protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); // Get our button from the layout resource, // and attach an event to it jumble = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.myjumble); hint = FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.hint); Button submitbutton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.scorebutton); var connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager)Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.ConnectivityService); var activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.ActiveNetworkInfo; bool isonlien = activeNetworkInfo.IsConnected; bool isWifi = activeNetworkInfo.Type == ConnectivityType.Wifi; WordBank = new ArrayList(); WordMeaning myfirstwordmeaning; myfirstwordmeaning = new WordMeaning(); myfirstwordmeaning.word = "Small"; myfirstwordmeaning.meaning = "Chotu"; WordBank.Add(myfirstwordmeaning); WordBank.Add(new WordMeaning("Small", "Chotu")); WordBank.Add(new WordMeaning("Bucket", "Balti")); WordBank.Add(new WordMeaning("name", "naam")); // jumble.Text = x; jumble.Click += delegate { jumble.Text = $"Correct The Word -> {jumbleme()}"; }; EditText answer = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.AnswerInput); answer.Click += delegate { answer.Text = ""; }; submitbutton.Click += async(object sender, EventArgs e) => { Scoreclick(sender, e); }; }
private async void Scoreclick(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextView score = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.score); EditText answer = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.AnswerInput); string JumbleAnswer = answer.Text; if (JumbleWordSequnence >= WordBank.Count - 1) { JumbleWordSequnence = 0; } WordMeaning CurrentWordMeaningToJumble = new WordMeaning(); CurrentWordMeaningToJumble = (WordMeaning)WordBank[JumbleWordSequnence]; if (JumbleAnswer.ToLower() == CurrentWordMeaningToJumble.word.ToLower()) { _player = MediaPlayer.Create(this, Resource.Raw.a); _player.Start(); scorecount = scorecount + 1; JumbleWordSequnence = JumbleWordSequnence + 1; CurrentWordMeaningToJumble = (WordMeaning)WordBank[JumbleWordSequnence]; jumble.Text = $"GREAT!! NEXT WORD -> {jumbleme()}"; score.SetBackgroundColor((Android.Graphics.Color.Green)); score.SetTextColor((Android.Graphics.Color.White)); hint.Text = CurrentWordMeaningToJumble.meaning; } else { CurrentWordMeaningToJumble = (WordMeaning)WordBank[JumbleWordSequnence]; _player = MediaPlayer.Create(this, Resource.Raw.c); _player.Start(); jumble.Text = $"Sorry!! NEXT Hint -> {jumbleme()}"; score.SetBackgroundColor((Android.Graphics.Color.Red)); score.SetTextColor((Android.Graphics.Color.White)); hint.Text = CurrentWordMeaningToJumble.meaning; } score.Text = scorecount.ToString(); if (WordBankUpdated == false) { string x = await Callweb().ConfigureAwait(false); WordBankUpdated = true; } }
string jumbleme() { WordMeaning _wordMeaning = new WordMeaning(); _wordMeaning = (WordMeaning)WordBank[JumbleWordSequnence]; hint.Text = _wordMeaning.meaning; Char[] WordChar = _wordMeaning.word.ToCharArray(); int _WordLength = WordChar.Length; int CharCounter = 1; string finalJumbledWord = ""; ArrayList RandomIntegerList = new ArrayList(); while (CharCounter <= _WordLength) { Random Jumbler = new Random(); int JumblerInt = Jumbler.Next(0, _WordLength); if (!RandomIntegerList.Contains(JumblerInt)) { RandomIntegerList.Add(JumblerInt); finalJumbledWord = finalJumbledWord + WordChar[JumblerInt].ToString(); CharCounter++; if (finalJumbledWord == _wordMeaning.word) { CharCounter = 1; RandomIntegerList = null; RandomIntegerList = new ArrayList(); finalJumbledWord = ""; } } } return(finalJumbledWord); }