //note the polygons may contain concave areas that would cause more than two intersections
                int intersectionCounter =
                    polyMath.intersectionOfLineWithPolygon(EastingStart, NorthingStart, EastingEnd, NorthingEnd, ref Xint, ref Yint);

                XintAllFL[0, i] = Xint[0];  //west-most line intersection with poly for Flightline i
                XintAllFL[1, i] = Xint[1];  //east-most line intersection with poly
                YintAllFL[0, i] = Yint[0];  //south-most line intersection with poly
                YintAllFL[1, i] = Yint[1];  //north-most line intersection with poly

                double lineLength = 0.0;
                lineLength = (YintAllFL[1, i] - YintAllFL[0, i]);

                outfile.WriteLine(String.Format("line number: {0,2}  non-terminated linelength = {1,12:#.00} (km) {2,12:#.00} (Mi)",
                    i, lineLength / 1000.0, lineLength / 0.3048 / 5280.0));

                if (lineLength > maxUnterminatedLineLength) maxUnterminatedLineLength = lineLength;

                //increment the NS flight line by the swath width -- assume North-South flightline that moves to the east
                EastingStart += (swathWidthKm * 1000.0);
                EastingEnd = EastingStart;

            //completed locating the coverage flight lines without consideration of maximum flight line length

            //input flight line length is reduced to cause an integer number of equal-length flight lines to span the NS extent
            outfile.WriteLine(" Break up the non-terminated lines using the adjusted flightline maxLength: " + maxFLLengthMi.ToString("F2") + "  (mi)");
            outfile.WriteLine(" Number of Sets: " + numSets.ToString());

            //these will hold the flight line endpoints that are broken into sets to reduce flight line length
            XAllSets = new double[2, numSets, numFlightLines + 1];
            YAllSets = new double[2, numSets, numFlightLines + 1];

            //takes care of the case when there is only a single set
            //handle the case where the non-terminated line length is less than the client-requested max line length
            //if (maxUnterminatedLineLength < maxFLLengthMet) numSets = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < numSets; i++) for (int j = 0; j < numFlightLines; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                        XAllSets[k, i, j] = XintAllFL[k, j];
                        YAllSets[k, i, j] = YintAllFL[k, j];

            FLSum = new FlightlineSummary[numSets * numFlightLines + 1];

            //now break up the non-terminated (too long) NS flight lines into the subsets defined by the user-set max flight line length
            // the subset regions will have equal vertical (NS) height if lines end at a set boundary

            //cycle through the number of sets as determined by the max flight line length
            for (int i = 0; i < numSets; i++)  //numsets breaks the too-long flight lines to be less than the max flight line
                outfile.WriteLine("      Set: " + i.ToString());
                //define flight line candidate endpoints based on only the set start points
                //these are adjusted based on line-end intersections with the client polygon
                double startSetY = 0, endSetY = 0, startSetX = 0, endSetX = 0;
                //define the vertical locations of the Set endpoints -- starts at the north-most set and moves south
                startSetY = p.maxNorthing - i * maxFLLengthKm * 1000.0;     //test subset flight line Ystart at the Set start
                endSetY = startSetY - maxFLLengthKm * 1000.0;         //test subset flight line Yend at the Set end

                //cycle through the number of flight lines spaced across the plan pattern for each along-line set
                for (int j = 0; j < numFlightLines; j++)
                    //start & end X (easting) values are equal and increment to the east with flight line counter
                    startSetX = p.minEasting + 1000.0 * (EWDstanceKm - E2WKm) / 2.0 + j * swathWidthKm * 1000.0;
                    //EW coordinates of NS flightlines are identical
                    endSetX = startSetX;

                    //at this point we have a set of flight lines defined by the along-line set and across-line FL spacing
                    //based solely on a rectangular region defined by the max/min coverage boundaries
                    //we need to terminate these lines based on their intersections with the client polygon

                    //the below arrays are the intersections of the flight line with the client polygon
                    double[] Xint = new double[2];
                    double[] Yint = new double[2];

                    //compute the number of intersections of the per-set line segment with the client polygon
                    //this can be zero, 1, 2, ....
                    int numIntersects = polyMath.intersectionOfLineWithPolygon(startSetX, startSetY, endSetX, endSetY, ref Xint, ref Yint);

                    //test to see if both ends of the test flight line are outside the total Project polygon external hull -- if so skip remainder of this loop --
                    //NOTE: endSetY will always be to the North of startSetY -- End and Start have a geographic order
                    //endsetY is south of startSetY  -- YintAllFL[1, j] is south of YintAllFL[0, j]
                    //YintAllFL[0, i] south-most line intersection with poly
                    //YintAllFL[1, i] north-most line intersection with poly
                    if (endSetY > YintAllFL[1, j] || startSetY < YintAllFL[0, j])
                        outfile.WriteLine("both ends of FL= " + j.ToString() + " outside set " + i.ToString());
                        //force this line length for this set to zero -- else it will be counted again on another set
                        YAllSets[1, i, j] = YintAllFL[0, j];
                        YAllSets[0, i, j] = YintAllFL[0, j];

                    //if we get here -- at least one line end is inside the current set boundary extent
                    //  numIntersects is the number of intersections of the set-terminated flight line with the client polygon
                    //there can be zero intersects even with both ends outside or inside the polygon
                    if (numIntersects == 0)
                        //test to see if one end is inside the polygon  -- since there are zero intersects, this is the case where both ends are inside the polygon
                        if (polyMath.pointInsidePolygon(p.Easting.Count, endSetX, endSetY, p.Easting, p.Northing)) //both endpoints are inside the polygon
                            // set the desired flight line ends to fall on the set boundaries
                            YAllSets[1, i, j] = startSetY;
                            YAllSets[0, i, j] = endSetY;
                            outfile.WriteLine(" both line ends are inside the client poly ");
                        //the below "continue" is redundant with the first test above -- should never get here
                        //there are zero set-line intersections and neither end is inside the client poly
                            outfile.WriteLine("set line has at least one intersections with client poly -- but neither end is inside the poly");
                            continue; //this is the case where the poly is concave so that the complete terminated line is outside the polygon
                    else if (numIntersects % 2 == 1) //one of the set-boundary-terminated flight lines is outside the client polygon
                        outfile.WriteLine(" one line end is inside the client poly ");
                        //test to see if the endpoint is inside the client polygon
                        //if so, then this end is on the desired flight line
                        //the other end is at the set boundary
                        if (polyMath.pointInsidePolygon(p.Easting.Count, endSetX, endSetY, p.Easting, p.Northing))
                            YAllSets[1, i, j] = Yint[1];
                            YAllSets[0, i, j] = endSetY;
                        else //the startpoint is inside the client polygon
                            YAllSets[1, i, j] = startSetY;
                            YAllSets[0, i, j] = Yint[0];
                    //here we have an even number of intersctions
                    else //either both of the unterminated lines are outside the polygon or there is a concave polygon section
                    // must also consider a jut-out where both ends are outside ---
                        if (!polyMath.pointInsidePolygon(p.Easting.Count, endSetX, endSetY, p.Easting, p.Northing))
                            outfile.WriteLine("even number of intersections -- both ends are outside the client poly ");
                            //both ends must be outside the polygon
                            YAllSets[1, i, j] = Yint[1];
                            YAllSets[0, i, j] = Yint[0];
                        else //both ends must be inside the polygon
                            outfile.WriteLine("even number of intersections --  both ends are inside the client poly ");
                            YAllSets[1, i, j] = startSetY;
                            YAllSets[0, i, j] = endSetY;

