Пример #1
        public Unit(KDefenseTower game, Crossroad spawn, Vector2 offset, Vector2 movement, float speed, int tier,
            Texture2D textureLiving, Texture2D textureDead, int value, int maxHP)
            destination = spawn; // sets the unit's first destination
            position = spawn.Position + offset; // set the unit's first position

            scale = 0.2f;

            this.game = game;
            this.offset = offset;
            this.movement = movement;
            this.speed = speed;
            dSpeed = speed;
            this.tier = tier;
            this.textureLiving = textureLiving;
            this.textureDead = textureDead;
            this.value = value;
            currentTexture = textureLiving;

            tint = Color.White;

            health = maxHP;
            maxHealth = maxHP;
            armor = 0;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// The main entry point for the application.
 /// </summary>
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (KDefenseTower game = new KDefenseTower())
Пример #3
 public FastUnit(KDefenseTower game, Crossroad spawn, Vector2 offset, Vector2 movement, float speed, int tier,
     Texture2D textureLiving, Texture2D textureDead, int value, int maxHP)
     : base(game, spawn, offset, movement, speed,
     tier, textureLiving, textureDead, value, maxHP)
     tint = Color.Yellow;
     dSpeed *= 1.5f;
     this.speed = dSpeed;
     this.value = value;
Пример #4
 public RegenUnit(KDefenseTower game, Crossroad spawn, Vector2 offset, Vector2 movement, float speed, int tier,
     Texture2D textureLiving, Texture2D textureDead, int value, int maxHP)
     : base(game, spawn, offset, movement, speed,
     tier, textureLiving, textureDead, value, maxHP)
     tint = Color.Green;
     regenAmount = (int)(maxHealth * 0.1f);
     this.speed = dSpeed;
     this.value = value;
Пример #5
        protected float shieldTimer = 0; // shield timer

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public StrongUnit(KDefenseTower game, Crossroad spawn, Vector2 offset, Vector2 movement, float speed, int tier,
            Texture2D textureLiving, Texture2D textureDead, int value, int maxHP)
            : base(game, spawn, offset, movement, speed,
            tier, textureLiving, textureDead, value, maxHP)
            tint = Color.CornflowerBlue;
            DSpeed *= 0.7f;
            this.speed = DSpeed;
            this.value = value;
            maxHealth *= 2;
            health = maxHealth;
Пример #6
        int unitType; // type of unit to create

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Wave(KDefenseTower game, int unitType, Crossroad spawn, int numUnits, int tileSize, float interval)
            thisWave = game.status.Wave;
            spawningPoint = spawn;
            this.game = game;
            this.tile = tileSize;
            this.unitType = unitType;
            toCreate = numUnits;
            this.interval = interval;

Пример #7
        // Constructor
        public World(KDefenseTower game)
            this.game = game;
            sbAlpha = game.spriteBatch;
            sbAdditive = game.spriteBatchAdditive;

            waves = new List<Wave>();
            spawnTimer = spawnInterval;

Пример #8
        public Camera2D(KDefenseTower game, Rectangle bounds)
            gDevice = game.GraphicsDevice;
            this.bounds = bounds;

            position = new Vector2(1000, 1000);

            screenCenter = new Vector2(gDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, gDevice.Viewport.Height / 2);

            // calculate the largest zoom value that would fit one side of the map within the viewport
            minZoom = MathHelper.Max((float)gDevice.Viewport.Width / bounds.Width,
                (float)gDevice.Viewport.Height / bounds.Height);

Пример #9
 public AggressiveUnit(KDefenseTower game, Crossroad spawn, Vector2 offset, Vector2 movement, float speed, int tier, 
     Texture2D textureLiving, Texture2D textureDead, int value, int maxHP, World world,int damage, int range,
     float attackRate)
     : base(game, spawn, offset, movement, speed, tier, textureLiving, textureDead, value, maxHP)
     this.tint = Color.Yellow;
     this.dSpeed *= 1.5f;
     this.speed = dSpeed;
     this.value = 2;
     this.world = world;
     this.damage = damage;
     this.range = range;
     this.attackRate = attackRate;
     this.attackTimer = 0.0f;
Пример #10
        public FlyingUnit(KDefenseTower game, Crossroad spawn, Vector2 offset, Vector2 movement, float speed, int tier,
            Texture2D textureLiving, Texture2D textureDead, int value, int maxHP, World world)
            : base(game, spawn, offset, movement, speed,
            tier, textureLiving, textureDead, value, maxHP)
            tint = Color.Yellow;
            dSpeed *= 1.5f;
            this.speed = dSpeed;
            this.value = 2;

            destination = world.Base.Crossroad;

            movement = new Vector2(0, 0);

            Vector2 toMove;
            float divisor;
            toMove = destination.Position - position;
            divisor = Math.Max(Math.Abs(toMove.X), Math.Abs(toMove.Y));
            movement = (toMove / divisor); // adjust movement vector
            tier = destination.tier; // set the unit's tier to its destination's tier
Пример #11
        // Constructor
        public UI(KDefenseTower game)
            int mmSide;
            this.game = game;
            spriteBatch = game.spriteBatch;


            // Initialize the screen settings
            screen = new Rectangle(0, 0, game.Window.ClientBounds.Width, game.Window.ClientBounds.Height);
            camera = new Camera2D(game, game.world.map);

            // Initialize the minimap by the screen and map settings
            //mmSide = (int)(game.Window.ClientBounds.Width*mmProportion);
            mmSide = 200;
            minimap = new Rectangle(bPanelSelect.Right-mmSide, bPanelSelect.Bottom-mmSide, mmSide,mmSide);
            mmOriginal = minimap;
            mapArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, game.Window.ClientBounds.Width, game.Window.ClientBounds.Height - bPanel.Height);
            mmRatio = new Vector2((float)minimap.Width / game.world.map.Width,
                (float)minimap.Height / game.world.map.Height);

            // Number of tiles in the x,y directions to fill a screen
            tilesX = (int)(game.world.map.Width / game.world.tile);
            tilesY = (int)(game.world.map.Height / game.world.tile);

Пример #12
 public Audio(KDefenseTower game)
     : base(game)
     this.game = game;