LoadProtoPartSnapshot() публичный статический Метод

public static LoadProtoPartSnapshot ( ConfigNode node ) : ProtoPartSnapshot
node ConfigNode
Результат ProtoPartSnapshot
Пример #1
            public void Load(ConfigNode node)
                if (node.name == "CONTENT" && node.HasValue("qty"))
                    pristine_count += int.Parse(node.GetValue("qty"));
                else if (node.name == "CONTENT_PART" && node.HasValue("kas_total_mass"))
                    ConfigNode nodeD = new ConfigNode();

                    // Backward compatibility: compute the cost and save it
                    if (!nodeD.HasValue("kas_total_cost"))
                        var snapshot = KAS_Shared.LoadProtoPartSnapshot(nodeD);

                        float dry_cost, fuel_cost;
                        float total_cost = ShipConstruction.GetPartCosts(snapshot, part, out dry_cost, out fuel_cost);
                        nodeD.AddValue("kas_total_cost", total_cost);

                    instance_mass += float.Parse(nodeD.GetValue("kas_total_mass"));
                    instance_cost += float.Parse(nodeD.GetValue("kas_total_cost"));
Пример #2
        public static Part LoadPartSnapshot(Vessel vessel, ConfigNode node,
                                            Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
            ProtoPartSnapshot snapshot = KAS_Shared.LoadProtoPartSnapshot(node);

            if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState.ContainsFlightID(snapshot.flightID))
                snapshot.flightID = ShipConstruction.GetUniqueFlightID(HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState);

            snapshot.parentIdx           = 0;
            snapshot.position            = position;
            snapshot.rotation            = rotation;
            snapshot.stageIndex          = 0;
            snapshot.defaultInverseStage = 0;
            snapshot.seqOverride         = -1;
            snapshot.inStageIndex        = -1;
            snapshot.attachMode          = (int)AttachModes.SRF_ATTACH;
            snapshot.attached            = true;
            snapshot.flagURL             = vessel.rootPart.flagURL;

            // Save properties that may be messed up by new colliders
            RigidbodyInertia rb_backup = new RigidbodyInertia(vessel.rootPart.rb);

            Part new_part = snapshot.Load(vessel, false);


            if (vessel.packed)
                // Request initialization as nonphysical to prevent explosions
                new_part.physicalSignificance = Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE;

                // Disable all sub-objects with colliders
                List <Collider> re_enable = new List <Collider>();

                foreach (var collider in new_part.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>())
                    if (collider.gameObject.activeSelf)

                new_part.StartCoroutine(WaitAndUnpack(new_part, re_enable));


Пример #3
        public float GetModuleCost()
            float result = 0.0f;

            Dictionary <string, PartContent> contents = this.GetContent();

            // Iterate through the contents, of which there may be multiple of each part.
            foreach (PartContent partContent in contents.Values)
                // Iterate through all of the instances of this part. (stateless = false)
                foreach (ConfigNode partConfigNode in partContent.instances)
                    ProtoPartSnapshot partSnapshot = KAS_Shared.LoadProtoPartSnapshot(partConfigNode);

                    // Add the base cost and the calculated module costs for this specific instance, in case one or more modules need to
                    // adjust the part's cost based on this instance's saved state.
                    float instancedPartCost = partContent.part.cost + partSnapshot.moduleCosts;

                    foreach (ProtoPartResourceSnapshot resourceSnapshot in partSnapshot.resources)
                        float amount    = float.Parse(resourceSnapshot.resourceValues.GetValue("amount"));
                        float maxAmount = float.Parse(resourceSnapshot.resourceValues.GetValue("maxAmount"));

                        PartResourceDefinition resourceDefinition = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(resourceSnapshot.resourceName);

                        // Add the resource cost, which if amount != maxAmount will actually be a negative number because the base part cost
                        // includes the cost of maxAmount of the resource.
                        instancedPartCost += this.CalculateResourceCost(resourceDefinition, amount, maxAmount);

                    result += instancedPartCost;

                // The rest of the parts are pristine and have a common base cost.
                float singlePartCost = partContent.part.cost + partContent.part.partPrefab.GetModuleCosts();

                // And the pristine parts have a common resource cost.
                foreach (PartResource partResource in partContent.part.partPrefab.Resources)
                    // NOTE: See comment on the above CalculateResourceCost call.
                    singlePartCost += this.CalculateResourceCost(partResource.info, (float)partResource.amount, (float)partResource.maxAmount);

                // Tack on the total cost of the pristine parts.
                result += singlePartCost * partContent.pristine_count;

Пример #4
        private List <ScienceData> RecoverScienceContent()
            List <ScienceData> result = new List <ScienceData>();

            Dictionary <string, PartContent> contents = this.GetContent();

            // Iterate through the contents, of which there may be multiple of each part.
            foreach (PartContent partContent in contents.Values)
                // Iterate through all of the instances of this part. (stateless = false)
                foreach (ConfigNode partConfigNode in partContent.instances)
                    ProtoPartSnapshot partSnapshot = KAS_Shared.LoadProtoPartSnapshot(partConfigNode);

                    foreach (ProtoPartModuleSnapshot moduleSnapshot in partSnapshot.modules)
                        // In order to load the state of the module, it must be added to a part. Temporarily add it to this
                        // module's host part and then remove it after it is evaluated.
                        int moduleIndex = this.part.Modules.Count;

                        PartModule module = moduleSnapshot.Load(this.part, ref moduleIndex);

                        // ModuleScienceExperiment and ModuleScienceContainer implement IScienceDataContainer. Also, because KASModuleContainer
                        // now implements IScienceDataContainer, it is conceivable that nested KAS containers with science data will be properly
                        // recovered.
                        if (module is IScienceDataContainer)
                            IScienceDataContainer scienceDataContainer = (IScienceDataContainer)module;

                            // Duplicate science experiments are OK, the science awards are evaluated correctly by KSP.