                    double lineLengthKm = 0, lineLengthMi = 0;
                    //this becomes a list of the flight lines on a Set grouping that cover the polygon
                    //need to keep the order of the line within the set ... e.g., track those on the ends
                    XAllSets[0, i, j] = startSetX;    //start of the line  (this is to the South for a NS flightline)
                    XAllSets[1, i, j] = endSetX;      //end of the line

                    lineLengthKm = (YAllSets[1, i, j] - YAllSets[0, i, j]) / 1000.0;
                    lineLengthMi = (YAllSets[1, i, j] - YAllSets[0, i, j]) / 0.3048 / 5280.0;

                    outfile.WriteLine(String.Format("lines terminated at Set boundaries: set= {0,2} FL= {1,2} length: {2,10:#.00} Km {3,10:#.00} Mi  intersects = {4}",
                        i, j, lineLengthKm, lineLengthMi, numIntersects));

                    //below we do the following:
                    //if a line is too short, add the segment to either the next or last extension of the line
                    //if the short line is at the bottom of this Set, add to the top of the next set
                    //if the short line is at the top of this Set, add to the bottom of the last set


            outfile.WriteLine("Extend the flight lines slightly to account for the descretization resulting from the swath width");

            //we have a set of flight lines that cover the polygon spaced per the swath width
            //However, if we use these flight lines, we will end up with gaps at the polygon edges
            //due to the discretization of the flight lines. A short flight line prior to a
            //longer flight line must be extended so that its edge covers the polygon.
            //this should really be done by locating the polygon intersections at the halfway points between
            //each of the flightline. We use the 0.75 below to account for this approximation.
            //if the polygon edges were linear between the endpoints, we would use 0.5
            //if the edge bewteen the endpoint has a vertices with convex shape it should be bigger than 0.5

            //save the old endpoints
            double[, ,] YAllSetsTemp = new double[2, numSets, numFlightLines];
            for (int i = 0; i < numSets; i++) for (int j = 0; j < numFlightLines; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) YAllSetsTemp[k, i, j] = YAllSets[k, i, j];
            double[, ,] XAllSetsTemp = new double[2, numSets, numFlightLines];
            for (int i = 0; i < numSets; i++) for (int j = 0; j < numFlightLines; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) XAllSetsTemp[k, i, j] = XAllSets[k, i, j];

            for (int i = 0; i < numSets; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numFlightLines; j++)
                    double lineLengthKm = lineLengthKm = (YAllSets[1, i, j] - YAllSets[0, i, j]) / 1000.0;
                    //discard zero-length lines
                    if (lineLengthKm == 0.0)
                        outfile.WriteLine(" discard set {0} FL {1} due to zero length", i, j);
                        outfile.WriteLine(" keep set {0,2} FL {1,2} length = {2,8:#.00} (km) {3,8:#.00} (mi) ", i, j, lineLengthKm, lineLengthKm * 1000.0 / 0.3048 / 5280.0);

                    if (j < (numFlightLines - 2))
                        double lineLengthKm2 = 0;
                        lineLengthKm2 = (YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j + 1] - YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j + 1]) / 1000.0;

                        if (lineLengthKm2 == 0.0) continue;
                        //test to see if the next flight line end is above the current flight line end
                        //if so, then extend this flight line halfway to the next line end
                        if (YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j] < YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j + 1]) YAllSets[1, i, j] += 0.75 * (YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j + 1] - YAllSets[1, i, j]);
                        //test to see if the next flight line start is below the current flight line start
                        //if so, then extend this flight line start point halfway to the next line startpoint
                        if (YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j] > YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j + 1]) YAllSets[0, i, j] -= 0.75 * (YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j] - YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j + 1]);

                    if (j > 0)
                        double lineLengthKm2 = lineLengthKm2 = (YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j - 1] - YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j - 1]) / 1000.0;
                        if (lineLengthKm2 == 0.0) continue;

                        //test to see if the prior flight line end is above the current flight line end
                        //if so, then extend this flight line end point halfway to the prior line end point
                        if (YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j] < YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j - 1]) YAllSets[1, i, j] += 0.75 * (YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j - 1] - YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j]);

                        //test to see if the prior flight line start is below the current flight line start
                        //if so, then extend this flight line start point halfway to the prior line start point
                        if (YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j] > YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j - 1]) YAllSets[0, i, j] -= 0.75 * (YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j] - YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j - 1]);

            //output a summary of the above computations
            for (int i = 0; i < numSets; i++)
                outfile.WriteLine("Set = " + i.ToString("D2"));
                for (int j = 0; j < numFlightLines; j++)
                    double newlineLengthKm = (YAllSets[1, i, j] - YAllSets[0, i, j]) / 1000.0;
                    double oldlineLengthKm = (YAllSetsTemp[1, i, j] - YAllSetsTemp[0, i, j]) / 1000.0;
                    outfile.WriteLine("FL = {0,2}  oldLength = {1,8:#.00} (km)   newLength = {2,8:#.00} ", j, oldlineLengthKm, newlineLengthKm);

            outfile.WriteLine("Go back through the terminated flight lines and add too short lines to prior set ");

