private void GetDTS(string urlDTS, ILog logger) { HTMLDocument document = JobUtils.LoadDocument(urlDTS); if (document == null) { return; } string strContent = "RSSData.Detail = {{\"sunrise\":\"{0}\", \"sunset\":\"{1}\"}}"; // Find original content placeholder IHTMLElement contentTable = JobUtils.FindElement(document.body, "table[class=sun-data]"); if (contentTable == null) { return; } // Iterate over table elements and get the content int counter = 0; string strSR = "", strSS = ""; foreach (IHTMLElement el in (IHTMLElementCollection)contentTable.all) { IHTMLElementCollection children = (IHTMLElementCollection)el.children; if ((el.tagName.ToLower() == "td") && (el.outerHTML.IndexOf("class=sunshine") > 0) && (children.length == 1)) { if (counter == 0) { strSR = el.innerText; } else if (counter == 1) { strSS = el.innerText; } else { break; } counter++; } } strContent = String.Format(strContent, strSR, strSS); // Save the content JobUtils.SaveData(strContent, "", logger); }
public static void SaveImages(IHTMLElement rootElm, string targetFolder) { // Iterate over all <img>'s foreach (IHTMLElement el in (IHTMLElementCollection)rootElm.all) { string strName = ""; if (el.tagName.ToLower() == "img") { string src = el.getAttribute("src").ToString(); if ((src != null) && (src.Length > 0)) { int idx = src.LastIndexOf('/') + 1; strName = src.Substring(idx, src.Length - idx); src = JobUtils.GetConfigValue("sourceImgRoot") + strName; // Save SaveImage(src, targetFolder + "\\" + strName); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves and saves News information /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> public void GetNews(string newsUrl, ILog logger) { HTMLDocument document = JobUtils.LoadDocument(newsUrl); string rssRoot = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?> <?xml-stylesheet href=\"\" type=\"text/css\"?> <!-- generator=\"ICMS GemWeb v1.1\" --> <rdf:RDF xmlns=\"\" xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:ev=\"\">#####1</rdf:RDF>"; string rssItem = "<item rdf:about=\"#####2\" image=\"#####5\" > <dc:format>text/html</dc:format> <date>#####3</date> <title>#####4</title> <description>#####6</description> </item>"; string strRssContent = "", strRssDetailsContent = ""; // Find original content placeholder IHTMLElement contentBox = document.getElementById("contentboxsub"); // Iterate over all <TR>'s foreach (IHTMLElement el in (IHTMLElementCollection)contentBox.all) { string strDate = "", strTitle = "", strDetailID = "", strDetailUrl = "", strRssItem = ""; if (el.tagName.ToLower() == "tr") { IHTMLElement date = JobUtils.FindElement(el, "td span"); if (date != null) { strDate = date.innerHTML; } IHTMLElement title = JobUtils.FindElement(el, "span a"); if (title != null) { // Process title strTitle = title.innerText; strDetailUrl = title.getAttribute("href").ToString(); int infoPos = strDetailUrl.IndexOf("_id=") + 4; strDetailID = strDetailUrl.Substring(infoPos, strDetailUrl.IndexOf("&", infoPos) - infoPos); // Save Details content strDetailUrl = strDetailUrl.Replace("about:blank", JobUtils.GetConfigValue("sourceWebRoot")); JobUtils.SaveDetailsContent(strDetailUrl, strDetailID + ".data", logger); } if ((title == null) && (date == null)) { continue; } strRssItem = rssItem.Replace("#####2", strDetailUrl); strRssItem = strRssItem.Replace("#####4", strTitle); strRssItem = strRssItem.Replace("#####5", ""); strRssItem = strRssItem.Replace("#####3", strDate); strRssItem = strRssItem.Replace("#####6", ""); strRssItem += "\\\n"; strRssContent += strRssItem; strRssDetailsContent += (strDetailUrl + " \n"); } } strRssContent = rssRoot.Replace("#####1", strRssContent); // Updated processed content strRssContent = strRssContent.Replace('"', '\''); strRssContent = "RSSData.Content = \"" + strRssContent + "\";"; JobUtils.SaveData(strRssContent, "news.rss", logger); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves and saves Tourism information /// </summary> /// <param name="urlTourism"></param> private void GetTourism(string tourismUrl, ILog logger) { HTMLDocument document = JobUtils.LoadDocument(tourismUrl); string rssRoot = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?> <?xml-stylesheet href=\"\" type=\"text/css\"?> <!-- generator=\"ICMS GemWeb v1.1\" --> <rdf:RDF xmlns=\"\" xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:ev=\"\">#####1</rdf:RDF>"; string rssItem = "<item rdf:about=\"#####2\" image=\"#####5\" > <dc:format>text/html</dc:format> <date>#####3</date> <title>#####4</title> <description>#####6</description> </item>"; string strRssContent = "", strRssDetailsContent = ""; // Find original content placeholder IHTMLElement contentBox = document.getElementById("contentboxsub"); // Iterate over all <TR>'s foreach (IHTMLElement el in (IHTMLElementCollection)contentBox.all) { string strTitle = "", strDetailID = "", strDetailUrl = "", strRssItem = "", strImgName = ""; if (el.tagName.ToLower() == "tr") { IHTMLElement img = JobUtils.FindElement(el, "a img"); if (img != null) { string src = img.getAttribute("src").ToString(); if ((src != null) && (src.Length > 0)) { int idx = src.LastIndexOf('/') + 1; strImgName = src.Substring(idx, src.Length - idx); src = JobUtils.GetConfigValue("sourceImgRoot") + strImgName; // Save thumbnail image JobUtils.SaveImage(src, JobUtils.GetConfigValue("thumbTargetDir") + "\\" + strImgName); // Get detasil ID strDetailUrl = img.parentElement.getAttribute("href").ToString(); int infoPos = strDetailUrl.IndexOf("_id=") + 4; int ampPos = strDetailUrl.IndexOf("&", infoPos); if (ampPos < 0) { ampPos = strDetailUrl.Length; } strDetailID = strDetailUrl.Substring(infoPos, ampPos - infoPos); } } IHTMLElement title = JobUtils.FindElement(el, "a b"); if (title != null) { strTitle = title.innerText; } if ((title == null) || (img == null)) { continue; } // Save Details content strDetailUrl = strDetailUrl.Replace("about:blank", JobUtils.GetConfigValue("sourceWebRoot")); JobUtils.SaveEventsDetailsContent(strDetailUrl, strDetailID + ".data", logger); strRssItem = rssItem.Replace("#####2", strDetailUrl); strRssItem = strRssItem.Replace("#####4", strTitle); strRssItem = strRssItem.Replace("#####5", "images/thumbs/" + strImgName); strRssItem = strRssItem.Replace("#####3", ""); strRssItem = strRssItem.Replace("#####6", ""); strRssItem += "\\\n"; strRssContent += strRssItem; strRssDetailsContent += (strDetailUrl + " \n"); } } strRssContent = rssRoot.Replace("#####1", strRssContent); // Updated processed content strRssContent = strRssContent.Replace('"', '\''); strRssContent = "RSSData.Content = \"" + strRssContent + "\";"; JobUtils.SaveData(strRssContent, "tourism.rss", logger); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves and saves Weather information /// </summary> /// <param name="urlWeather"></param> private void GetWeather(string weatherUrl, ILog logger) { JobUtils.SaveEventsDetailsContent(weatherUrl, "", logger); }
public static void SaveData(string content, string fileName, ILog logger) { string filePath = JobUtils.GetConfigValue("dataTargetDir") + fileName; SaveContent(content, filePath, logger); }