Пример #1
        private static Matrix Uncompress(CompressedImage image)
            var result = new Matrix(image.Height, image.Width, image.RealHeight, image.RealWidth);

            using (var allQuantizedBytes =
                       new MemoryStream(HuffmanCodec.Decode(image.CompressedBytes, image.DecodeTable, image.BitsCount)))
                Parallel.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(0, image.Height / DCTSize).Select(y => y * DCTSize), y =>
                    for (var x = 0; x < image.Width; x += DCTSize)
                        var _y = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                        var cb = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                        var cr = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            var quantizedBytes         = new byte[DCTSize * DCTSize];
                            allQuantizedBytes.Position = (x * 8 + y * image.Width) * 3 + 64 * i;
                            allQuantizedBytes.ReadAsync(quantizedBytes, 0, quantizedBytes.Length).Wait();
                            var quantizedFreqs = ZigZagUnScan(quantizedBytes);
                            var channelFreqs   = DeQuantize(quantizedFreqs, image.Quality);
                            ShiftMatrixValues(channelFreqs, 128);
                            switch (i)
                            case 0:
                                _y = channelFreqs;

                            case 1:
                                cb = channelFreqs;

                                cr = channelFreqs;

                        SetPixels(result, _y, cb, cr, PixelFormat.YCbCr, y, x);

Пример #2
        public void araitimer(float[][] testArie, int tasks, int count)
            TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
                DCT.taskSeperater(testArie, tasks);
                DCT.DirectDCTTaskSeparator(testArie, tasks);
                time = bestwert(sw.Elapsed, time);
            //var time = mittelwertZeit(sw.Elapsed, count);
            Console.WriteLine($"Matrix Arai Optimized:{ time} Count {tasks}");

            Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch();
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine(IntPtr.Size == 8 ? "64-bit version" : "32-bit version");
            var sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var fileName = @"sample.bmp";
//				var fileName = "Big_Black_River_Railroad_Bridge.bmp";
            var compressedFileName   = fileName + ".compressed." + CompressionQuality;
            var uncompressedFileName = fileName + ".uncompressed." + CompressionQuality + ".bmp";


            using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
                using (var bmp = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(fileStream, false, false))
                    var imageMatrix = (Matrix)bmp;

                    Console.WriteLine($"{bmp.Width}x{bmp.Height} - {fileStream.Length / (1024.0 * 1024):F2} MB");

                    var compressionResult = Compress(imageMatrix, CompressionQuality);

            Console.WriteLine("Compression: " + sw.Elapsed);
            var compressedImage   = CompressedImage.Load(compressedFileName);
            var uncompressedImage = Uncompress(compressedImage);
            var resultBmp         = (Bitmap)uncompressedImage;

            resultBmp.Save(uncompressedFileName, ImageFormat.Bmp);
            Console.WriteLine("Decompression: " + sw.Elapsed);
            Console.WriteLine($"Peak commit size: {MemoryMeter.PeakPrivateBytes() / (1024.0*1024):F2} MB");
            Console.WriteLine($"Peak working set: {MemoryMeter.PeakWorkingSet() / (1024.0*1024):F2} MB");
            //catch(Exception e)
            //	Console.WriteLine(e);
Пример #4
        private static CbCrImage Uncompress(CompressedImage image)
            var result                    = new CbCrImage(image.Height, image.Width);
            var DCTcoefficients           = DCT.GetCoefficientsMatrix(DCTSize, DCTSize);
            var transponseDCTcoefficients = DCT.Transpose(DCTcoefficients);
            var quantizationMatrix        = GetQuantizationMatrix(image.Quality);

            using (var allQuantizedBytes =
                       new MemoryStream(HuffmanCodec.Decode(image.CompressedBytes, image.DecodeTable, image.BitsCount)))
                Parallel.For(0, image.Height / DCTSize, ky =>
                    var y = ky;
                    Parallel.For(0, image.Width / DCTSize, _x =>
                        var x  = _x;
                        var _y = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                        var cb = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                        var cr = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                        var c  = 0;
                        foreach (var channel in new[] { _y, cb, cr })
                            var quantizedBytes = new byte[DCTSize * DCTSize];
                            lock (allQuantizedBytes)
                                allQuantizedBytes.Seek((y * (image.Width / 8) + x) * 8 * 8 * 3 + 8 * 8 * c, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                allQuantizedBytes.ReadAsync(quantizedBytes, 0, quantizedBytes.Length).Wait();
                            var quantizedFreqs = ZigZagUnScan(quantizedBytes);
                            var channelFreqs   = DeQuantize(quantizedFreqs, quantizationMatrix);
                            DCT.IDCT2D(channelFreqs, channel, DCTcoefficients, transponseDCTcoefficients);
                        SetPixels(result, _y, cb, cr, y * DCTSize, x * DCTSize, 128);