            //go back through the flight line segments, ordered by set & flightline, and cull the "zero-length" segments
            //also add the too-short segments to the adjoining (to the South) Set
            //Caveat:  adding the too-short segments to the South Set can result in some odd outlier flightline groupings!!!
            //Resolution: at the start of a set: once we "keep" a segment, dont adjoin anymore short lines to the south
            //            but at the end of a Set, once we adjoin a segment, must also adjoin the remainder
            //  thus we have to look for short flightlines going forward -- terminating after we find a sufficiently long line
            //  and then go backward, again stopping after  we have found a sufficiently long line
            int numTooShortLines = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numSets - 2; i++)   //TEMPORARY ???
                //define the vertical locations of the Set endpoints
                double startSetY = p.maxNorthing - i * maxFLLengthKm * 1000.0; //test subset flight line Ystart at the Set start
                double endSetY = startSetY - maxFLLengthKm * 1000.0;           //test subset flight line Yend at the Set end

                int jStart = 0, jEnd = numFlightLines, jDelta = 1;  //conditions that cause going forward for each set
                for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)   //causes going backward and forward through the flightlines in a Set -- see above Caveat.
                    if (k == 1)  //going backward -- lines go from largest to smallest
                    { jStart = numFlightLines - 1; jEnd = 0; jDelta = -1; }  //conditions that cause going backward

                    //multiplying by "-1" on the back pass flips the equality!! -- so start at the end going down to "0" (j>-1)
                    for (int j = jStart; (jDelta * j) < (jDelta * jEnd - 1); j += jDelta)
                        //test to see if both ends of the test flight line are outside the polygon -- if so skip remainder of this loop --
                        if (endSetY > YintAllFL[1, j] || startSetY < YintAllFL[0, j]) continue;

                        double lineLengthKm = (YAllSets[1, i, j] - YAllSets[0, i, j]) / 1000.0;
                        double lineLengthMi = (YAllSets[1, i, j] - YAllSets[0, i, j]) / 0.3048 / 5280.0;

                        outfile.WriteLine(String.Format("set {0} FL {1} linelength = {2,15:#.00} Km {3,15:#.00} Mi", i, j, lineLengthKm, lineLengthMi));

                        if (lineLengthKm == 0) continue;
                        //if zero length -- continue
                        //if a line is too short, add the segment to either the next or last extension of the line

                        if (lineLengthKm < minLineLength)
                            //if the short line is at the bottom of this Set, add to the top of the next set
                            if (YAllSets[0, i, j] == endSetY && i < (numSets - 1)) //bottom of this short line is at the bottom of the Set
                                outfile.WriteLine(String.Format("remove and add to top of next set:: {0} {1} {2,15:#.00} Km", i, j, lineLengthKm));
                                YAllSets[1, i + 1, j] += lineLengthKm * 1000.0; //bottom this segment added to top of next segment
                                YAllSets[0, i, j] = 0;  //set old short segment to zero
                                YAllSets[1, i, j] = 0;  //set old short segment to zero

                            //if the short line is at the top of this Set, add to the bottom of the last set
                            else if (YAllSets[1, i, j] == startSetY && i > 0) ////top of this short line is at the top of the Set
                                outfile.WriteLine(String.Format("remove and add to bottom of last set:: {0} {1} {2,15:#.00} Km", i, j, lineLengthKm));
                                YAllSets[0, i - 1, j] -= lineLengthKm * 1000.0; //top this segment added to bottom of last segment
                                YAllSets[0, i, j] = 0;  //set old short segment to zero
                                YAllSets[1, i, j] = 0;  //set old short segment to zero
                                //if both ends of the short line are on the polygon, then do nothing.
                                if (k == 0) outfile.WriteLine(String.Format("forward  Pass: short line contained within the polygon:: {0} {1} {2,15:#.00} Km", i, j, lineLengthKm));
                                if (k == 1) outfile.WriteLine(String.Format("backward Pass: short line contained within the polygon:: {0} {1} {2,15:#.00} Km", i, j, lineLengthKm));

                        //below break causes the short flight lies to be merged with the Southern set either at the start or end of a Set
                        else break;  //this breaks after we have found the first occurrence of a sufficient long fliight line
                }  //end of the k-look --- k=0 is forward and k=1 is backward
            outfile.WriteLine("Number of moved too-short flight lines = {0,2}", numTooShortLines);

            //adjust the photocenters so that they fall on a rectangular grid
            //grid origin is always the NW corner of the bounding rectangle
            //note that the rotated flight lines are still North-South
            //make adjustments to the UTM north and south flight line endpoints

            outfile.WriteLine("Adjust the flight line endoints so they fall on a rectangular grid");
            COVERAGE_SUMMARY covSummary = new COVERAGE_SUMMARY();
            covSummary.numTotalFlightLines = 0;
            covSummary.totalFlightLineLength = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSets; i++)
                outfile.WriteLine("Set= {0,2} ", i);
                for (int j = 0; j < numFlightLines; j++)
                    double distanceBetweenTriggersMeters = DRImageHeightKm * 1000.0;
                    double originalFLlength = YAllSets[1, i, j] - YAllSets[0, i, j];
                    //make FL start  fall on a grid with downrange spacing of distanceBetweenTriggers
                    //the start end is always below the end (to the south for a NS flightline)
                    //compute the number of grid cells from the origin -- the "+1" ensures it covers (is above) the non-gridded flight line
                    int numGridsFromMaxNorthingS = (int)((p.maxNorthing - YAllSets[0, i, j]) / distanceBetweenTriggersMeters);
                    //the "+1" below always ensures the quantized start points are outside (below) the polygon.
                    //this will result in a single frame duplication between sets.
                    YAllSets[0, i, j] = p.maxNorthing - (numGridsFromMaxNorthingS + 1) * distanceBetweenTriggersMeters;

                    //make FL end latitude fall on a grid with downrange spacing of distanceBetweenTriggers
                    //compute the number of grid cells from the origin -- the "-1" ensures it covers the non-gridded flight line
                    int numGridsFromMaxNorthingE = (int)((p.maxNorthing - YAllSets[1, i, j]) / distanceBetweenTriggersMeters) + 1;
                    //the "-1" below always ensures the quantized endponts points are outside (above) the polygon (note the double negative.
                    //this will result in a songle frame duplication between sets.
                    YAllSets[1, i, j] = p.maxNorthing - (numGridsFromMaxNorthingE - 1) * distanceBetweenTriggersMeters;
                    double finalFLlength = YAllSets[1, i, j] - YAllSets[0, i, j];
                    outfile.WriteLine("FL = {0,2}  original length = {1,8:#.00} (km)  adjusted length = {2,8:#.00} ",
                        j, originalFLlength, finalFLlength);
                    if (finalFLlength > 0)
                        covSummary.totalFlightLineLength += finalFLlength;
            covSummary.totalFlightLineLength /= 1000.0;
            covSummary.averageFlightLineLength = covSummary.totalFlightLineLength / covSummary.numTotalFlightLines;

