/// <remarks/> public System.IAsyncResult BegineditComment(string in0, RemoteComment in1, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return this.BeginInvoke("editComment", new object[] { in0, in1}, callback, asyncState); }
public bool hasPermissionToEditComment(string in0, RemoteComment in1) { object[] results = this.Invoke("hasPermissionToEditComment", new object[] { in0, in1}); return ((bool)(results[0])); }
public RemoteComment editComment(string in0, RemoteComment in1) { object[] results = this.Invoke("editComment", new object[] { in0, in1}); return ((RemoteComment)(results[0])); }
public void addComment(string in0, string in1, RemoteComment in2) { this.Invoke("addComment", new object[] { in0, in1, in2}); }
private static RemoteComment CreateCommentLog(JiraIssue jiraIssue) { RemoteComment comment = new RemoteComment(); comment.body = jiraIssue.Log; return comment; }
private static void UpdateIssue(JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService, string token, RemoteProject project, JiraIssue jiraIssue) { string updateMessage = "--- This is an automated message --- " + Environment.NewLine + "This issue and the following fields have been updated: " + Environment.NewLine; string searchTerms = AreDuplicateIssues(jiraSoapService, token, project, jiraIssue); string[] keys = {project.key}; RemoteComment updateComment = new RemoteComment(); var existingDuplicateIssue = jiraSoapService.getIssuesFromTextSearchWithProject(token, keys, searchTerms, 1); if (jiraIssue.Summary.Replace("\r", string.Empty) != existingDuplicateIssue[0].summary) { updateMessage += ("-----------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine +"Summary: " + Environment.NewLine + jiraIssue.Summary + Environment.NewLine); } if (jiraIssue.Description.Replace("\r", string.Empty) != existingDuplicateIssue[0].description.Trim()) { int length = jiraIssue.Description.Length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (jiraIssue.Description[i] != existingDuplicateIssue[0].description[i]) break; } int len = existingDuplicateIssue[0].description.Length; updateMessage += ("-----------------------------------" + Environment.NewLine +"Description: " + Environment.NewLine + jiraIssue.Description + Environment.NewLine); } else { updateMessage = "--- This is an automated message --- " + Environment.NewLine + "Identical issue with no updated fields was attempted to be imported"; } updateComment.body = updateMessage; jiraSoapService.addComment(token, existingDuplicateIssue[0].key, updateComment); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Successfully updated issue http://pm.iqmetrix.com/browse/" + existingDuplicateIssue[0].key); Console.WriteLine("Successfully updated issue http://pm.iqmetrix.com/browse/" + existingDuplicateIssue[0].key + Environment.NewLine); }
private static void PushToJira(JiraSoapServiceService jiraSoapService, string token, RemoteIssue issue, RemoteComment comment) { RemoteIssue returnedIssue = jiraSoapService.createIssue(token, issue); jiraSoapService.addComment(token, returnedIssue.key, comment); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Successfully created issue http://pm.iqmetrix.com/browse/" + returnedIssue.key); Console.WriteLine("Successfully created issue http://pm.iqmetrix.com/browse/" + returnedIssue.key + Environment.NewLine); }
public void addComment(string issueKey, string commentString) { RemoteComment comment = new RemoteComment(); comment.body = commentString; checkCredentials(); jira.addComment(credentials, issueKey, comment); }