private void Send_message(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var syncClient = new HttpClient(); //allow api connection
            //variables that need to be uploaded to the database
            string email = E_mail.Text;

                var    eduselect   = Opleiding.Items[Opleiding.SelectedIndex] as ComboBoxItem;
                string education   = eduselect.Content.ToString();
                string name        = Naam.Text;
                string question    = Vraag.Text;
                string qid         = ";";                                                                                  //query for current highest question id
                var    qidCall     = syncClient.GetStringAsync(qid);
                var    qidResult   = qidCall.Result;                                                                                                                                                                             //result for the query
                var    gimmeResult = new PrepareForScreenQueryHandler();
                var    tempid      = gimmeResult.ResultOnly(qidResult);                                                                                                                                                          //remove unnecessary string elements from result
                int    id          = Int32.Parse(tempid);                                                                                                                                                                        //go from string result to int result
                id = id + 1;                                                                                                                                                                                                     //increment current highest id by one because youre adding a new question
                string qupload     = TextToURL.text_to_string(string.Format("{0},-\'{1}\',-\'{2}\',-\'{3}\',-\'{4}\');", id, education, email, name, question)); //upload the question
                var    uploadstuff = syncClient.GetAsync(qupload);
                string tempanswer  = TextToURL.text_to_string(string.Format("{0},-\'{1}\',-\'place\',-\'This-question-is-not-yet-answered.\');", id, education));   //upload a dummy answer
                var    uploadta    = syncClient.GetAsync(tempanswer);
                this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(Jaar_1_Project_4.QuestionSystem.mainQpage));                                                                                                                                          //send user back to main question page
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
        private void Send_message(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var syncClient = new HttpClient();                                                                                                          //allow internet acces for api interaction

            int question_id = Int32.Parse(QuestionExtender.CurrentSelectedQuestionID);                                                                  //id of the question that is currently being answered

            string who_to_mail = string.Format("{0};", question_id); //email adress to notify the person who asked the question
            string person_name = string.Format("{0};", question_id);  //name of the person who asked the question
            var    emailCall   = syncClient.GetStringAsync(who_to_mail);
            var    emailResult = emailCall.Result;                                                                                                      //executes query
            var    nameCall    = syncClient.GetStringAsync(person_name);
            var    nameResult  = nameCall.Result;                                                                                                       //executes query
            var    gimmeResult = new PrepareForScreenQueryHandler();
            var    email       = gimmeResult.ResultOnly(emailResult);                                                                                   //removes unnecessary string elements from the result
            var    name        = gimmeResult.ResultOnly(nameResult);                                                                                    //removes unnecessary dtring elements from the result

            string updatequery  = TextToURL.text_to_string(string.Format("\'{0}\',-answer-=-\'{1}\'-WHERE-question_id-=-{2};", DatabaseLoginCheck.LoggedInTeacherName, answerBox.Text, question_id));
            var    updateanswer = syncClient.GetAsync(updatequery); //upload answer to database

            string notification = TextToURL.text_to_string(string.Format("{0}=Your-question-has-been-answered!=Dear-{1},-your-question-regarding-the-open-day-has-been-answered.-Check-the-Q-and-A-page-for-the-answer.", email, name));
            var    sendmail     = syncClient.GetAsync(notification);                //notify the person who asked the question via email

            this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(Jaar_1_Project_4.QuestionSystem.mainQpage)); //sends user back to the main question page