            //all the above was performed assuming the input polygon was rotated to a North-South orientation
            //NS flightlines were computer to cover the polygon
            //we must now counter-rotate the resulting flight lines back to their original geometry
            //this approach preseves the flightline relationship with the original polygon
            //The resulting flight lines are now arbitrarily rotated relative to north

            //retrieve the original non-rotated UTM input coordinates
            for (int i = 0; i < p.Northing.Count; i++)
                p.Easting[i] = originalPolygonEasting[i];
                p.Northing[i] = originalPolygonNorthing[i];

            //rotate the flight line endpoints back to the original non-rotated coordinate frame
            //X corresponds to Eastng, Y to Northing --
            //note that in the initial rotation, the variable "rotation" was set to p.rotationDeg
            //below we rotation with -rotation to get back to the original coordinates
            for (int i = 0; i < numSets; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numFlightLines; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                        double delEasting = XAllSets[k, i, j] - p.meanEasting;
                        double delNorthing = YAllSets[k, i, j] - p.meanNorthing;
                        XAllSets[k, i, j] = p.meanEasting  + Math.Cos(-rotationRad) * delEasting + Math.Sin(-rotationRad) * delNorthing;
                        YAllSets[k, i, j] = p.meanNorthing - Math.Sin(-rotationRad) * delEasting + Math.Cos(-rotationRad) * delNorthing;
                        XAllSets[k, i, j] = p.meanEasting  + Math.Cos(-rotationRad) * delEasting + Math.Sin(-rotationRad) * delNorthing;
                        YAllSets[k, i, j] = p.meanNorthing - Math.Sin(-rotationRad) * delEasting + Math.Cos(-rotationRad) * delNorthing;
            //return sufficient information to compare various coverage options
            return covSummary;
Пример #6
        //individual mission (collection of flight lines) parameters
        private void writeKmlPolygonMissonPlan(Polygon p, 
            double DRImageHeightKm,                 //the downrange distance between camera triggers to achieve overlap
            int missionNumber,                      //Total number of missions for this project
            double flightAlt,                       //flight altitude agll to achieve the requested resoltion
            double swathWidthKm,                    //swath width constant over the project
            double totalFlightlineDistance,         //total flight line distance over the project
            double totalFerryTime,                  //total ferry time for the project
            double aircraftSpeedKPH,                //average airspeed
            double totalTimeOverTarget,             //total time over the target
            int numFL,                              //total number of flight lines for the project 
            int totalImages,                        //total images for the project
            List<MissionSummary> MissionSumA)
            /////////////////////////////kml header and re-write the polygon points/////////////////////////////////////////
            //  PolygonName is the Placemark name from the input kml file

            //write the placemark for the original polygon
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<Placemark>  <name>" + p.PolygonName + "</name>  <styleUrl>#redLine</styleUrl> <LineString> <tessellate>1</tessellate>");
            for (int i = 0; i < p.longitudeDeg.Count; i++)  //write out the original polygon from the initial input .kml
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:#.000000000},{1:#.000000000},{2,1}", p.longitudeDeg[i], p.latitudeDeg[i], 0));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</coordinates> </LineString>  </Placemark>");

            //show the summary image for this Project that was extracted from Google Maps
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<GroundOverlay> <name>Project Map</name>  <visibility>0</visibility> <drawOrder> 10 </drawOrder> <LatLonAltBox>");
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<north>{0}</north> <south>{1}</south>", p.NWMapCorner.Y, p.SEMapCorner.Y);
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<east>{0} </east>  <west>{1} </west>", p.SEMapCorner.X, p.NWMapCorner.X);
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</LatLonAltBox> <Lod> <minLodPixels>128</minLodPixels>");
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<maxLodPixels>-1</maxLodPixels> </Lod> <Icon> <href>{0}</href> </Icon>", p.mapName);
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(" </GroundOverlay>");

            /////////////////////////////end of the initial kml material///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            //below we first write the top folder that will contain the missions
            //we also summarize the complete coverage of the Client polygon here
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<Folder> <name> {0}MissionPlan </name>", p.PolygonName);  //PlaceMarkName is from the original input kml
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<downRangePhotoSpacingMeters> {0} </downRangePhotoSpacingMeters>", DRImageHeightKm * 1000.0);  //photoSpacing in meters
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<crossRangeSwathWidth> {0} </crossRangeSwathWidth>", swathWidthKm * 1000.0);  //photoSpacing in meters
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<numberOfMissons> {0} </numberOfMissons>", missionNumber);  //total number of missions
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<UTMZone>{0}</UTMZone>", p.UTMZone);  //UTM zone
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<gridOriginUTMNorthing> {0} </gridOriginUTMNorthing>", p.maxNorthing);  //grid origin NW corner: maximum northing
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<gridOriginUTMEasting> {0} </gridOriginUTMEasting>", p.minEasting);  //grid origin NW corner: minEasting

            ////////////////////////////////START OF SUMMARY TABLE/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<description> <![CDATA[");  //open of the html segment
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Area of Polygon: {0:#.0} sqKm ({1:#.0} sqMi) <br>", p.areasqkm, p.areasqmi));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Flight Altitude: {0:#} ft (AGL)  <br>", flightAlt));

            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Ground Sample Distance: {0:#.0}cm ({1:#.0}in)  <br>", resolutionCm, resolutionCm / 100.0 / 0.3048 * 12.0));

            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Crossrange Swath: {0:0.00}km ({1:0.00}mi)  <br>",
                swathWidthKm, swathWidthKm * 1000.0 / 0.3048 / 5280.0));

            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total # Missions: {0}  <br>", missionNumber));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Distance over target {0:#.0}km  ({1:#.0}mi) <br>",
                totalFlightlineDistance, totalFlightlineDistance * 1000.0 / 0.3048 / 5280.0));