Пример #5
        private static CompressedImage Compress(CbCrImage cbCrImage, int quality = 50)
            var allQuantizedBytes         = new byte[(cbCrImage.Height - cbCrImage.Height % 8) * (cbCrImage.Width - cbCrImage.Width % 8) * 3];
            var shiftFunc                 = new Func <double, double>(x => x - 128);
            var DCTcoefficients           = DCT.GetCoefficientsMatrix(DCTSize, DCTSize);
            var transponseDCTcoefficients = DCT.Transpose(DCTcoefficients);
            var quantizationMatrix        = GetQuantizationMatrix(quality);
            var channels = new List <double[, ]> {
                cbCrImage.y, cbCrImage.Cb, cbCrImage.Cr

            Parallel.For(0, cbCrImage.Height / DCTSize, y =>
                var y1 = y;
                Parallel.For(0, cbCrImage.Width / DCTSize, _x =>
                    var x = _x;
                    Parallel.For(0, channels.Count, _k =>
                        var k              = _k;
                        var subMatrix      = GetSubMatrix(channels[k], y1 * DCTSize, DCTSize, x * DCTSize, DCTSize, shiftFunc);
                        var channelFreqs   = DCT.DCT2D(subMatrix, DCTcoefficients, transponseDCTcoefficients);
                        var quantizedFreqs = Quantize(channelFreqs, quantizationMatrix);
                        var quantizedBytes = ZigZagScan(quantizedFreqs);
                        var index          = (y1 * (cbCrImage.Width / DCTSize) + x) * DCTSize * DCTSize * 3 + DCTSize * DCTSize * k;
                        for (var i = 0; i < quantizedBytes.Count; i++)
                            allQuantizedBytes[index + i] = quantizedBytes[i];
            long bitsCount;
            Dictionary <BitsWithLength, byte> decodeTable;
            var compressedBytes = HuffmanCodec.Encode(allQuantizedBytes, out decodeTable, out bitsCount);

            return(new CompressedImage {
                Quality = quality, CompressedBytes = compressedBytes, BitsCount = bitsCount, DecodeTable = decodeTable, Height = cbCrImage.Height, Width = cbCrImage.Width
Пример #6
        private static CompressedImage Compress(Matrix matrix, int quality = 50)
            var tuples = new List <(int, int)>();

            for (var y = 0; y < matrix.Height; y += DCTSize)
                for (var x = 0; x < matrix.Width; x += DCTSize)
                    tuples.Add((x, y));

            var allQuantizedBytes = new List <byte> [tuples.Count];

//            MathEx.LoopByTwoVariablesStepped(0, matrix.Height, 0, matrix.Width, DCTSize, (y, x) =>
            Parallel.For(0, tuples.Count, i =>
                var(x, y)            = tuples[i];
                allQuantizedBytes[i] = new List <byte>();
                foreach (var selector in new Func <Pixel, double>[] { p => p.Y, p => p.Cb, p => p.Cr })
                    var subMatrix = GetSubMatrix(matrix, y, DCTSize, x, DCTSize, selector);
                    ShiftMatrixValues(subMatrix, -128);
                    var channelFreqs   = DCT.DCT2D(subMatrix);
                    var quantizedFreqs = Quantize(channelFreqs, quality);
                    var quantizedBytes = ZigZagScan(quantizedFreqs);
//                    allQuantizedBytes.Add(quantizedBytes);

            var compressedBytes = HuffmanCodec.Encode(allQuantizedBytes.SelectMany(i => i), out var decodeTable, out var bitsCount);

            return(new CompressedImage
                Quality = quality, CompressedBytes = compressedBytes, BitsCount = bitsCount, DecodeTable = decodeTable,
                Height = matrix.Height, Width = matrix.Width
Пример #7
        private Matrix Decompress(CompressedImage image)
            if (image.Quality != compressionQuality)
                quantizationMatrix = GetQuantizationMatrix(image.Quality);

            var matrix            = new Matrix(image.Height, image.Width, PixelFormat.YCbCr);
            var allQuantizedBytes = HuffmanCodec.Decode(image.CompressedBytes, image.DecodeTable, image.BitsCount);
            var heigth            = image.Height / DCTSize;
            var width             = image.Width / DCTSize;
            var dct = new DCT(DCTSize);

