Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method for adding wall segments to ensure everything gets linked correctly.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddWallSegment(WallSegment newSegment)

            bool startFound = false;
            bool endFound   = false;

            foreach (WallJoint wj in Joints)
                if (wj.Point.IsEqualTo(newSegment.StartPoint))
                    startFound            = true;
                    newSegment.StartJoint = wj;
                if (wj.Point.IsEqualTo(newSegment.EndPoint))
                    endFound            = true;
                    newSegment.EndJoint = wj;

            if (!startFound)
                WallJoint newWj = new WallJoint();
                newWj.Point           = newSegment.StartPoint;
                newSegment.StartJoint = newWj;
                newWj.Type = JointType.Internal;

                if (AccessLookup.ContainsKey(newWj.Point))
                    newWj.RelativeOffset = AccessLookup[newWj.Point].Offset;
                    newWj.Type           = JointType.AccessPoint;


            if (!endFound)
                WallJoint newWj = new WallJoint();
                newWj.Point         = newSegment.EndPoint;
                newSegment.EndJoint = newWj;
                newWj.Type = JointType.Internal;

                if (AccessLookup.ContainsKey(newWj.Point))
                    newWj.RelativeOffset = AccessLookup[newWj.Point].Offset;
                    newWj.Type           = JointType.AccessPoint;


Пример #2
        private void TraverseExternalSegment(WallSegment currentSegment, WallJoint currentNode, WallJoint startNode)
            currentSegment.External = true;
            //Get next
            WallSegment nextSegment = currentNode.NextClockwise(currentSegment);

            WallJoint nextJoint;

            if (nextSegment.StartPoint.IsEqualTo(currentNode.Point))
                nextJoint = nextSegment.EndJoint;
                nextJoint = nextSegment.StartJoint;

            if (currentNode.Type == JointType.Internal)
                if (Collinear(currentSegment.StartPoint, currentSegment.EndPoint, nextJoint.Point))
                    //Check if on line
                    currentNode.Type = JointType.ExternalIntermediate;
                    currentNode.Type = JointType.ExternalCorner;

            if (nextJoint.Point.IsEqualTo(startNode.Point))
                //Back to start
                nextSegment.External = true;
                nextJoint.Type       = JointType.ExternalCorner;
                TraverseExternalSegment(nextSegment, nextJoint, startNode);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the plot and establish all drawing objects. Only to be called when plot is first created or to be reset from plot types
        /// MUST be called from an active transaction
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"> An ArugmentOutOfRageException is thrown when a matching wall segment in the plot type isnt found or is duplicated </exception>
        /// </summary>
        public void Generate()
            Status        = PlotStatus.ForApproval;
            StatusMessage = "Plot generated successfully";

            Database acCurDb;

            acCurDb = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;

            Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.TopTransaction;

            BlockTable acBlkTbl;

            acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

            BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;

            acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;

            BlockReference newBlockRef;

            //Link the block reference
            if (BlockRefPtr == 0)
                BlockRef    = Core.Utilities.InsertBlock(BasePoint, Rotation, PlotType.BlockID);
                newBlockRef = (BlockReference)BlockRef.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite);
                //TODO: Add regeneration code.
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            //Explode the blockref
            DBObjectCollection explodedBlock = new DBObjectCollection();


            //TODO: Move releveant blocks here

            AccessLookup = new Dictionary <Point3d, AccessPoint>();
            foreach (Entity entToAdd in explodedBlock)
                //Pull the circles that id access points out
                if (entToAdd is Circle)
                    Circle c = entToAdd as Circle;
                    if (c.Layer == Civils.Constants.JPP_HS_PlotPerimiter)
                        var    rb     = c.XData;
                        string target = "";
                        foreach (var tv in rb)
                            target = tv.Value as string;

                        Point3d?    master = null;
                        AccessPoint?typeAP = null;

                        foreach (AccessPoint ap in this.PlotType.AccessPoints)
                            //TODO: Add code to match to PlotType WS by comparing start and end points
                            if (ap.Guid == target)
                                if (master == null)
                                    master = c.Center;
                                    typeAP = ap;
                                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Wall segment match already found", (System.Exception)null);