            //TODO:  this isnt right!! speed isnt constant due to the forward speed during climb
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Flight Distance with Ferry  {0:#.0}km ({1:#.0}mi)  <br>",
                totalFlightlineDistance + totalFerryTime * aircraftSpeedKPH, (totalFlightlineDistance + totalFerryTime * aircraftSpeedKPH) * 1000.0 / 0.3048 / 5280.0));
            //TODO: same comment as above
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Average 2-way Ferry Distance  {0:#.0}km  ({1:#.0}mi) <br>",
                totalFerryTime * aircraftSpeedKPH / missionNumber, (totalFerryTime * aircraftSpeedKPH / missionNumber) * 1000.0 / 0.3048 / 5280.0));

            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Flight Time with Ferry (hr): {0:0.0}  <br>", totalTimeOverTarget + totalFerryTime));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Number of Flightlines: {0}  <br>", numFL));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Average Flightline Length: {0:0.0}km  ({1:0.0}mi)   <br>",
                totalFlightlineDistance / numFL, (totalFlightlineDistance / numFL) * 1000.0 / 0.3048 / 5280.0));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Images: {0}  <br>", totalImages));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("______________________________________________<br> <br>");
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<b> <center>Flight Line Summary </center></b> <br>");
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"<table border=""1"" padding=""2"">");
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<tr> <td><center> Mission </center> </td> <td><center> Total Time (hr) </center> </td> <td><center> Time at Site (hr) </center> </td> <td><center> images </center> </td><td><center> alt (ft MSL) </center> </td></tr>");

            //form an html table to show the summary of each mission
            foreach (MissionSummary msn in MissionSumA)
                String frmt = "<tr>"; frmt += "<td><center> {0}            </center></td> <td><center> {1,10:####0.0}  </center></td>";
                frmt += "<td><center> {2,10:####0.0} </center></td> <td><center> {3} </center>            </td>";
                frmt += "<td><center> {4,10:#####0}</center></td>          </tr>";
                         msn.missionNumber, msn.TimeOverTarget + msn.FerryTime, msn.TimeOverTarget, msn.totalImages, msn.ts.terrain90percentileHeight / 0.3048 + flightAlt);

            //            <table border="1" padding="2">


            //end of the html summary information///////////////////////////////////
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("]]> </description>");
            ////////////////////////END OF SUMMARY TABLE/////////////////////////////////

            //we also write a placemark in the polygon project folder that will contain the airports that we have used for the overall polygon
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<Folder> <name> Airports Used for This Plan</name>");
            //for (int j = 0; j < p.airports.Count; j++)
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("<Placemark> <name>{0}</name> <styleUrl>#airports</styleUrl>", p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].name));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("<Point> <coordinates>{0},{1},{2} </coordinates> </Point> </Placemark>",
                    p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lon, p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lat, 0));

            //write a folder to contain the summary background images for the flight system
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<Folder> <name> Summary Images</name>");
            foreach (MissionSummary msn in MissionSumA)
                //show the summary image for this mission that was extracted from Google Maps
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<GroundOverlay> <name> Summary_{0:000} </name>  <visibility>0</visibility> <drawOrder> 10 </drawOrder> <LatLonAltBox>", msn.missionNumber);
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<north>{0}</north> <south>{1}</south>", msn.backgroundImageNWCorner.Y, msn.backgroundImageSECorner.Y);
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<east>{0}</east> <west>{1}</west>", msn.backgroundImageSECorner.X, msn.backgroundImageNWCorner.X);
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</LatLonAltBox> <Lod> <minLodPixels>128</minLodPixels>");
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<maxLodPixels>-1</maxLodPixels> </Lod> <Icon> <href>{0}</href> </Icon>", msn.backgroundImageFilename);
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(" </GroundOverlay>");

            //next write the folders that represent the missions
            foreach (MissionSummary msn in MissionSumA)
                //write the kml folder information for this mission
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("<Folder> <name>Mission Number {0}</name> <missionNumber>{1}</missionNumber><numFLs>{2}</numFLs> <flightAltMSL> {3:#####} </flightAltMSL>",
                    msn.missionNumber, msn.missionNumber, msn.numberFlightlines, msn.FlightAltMSLft));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<description> <![CDATA[");
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Airport: {0} ({1}) <br>", msn.takeoffAirport.name, msn.takeoffAirport.ICAO_designator));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Ferry Time: {0:0.00}  <br>", msn.FerryTime));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("number of Flightlines: {0}  <br>", msn.numberFlightlines));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Flightline Length (mi): {0:###.00}  <br>", msn.LengthMi));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Time-Over-Target (hr): {0:#.00}  <br>", msn.TimeOverTarget));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Flight Time (hr): {0:#.00}  <br>", msn.TimeOverTarget + msn.FerryTime));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Images: {0}  <br>", msn.totalImages));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("]]> </description>");

                //write a Placemark for each mission that is the mission-specific polygon boundary
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("<Placemark> <name> MissionPolygon_{0:00} </name> <styleUrl>#blueLine</styleUrl> <LineString> <tessellate>1</tessellate>", msn.missionNumber));
                foreach (PointD pt in msn.missionPolygon)
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:#.00000000},{1:#.00000000},{2,1}", pt.X, pt.Y, 0));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</coordinates> </LineString>  </Placemark>");

                String flightLineStyle;
                if (msn.missionNumber % 2 == 0)
                    if (msn.setNumber % 2 == 0) flightLineStyle = "evenMsnNumberEvenSet";
                    else flightLineStyle = "evenMsnNumberOddSet";
                    if (msn.setNumber % 2 == 0) flightLineStyle = "oddMsnNumberEvenSet";
                    else flightLineStyle = "oddMsnNumberOddSet";
                flightLineStyle = "whiteLine";

                //write out the flightline information as separate placemarks within the mission folder
                for (int j = msn.startFlightLine; j < (msn.startFlightLine + msn.numberFlightlines); j++)
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("<Placemark> <name> FlightlineNumber_{0:000} </name> <styleUrl>#{1}</styleUrl> <lengthMeters>{2:#.000}</lengthMeters>",
                        FLSum[j].lineNumberInPolygon, flightLineStyle, FLSum[j].flightlineLengthMi * 5280.0 * 0.3048));
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<description> <![CDATA[");
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("       FlightLine Number {0} <br> ", FLSum[j].lineNumberInPolygon));
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("       FlightLine Length {0:##.00} mi <br> ", FLSum[j].flightlineLengthMi));
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("       NumberImages {0} <br> ", FLSum[j].numImages));
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("]]> </description>");
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<LineString> <coordinates>");
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:#.00000000},{1:#.00000000},{2,1}   {3:#.00000000},{4:#.00000000},{5,1}",
                        FLSum[j].planned.startLon, FLSum[j].planned.startLat, 0, FLSum[j].planned.endLon, FLSum[j].planned.endLat, 0));
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</coordinates></LineString> </Placemark>");

                    outfile.WriteLine(String.Format(" {0,5}  {1:#.00000000},{2:#.00000000},{3,3} {4:#.00000000},{5:#.00000000},{6,3}",
                        j, FLSum[j].planned.startLon, FLSum[j].planned.startLat, 0, FLSum[j].planned.endLon, FLSum[j].planned.endLat, 0)); outfile.Flush();