            Parallel.For(0, heigth, h =>
                Parallel.For(0, width, w =>
                    var y           = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                    var cb          = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                    var cr          = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                    var channels    = new[] { y, cb, cr };
                    var blockLength = DCTSize * DCTSize * channels.Length;
                    var readPos     = h * blockLength * width + w * blockLength;
                    for (var i = 0; i < channels.Length; i++)
                        var channel        = channels[i];
                        var channelReadPos = readPos + i * DCTSize * DCTSize;
                        var quantizedBytes = allQuantizedBytes.ReadFrom(channelReadPos, DCTSize * DCTSize);
                        var quantizedFreqs = ZigZagUnScan(quantizedBytes);
                        var channelFreqs   = DeQuantize(quantizedFreqs);
                        dct.IDCT2D(channelFreqs, channel);
                    matrix.SetPixels(y, cb, cr, h * DCTSize, w * DCTSize);
Пример #8
        private CompressedImage Compress(Matrix matrix, int quality = 50)
            var heigth            = matrix.Height / DCTSize;
            var width             = matrix.Width / DCTSize;
            var quantinizedMatrix = new List <byte> [heigth, width];
            var channelSelectors  = new Func <Pixel, double>[] { p => p.Y, p => p.Cb, p => p.Cr };
            var dct = new DCT(DCTSize);

            Parallel.For(0, heigth, h =>
                Parallel.For(0, width, w =>
                    quantinizedMatrix[h, w] = new List <byte>();
                    foreach (var selector in channelSelectors)
                        var subMatrix = matrix.GetSubMatrix(h * DCTSize, DCTSize, w * DCTSize, DCTSize, selector);
                        var channelFreqs   = dct.DCT2D(subMatrix);
                        var quantizedFreqs = Quantize(channelFreqs);
                        var quantizedBytes = ZigZagScan(quantizedFreqs);
                        quantinizedMatrix[h, w].AddRange(quantizedBytes);

            var bytes           = quantinizedMatrix.Join();
            var compressedBytes = HuffmanCodec.Encode(bytes, out var decodeTable, out var bitsCount);

            return(new CompressedImage
                Quality = quality,
                CompressedBytes = compressedBytes,
                BitsCount = bitsCount,
                DecodeTable = decodeTable,
                Height = matrix.Height,
                Width = matrix.Width
Пример #9
        public static Matrix Uncompress(CompressedImage image)
            var result    = new Matrix(image.Height, image.Width);
            var container = new byte[image.Height * image.Width * 3];

            using (var allQuantizedBytes =
                       new MemoryStream(HuffmanCodec.Decode(image.CompressedBytes, image.DecodeTable, image.BitsCount)))

            var qm = GetQuantizationMatrix(image.Quality);

            Parallel.For(0, image.Height / 8, i =>
                var y = i * 8;
                for (var x = 0; x < image.Width; x += DCTSize)
                    var channels = new[]
                    { new double[DCTSize, DCTSize], new double[DCTSize, DCTSize], new double[DCTSize, DCTSize] };
                    for (var index = 0; index < 3; index++)
                        var channel        = channels[index];
                        var quantizedBytes = new byte[DCTSize * DCTSize];
                        Array.Copy(container, (index + 3 * i * image.Width / 8 + 3 * x / 8) * 64, quantizedBytes, 0,
                        var quantizedFreqs = ZigZagUnScan(quantizedBytes);
                        var channelFreqs   = DeQuantize(quantizedFreqs, qm);
                        DCT.IDCT2D(channelFreqs, channel);
                        ShiftMatrixValues(channel, 128);

                    SetPixels(result, channels[0], channels[1], channels[2], PixelFormat.YCbCr, y, x);

Пример #10
        public void PerformanceTest()
            //Generate test picture as onedimensional array and fill it with the correct values
            float[] testValues = new float[65536];

            for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++)
                testValues[i] = (i % 256 + (i / 256) * 8) % 256;

            Stopwatch watch              = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch recordTime         = new Stopwatch();
            var       recordArai         = TimeSpan.Zero;
            var       recordDCT          = TimeSpan.Zero;
            var       recordSeparatedDCT = TimeSpan.Zero;

            //Arai test
            while (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000)

                float[][] listOfBlocks = Bilderaufteilen(testValues, 256, 256);
                //listOfBlocks = Bilderaufteilen(testValues, 256, 256);
                listOfBlocks = DCT.taskSeperater(listOfBlocks, 100);

                float[] outputValues = CombineBlocksToPicture(listOfBlocks, 256, 256);


                recordArai = bestwert(recordTime.Elapsed, recordArai);


            //DCT test
            while (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000)

                float[][] listOfBlocks = Bilderaufteilen(testValues, 256, 256);

                listOfBlocks = DCT.DirectDCTTaskSeparator(listOfBlocks, 100);

                float[] outputValues = CombineBlocksToPicture(listOfBlocks, 256, 256);


                recordDCT = bestwert(recordTime.Elapsed, recordDCT);