                        if (master == null)
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No matching wall segment found", (System.Exception)null);

                        AccessLookup.Add(master.Value, typeAP.Value);
            foreach (Entity entToAdd in explodedBlock)
                //Identify the lines as these indicate wall segments
                //TODO: Add handling here for when a line is NOT a wall segmen
                if (entToAdd is Line)
                    Line   segment = entToAdd as Line;
                    string target  = "";

                    //Get type id
                    var rb = segment.XData;
                    foreach (var tv in rb)
                        target = tv.Value as string;

                    WallSegment master = null;
                    WallSegment seg    = new WallSegment();

                    foreach (WallSegment ptWS in this.PlotType.Segments)
                        //TODO: Add code to match to PlotType WS by comparing start and end points
                        if (ptWS.Guid == target)
                            if (master == null)
                                master = ptWS;
                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Wall segment match already found", (System.Exception)null);

                    if (master == null)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No matching wall segment found", (System.Exception)null);

                    //TODO: Check, think object is not part of database
                    seg.PerimeterLine = segment.ObjectId;
                    seg.StartPoint    = segment.StartPoint;
                    seg.EndPoint      = segment.EndPoint;
                    seg.Guid          = master.Guid;


            //Traverse through wall segments to find external ones, starting with basepoint
            //Find basepoint
            WallJoint startNode = null;

            foreach (WallJoint wj in Joints)
                if (wj.Point.IsEqualTo(BasePoint))
                    startNode = wj;

            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Basepoint does not lie on wall joint", (System.Exception)null);

            //Recursively traverse through the segments to find the external ones
            WallSegment startSegment = startNode.North;
            WallJoint   nextNode;

            if (startSegment.EndPoint == startNode.Point)
                nextNode = startSegment.StartJoint;
                nextNode = startSegment.EndJoint;

            PerimeterPath = new List <WallJoint>();
            TraverseExternalSegment(startSegment, nextNode, startNode);
            //Remove the last point
            PerimeterPath.RemoveAt(PerimeterPath.Count - 1);


            foreach (WallJoint wj in PerimeterPath)

            //Check to see if FFL needs to be set
            if (UpdateLevelsFromSurface)


            /*Polyline acPline = entToAdd as Polyline;
             * foreach (AccessPoint ap in PlotType.AccessPoints)
             * {
             *  PlotLevel pl = new PlotLevel(false, ap.Offset, this, ap.Parameter);
             *  pl.Generate(acPline.GetPointAtParameter(ap.Parameter));
             *  Level.Add(pl);
             * }
             * //Iterate over all the corners and add to the drawing
             * int vn = acPline.NumberOfVertices;
             * for (int i = 0; i < vn; i++)
             * {
             *  Point3d pt = acPline.GetPoint3dAt(i);
             *  PlotLevel pl = new PlotLevel(false, -0.15, this, acPline.GetParameterAtPoint(pt));
             *  pl.Generate(pt);
             *  Level.Add(pl);
             * }
             * // Open the Block table for read
             * BlockTable acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
             * // Open the Block table record Model space for write
             * BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
             * //Ad the FFL Label
             * // Create a multiline text object
             * using (MText acMText = new MText())
             * {
             *  //Find the centre of the plot outline as an estimated point of insertion
             *  Solid3d Solid = new Solid3d();
             *  DBObjectCollection coll = new DBObjectCollection
             *  {
             *      acPline
             *  };
             *  Solid.Extrude(((Region)Region.CreateFromCurves(coll)[0]), 1, 0);
             *  Point3d centroid = new Point3d(Solid.MassProperties.Centroid.X, Solid.MassProperties.Centroid.Y, 0);
             *  Solid.Dispose();
             *  acMText.Location = centroid;
             *  acMText.Contents = FinishedFloorLevelText;
             *  acMText.Rotation = Rotation;
             *  acMText.Height = 7;
             *  acMText.Attachment = AttachmentPoint.MiddleCenter;
             *  FFLLabel = acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(acMText);
             *  acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acMText, true);
             * }
             * GenerateHatching();*/