                //  152.130789946619,-32.8074906634451,0   152.132154176824,   -32.6668497,0

                //closing tag for this mission Folder
            //closing tag for the overall Client Polygon Mission plan

            //closing tag for the overall kml document
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</Document>  </kml>");
Пример #7
        //individual mission (collection of paths) parameters
        private void writeKmlLinearFeatureMissonPlan(
            Polygon p,                              //contains general information regarding the geometric path (prior used for polygon mission)
            double DRImageHeightKm,                 //the downrange distance between camera triggers to achieve overlap
            int parallelPaths,                      //Total number of paths for this project
            double flightAlt,                       //flight altitude agl to achieve the requested resolution
            double swathWidthKm,                    //swath width that is constant over the project
            double totalPathDistance,               //total flight line distance over the project
            double totalFerryDistance,                  //total ferry time for the project
            double aircraftSpeedKPH,                //average airspeed
            double totalTimeOverTarget,             //total time over the target
            int totalImages,                        //total images for the project
            List<LINEAR_FEATURE> linearFeatures)
            //open the file to write the kml Project results
            kmlOutputFilename = datasetFolder + "\\" + p.PolygonName + ".kml";
            FileStream fs2 = null;
            try { fs2 = new FileStream(kmlOutputFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); }
            catch  {  MessageBox.Show("cant open the kml Project results file -- input file cannot be same as output file ");  }
            kmlFlightLines = new StreamWriter(fs2);  //kml file where we will write
            kmlFlightLines.AutoFlush = true;

            /////////////////////////////kml header /////////////////////////////////////////
            writekmlHeader("LinearFeature");  /////////////////////////    header denotes that this is a LinearFeature coverage

            //write the placemark for the original linear Feature input file  (linearFeature name)
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<Placemark>  <name>" + p.PolygonName + "</name>  <styleUrl>#redLine</styleUrl> <LineString> <tessellate>1</tessellate>");
            for (int i = 0; i < p.longitudeDeg.Count; i++)  //write out the original path from the initial input .kml
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:#.000000000},{1:#.000000000},{2,1}", p.longitudeDeg[i], p.latitudeDeg[i], 0));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</coordinates> </LineString>  </Placemark>");

            //show the summary image bounds for this Project that was extracted from Google Maps
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<GroundOverlay> <name>Project Map</name>  <visibility>0</visibility> <drawOrder> 10 </drawOrder> <LatLonAltBox>");
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<north>{0}</north> <south>{1}</south>", p.NWMapCorner.Y, p.SEMapCorner.Y);  //lat for the NW and SE corners
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<east>{0} </east>  <west>{1} </west>",  p.SEMapCorner.X, p.NWMapCorner.X);
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</LatLonAltBox> <Lod> <minLodPixels>128</minLodPixels>");
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<maxLodPixels>-1</maxLodPixels> </Lod> <Icon> <href>{0}</href> </Icon>", p.mapName);
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(" </GroundOverlay>");
            /////////////////////////////end of the initial kml material///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            //folder containing the individual path data
            //first write some misc data that will be read by the Waldo_FCS
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<Folder> <name> {0}  Mission Plan </name>", p.PolygonName);  //PlaceMarkName is from the original input kml
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<downRangePhotoSpacingMeters> {0} </downRangePhotoSpacingMeters>", DRImageHeightKm * 1000.0);  //photoSpacing in meters
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<numberOfPaths> {0} </numberOfPaths>", parallelPaths);  //total number of parallel Paths for a linear feature
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<UTMZone>{0}</UTMZone>", p.UTMZone);  //UTM zone
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<gridOriginUTMNorthing> {0} </gridOriginUTMNorthing>", p.maxNorthing);  //grid origin NW corner: maximum northing
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<gridOriginUTMEasting> {0}  </gridOriginUTMEasting>", p.minEasting);   //grid origin NW corner: minEasting
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<proNavGain> {0:#.}  </proNavGain>", linearFeatures[0].proNavGain);   //pronav gain constant for all paths
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<rabbitAheadDistance> {0:#.0}  </rabbitAheadDistance>", linearFeatures[0].rabbitAheadDistance);   //target ahead distance for all paths
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<flightAltAGLft> {0:#.0}  </flightAltAGLft>", flightAlt);   //agl flight alt in ft

            //next prepare the html table summarizing the mission
            ////////////////////////////////START OF SUMMARY TABLE/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<description> <![CDATA[");  //open of the html segment
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Path Length: {0:#.0} Km ({1:#.0} Mi) <br>", totalPathDistance / 1000.0, totalPathDistance / 0.3048 / 5280.0));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Flight Altitude: {0:#} ft (AGL)  <br>", flightAlt));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Ground Sample Distance: {0:#.0}cm ({1:#.0}in)  <br>", resolutionCm, resolutionCm / 100.0 / 0.3048 * 12.0));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Crossrange Swath: {0:0.00}km ({1:0.00}mi)  <br>",
                swathWidthKm, swathWidthKm * 1000.0 / 0.3048 / 5280.0));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("Takeoff Airport:  " + airport.Name);

            //TODO:  this isnt right!! speed isnt constant due to the forward speed during climb
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Flight Distance with Ferry  {0:#.0}km ({1:#.0}mi)  <br>",
                (totalPathDistance + totalFerryDistance)/1000.0, (totalPathDistance + totalFerryDistance) / 0.3048 / 5280.0));

            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Flight Time with Ferry (hr): {0:0.00}  <br>", totalTimeOverTarget + totalFerryDistance/1000.0/aircraftSpeedKPH));
            //kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Number of Flightlines: {0}  <br>", numFL));
            //kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Average Flightline Length: {0:0.0}km  ({1:0.0}mi)   <br>",
            //    totalFlightlineDistance / numFL, (totalFlightlineDistance / numFL) * 1000.0 / 0.3048 / 5280.0));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Images: {0}  <br>", totalImages));
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("______________________________________________<br> <br>");
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<b> <center>Path Summary </center></b> <br>");
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"<table border=""1"" padding=""2"">");
            String tableHeader = "<tr> <td><center>   path  </center> </td> <td><center>  length    (mi) </center> </td> <td><center>    Path Time (hr) ";
            tableHeader += "</center> </td> <td><center> images </center> </td><td><center> maxBank (deg) </center> </td> <td><center> delAlt (ft) </center> </td></tr>";

            //form an html table to show the summary of each parallel path
            //List<> linearFeatures will contain description of each parallel path
            foreach (LINEAR_FEATURE linearFeature in linearFeatures)
                //table Column Headers: path, length (mi), Path Time (hr), images, del-alt (ft)
                String frmt = "<tr>"; frmt += "<td><center> {0}            </center></td> <td><center> {1,10:####0.0}  </center></td>";
                frmt += "<td><center> {2,10:####0.0} </center></td> <td><center> {3} </center>            </td>";
                frmt += "<td><center> {4,10:####0.0}  </center></td>";
                frmt += "<td><center> {5,10:####0.0}  </center></td>    </tr>";
                         linearFeature.pathLength/0.3048 / 5280.0,
                         linearFeature.pathLength /1000.0 / aircraftSpeedKPH,
                         linearFeature.maxAltitude - linearFeature.minAltitude);

            //            <table border="1" padding="2">


            //end of the html summary information///////////////////////////////////
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("]]> </description>");
            ////////////////////////END OF SUMMARY TABLE FOR LINEAR FEATURE/////////////////////////////////

            //Write a placemark in the project folder that will contain the airport that we have used for the overall project
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<Placemark> <name> Airports Used for This Plan</name>");
            //for (int j = 0; j < p.airports.Count; j++)  //uncomment to show all airports
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("<name>{0}</name> <styleUrl>#airports</styleUrl>", p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].name));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("<Point> <coordinates>{0},{1},{2} </coordinates> </Point> ",
                    p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lon, p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex].lat, 0));

            //write a folder to contain the summary background image bounds for the flight system
            //we will have numerous background images spaced along the path for each parallel path
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<Folder> <name> Summary Images</name>");

            foreach (LINEAR_FEATURE linearFeature in linearFeatures)
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("<numBGImagesThisPath> {0} </numBGImagesThisPath>", linearFeature.NWMapCorner.Count));
                for (int i=0; i<linearFeature.NWMapCorner.Count; i++)
                    //show the summary image for this mission that was extracted from Google Maps
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<GroundOverlay> <name> BG_{0:00}_{1:00} </name>  <visibility>0</visibility> <drawOrder> 10 </drawOrder> <LatLonAltBox>",
                        linearFeature.pathNumber, i);
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<north>{0}</north> <south>{1}</south>", linearFeature.NWMapCorner[i].Y, linearFeature.SEMapCorner[i].Y);
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<east>{0}</east>   <west>{1}</west>",   linearFeature.SEMapCorner[i].X, linearFeature.NWMapCorner[i].X);
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</LatLonAltBox> <Lod> <minLodPixels>128</minLodPixels>");
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<maxLodPixels>-1</maxLodPixels> </Lod> <Icon> <href>{0}</href> </Icon>", linearFeature.mapNames[i]);
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(" </GroundOverlay>");

            //next write the folders that represent the data for eath path
            foreach (LINEAR_FEATURE linearFeature in linearFeatures)
                //write the kml folder containing information for this path
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("<Folder> <name>Path Number {0}</name> <pathNumber>{1}</pathNumber><numPaths>{2}</numPaths> <flightAltMSL> {3:#####} </flightAltMSL>",
                    linearFeature.pathNumber, linearFeature.pathNumber,
                    parallelPaths, linearFeature.meanAltitude + flightAlt));

                airport myAirport = p.airports[p.selectedAirportIndex];

                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("<description> <![CDATA[");
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Airport: {0} ({1}) <br>", myAirport.name, myAirport.ICAO_designator));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Ferry Time: {0:0.00}  <br>", totalFerryDistance/1000.0/aircraftSpeedKPH));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Path Length (mi): {0:###.00}  <br>", linearFeature.pathLength/0.3048/5280.0));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Path (hr): {0:#.00}  <br>",  linearFeature.pathLength/1000.0/aircraftSpeedKPH));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("Number Images: {0}  <br>", linearFeature.pathLength/DRImageHeightKm/1000.0));
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("]]> </description>");

                //write a Placemark for each Path that is the smoothed trajectory that will be followed  (red line)
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"    <Placemark> <name>Smoothed Linear Feature Trajectory</name> <styleUrl>#redLine</styleUrl> ");
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"    <LineString> <tessellate>1</tessellate> <coordinates>");
                for (int i = 0; i < linearFeature.NorthingProNavS.Count; i++)
                    double latitude0 = 0.0, longitude0 = 0.0;
                    utm.UTMtoLL(linearFeature.NorthingProNavS[i], linearFeature.EastingProNavS[i], p.UTMZone, ref latitude0, ref longitude0);
                    //store the X, Y in a kml lineString file
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("  {0:#.00000000},{1:#.00000000},{2:#.00} ",
                        longitude0, latitude0, linearFeature.alongPathAltitude[i] + flightAlt)); kmlFlightLines.Flush();
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@" </coordinates>  </LineString>  </Placemark>");

                //write a Placemark for each projected image point along the path  (blue line)
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"    <Placemark> <name>Image Center Projection</name> <styleUrl>#blueLine</styleUrl> ");
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"    <LineString> <tessellate>1</tessellate> <coordinates>");
                for (int i = 0; i < linearFeature.NorthingProjection.Count; i++)
                    double latitude0 = 0.0, longitude0 = 0.0;
                    utm.UTMtoLL(linearFeature.NorthingProjection[i], linearFeature.EastingProjection[i], p.UTMZone, ref latitude0, ref longitude0);
                    //store the X, Y in a kml lineString file
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("  {0:#.00000000},{1:#.00000000},{2:#.00} ",
                        longitude0, latitude0, 0)); kmlFlightLines.Flush();
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@" </coordinates>  </LineString>  </Placemark>");

                //write a Placemark containing line segments showing the right-left edge extent of each image (white lines)
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"    <Placemark>  <name>Linear Feature Image Extents</name>  <MultiGeometry>");

                for (int i = 0; i < linearFeature.NorthingImage1.Count; i++)
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"        <LineString> <coordinates>");
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"        ");
                    double latitude1 = 0.0, longitude1 = 0.0, latitude2 = 0.0, longitude2 = 0.0;
                    utm.UTMtoLL(linearFeature.NorthingImage1[i], linearFeature.EastingImage1[i], p.UTMZone, ref latitude1, ref longitude1);
                    utm.UTMtoLL(linearFeature.NorthingImage2[i], linearFeature.EastingImage2[i], p.UTMZone, ref latitude2, ref longitude2);
                    //correct format for point pair:      152.130789946619,-32.8074906634451,0   152.132154176824,   -32.6668497,0
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(String.Format("  {0:#.00000000},{1:#.00000000},{2:#.00}   {3:#.00000000},{4:#.00000000},{5:#.00}",
                        longitude1, latitude1, 0, longitude2, latitude2, 0));
                    kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"        </coordinates> </LineString>");
                kmlFlightLines.WriteLine(@"    </MultiGeometry>  </Placemark>");

                //closing tag for this paths Folder
            //closing tag for the overall Mission plan

            //closing tag for the overall kml document
            kmlFlightLines.WriteLine("</Document>  </kml>");
Пример #8
        void LinearFeaturePlanner(Polygon p, double flightAlt, double swathWidthKm, 
            double aircraftSpeedKnots, double aircraftSpeedKPH, double DRImageHeightKm)
            //if (p.polyCoverageType == COVERAGE_TYPE.linearFeature)
                //show the "PLAN" button
                button3.Visible = true;
                button3.Enabled = true;

                //  wait here til user clicks considers the coverage options and clicks:  "PLAN"
                while (!MissionPlanningInitiated)
                    Application.DoEvents();  //wait for user inputs

                //get the flyable aircraft paths that will cover the input linear feature path
                //there will be one linearFeature object for each of the parallel paths
                List<LINEAR_FEATURE> linearFeatures =
                    linearFeatureCoverage(numParallelPaths, linearPathCentering,
                    flightAlt, swathWidthKm * 1000.0, aircraftSpeedKnots * 0.514);

                //the above procedure writes kml files for forward, backward, & smoothed trajectory
                //also writes out the image boresight projection and the image endpoints as kml files

                GoogleMaps ggl = new GoogleMaps(datasetFolder, p.PolygonName);

                //get the project map for the path -- shows complete extent of the path and takeoff airport
                ggl.getGoogleMapToCoverProject(ref p, downloadMap);

                //get the path-segment maps that will be used to form a aircraft-centered sliding window map
                //get rectangular maps sized 10mi x 10mi at 5mi intervals along the path
                ggl.createBackgroundMapsForLinearFeature(linearFeatures, p.UTMZone, downloadMap);

                double totalPathDistance = 0.0;
                polygonMath polymath = new polygonMath(linearFeatures[0].EastingProNavS, linearFeatures[0].NorthingProNavS, datasetFolder);

                //get the along-path altitudes
                for (int iLF = 0; iLF < linearFeatures.Count; iLF++)
                    totalPathDistance += linearFeatures[iLF].pathLength;

                    List<PointD> pointsAlongPath = new List<PointD>();
                    UTM2Geodetic utm = new UTM2Geodetic();
                    //create a sequence of points along path based on the smoothed trajectory
                    for (int i = 0; i < linearFeatures[iLF].NorthingProNavS.Count; i++)
                        double lat = 0.0, lon = 0.0;
                        utm.UTMtoLL(linearFeatures[iLF].NorthingProNavS[i], linearFeatures[iLF].EastingProNavS[i], p.UTMZone, ref lat, ref lon);
                        pointsAlongPath.Add(new PointD(lon, lat));
                    //get the terrain heights using the Google Elevation API
                    linearFeatures[iLF].alongPathAltitude = polymath.getTerrainHeightsFromPointList(pointsAlongPath);

                    //number of triggered images along the path
                    linearFeatures[iLF].numImages = (int)(linearFeatures[iLF].pathLength / (DRImageHeightKm * 1000.0));

                    //get stats of the along-path altitudes
                    double maxAlt = -99999.0, minAlt = 99999.0, meanAlt = 0.0;
                    foreach (double alt in linearFeatures[iLF].alongPathAltitude)
                        if (alt > maxAlt) maxAlt = alt;
                        if (alt < minAlt) minAlt = alt;
                        meanAlt += alt;
                    meanAlt /= linearFeatures[iLF].alongPathAltitude.Count;
                    linearFeatures[iLF].maxAltitude = maxAlt;
                    linearFeatures[iLF].minAltitude = minAlt;
                    linearFeatures[iLF].meanAltitude = meanAlt;
                    linearFeatures[iLF].pathNumber = iLF;

                //get the 2way ferry distance
                double total2WayFerryDistance = 0.0;
                //start: always start for 0th path to the selected airport
                //distance from selected airport to start of first line
                double delNS = linearFeatures[0].NorthingProNavS[0] - p.airports[selectedAirportIndex].northing;
                double delES = linearFeatures[0].EastingProNavS[0] - p.airports[selectedAirportIndex].easting;
                double distanceToAptS = Math.Sqrt(delNS * delNS + delES * delES);
                total2WayFerryDistance += distanceToAptS;

                //always return to the airport from the end of the last path
                int endIndex = linearFeatures[linearFeatures.Count - 1].NorthingProNavS.Count - 1;
                //distance from selected airport to start of first line
                delNS = linearFeatures[linearFeatures.Count - 1].NorthingProNavS[endIndex] - p.airports[selectedAirportIndex].northing;
                delES = linearFeatures[linearFeatures.Count - 1].EastingProNavS[endIndex] - p.airports[selectedAirportIndex].easting;
                distanceToAptS = Math.Sqrt(delNS * delNS + delES * delES);
                //final 2-way ferry distance is the sum of the to- and from- ferry distances
                total2WayFerryDistance += distanceToAptS;

                double totalPathTime = totalPathDistance / (aircraftSpeedKPH * 1000.0);
                int totalLFImages = (int)(totalPathDistance / (DRImageHeightKm * 1000.0));

                        DRImageHeightKm, numParallelPaths, flightAlt, swathWidthKm,
                        totalPathDistance, total2WayFerryDistance, aircraftSpeedKPH,
                        totalPathTime, totalLFImages, linearFeatures);

                //show the END button
                button2.Visible = true;
                button2.Enabled = true;

                //wait here to see if the user clicks the "END" button
                while (true)

            ////////////////////////  end of linear feature Planner //////////////////