            //DCT test
            while (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000)

                float[][] listOfBlocks = Bilderaufteilen(testValues, 256, 256);

                listOfBlocks = DCT.SeparatedDCTTaskSeparator(listOfBlocks, 100);

                float[] outputValues = CombineBlocksToPicture(listOfBlocks, 256, 256);


                recordSeparatedDCT = bestwert(recordTime.Elapsed, recordDCT);


            Console.WriteLine($"Arai Record Time: {recordArai}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Direct DCT Record Time: {recordDCT}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Separated DCT Record Time: {recordSeparatedDCT}");
Пример #11
        public void schleifentest()
            float[,] testMat81 = new float[8, 8]
                { 16, 11, 10, 16, 24, 40, 51, 61 },
                { 12, 12, 14, 19, 26, 58, 60, 55 },
                { 14, 13, 16, 24, 40, 57, 69, 56 },
                { 14, 17, 22, 29, 51, 87, 80, 62 },
                { 18, 22, 37, 56, 68, 109, 103, 77 },
                { 24, 35, 55, 64, 81, 194, 113, 92 },
                { 49, 64, 78, 87, 103, 121, 120, 101 },
                { 72, 92, 95, 98, 121, 100, 103, 99 }

            float[,] testMat82 = new float[8, 8]
                { 92, 3, -9, -7, 3, -1, 0, 2 },
                { -39, -58, 12, 17, -2, 2, 4, 2 },
                { -84, 62, 1, -18, 3, 4, -5, 5 },
                { -52, -36, -10, 14, -10, 4, -2, 0 },
                { -86, -40, 49, -7, 17, -6, -2, 5 },
                { -62, 65, -12, -2, 3, -8, -2, 0 },
                { -17, 14, -36, 17, -11, 3, 3, -1 },
                { -54, 32, -9, -9, 22, 0, 1, 3 }

            float[,] testMat83 = new float[8, 8]
                { -76, -73, -67, -62, -58, -67, -64, -55 },
                { -65, -69, -73, -38, -19, -43, -59, -56 },
                { -66, -69, -60, -15, 16, -24, -62, -55 },
                { -65, -70, -57, -6, 26, -22, -58, -59 },
                { -61, -67, -60, -24, -2, -40, -60, -58 },
                { -49, -63, -68, -58, -51, -60, -70, -53 },
                { -43, -57, -64, -69, -73, -67, -63, -45 },
                { -41, -49, -59, -60, -63, -52, -50, -34 }

            Stopwatch sw  = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)


            for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)

            Console.WriteLine($"/{sw.Elapsed} /{sw1.Elapsed} /{sw2.Elapsed}");
Пример #12
        public void TestDCT()
            float[,] testMat81 = new float[8, 8]
                { 16, 11, 10, 16, 24, 40, 51, 61 },
                { 12, 12, 14, 19, 26, 58, 60, 55 },
                { 14, 13, 16, 24, 40, 57, 69, 56 },
                { 14, 17, 22, 29, 51, 87, 80, 62 },
                { 18, 22, 37, 56, 68, 109, 103, 77 },
                { 24, 35, 55, 64, 81, 194, 113, 92 },
                { 49, 64, 78, 87, 103, 121, 120, 101 },
                { 72, 92, 95, 98, 121, 100, 103, 99 }

            float[,] testMat82 = new float[8, 8]
                { 92, 3, -9, -7, 3, -1, 0, 2 },
                { -39, -58, 12, 17, -2, 2, 4, 2 },
                { -84, 62, 1, -18, 3, 4, -5, 5 },
                { -52, -36, -10, 14, -10, 4, -2, 0 },
                { -86, -40, 49, -7, 17, -6, -2, 5 },
                { -62, 65, -12, -2, 3, -8, -2, 0 },
                { -17, 14, -36, 17, -11, 3, 3, -1 },
                { -54, 32, -9, -9, 22, 0, 1, 3 }

            float[,] testMat83 = new float[8, 8]
                { -76, -73, -67, -62, -58, -67, -64, -55 },
                { -65, -69, -73, -38, -19, -43, -59, -56 },
                { -66, -69, -60, -15, 16, -24, -62, -55 },
                { -65, -70, -57, -6, 26, -22, -58, -59 },
                { -61, -67, -60, -24, -2, -40, -60, -58 },
                { -49, -63, -68, -58, -51, -60, -70, -53 },
                { -43, -57, -64, -69, -73, -67, -63, -45 },
                { -41, -49, -59, -60, -63, -52, -50, -34 }

            Stopwatch sw  = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch();

            Console.WriteLine("Matrix direct:");
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix direct: Elapsed={0} \n", sw.Elapsed);
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix direct inverse:");
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix separated:");
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix separated: Elapsed={0} \n", sw1.Elapsed);
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix Arai:");
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix Arai: Elapsed={0} \n", sw2.Elapsed);

Пример #13
        public void PPMtoJpg(string imageSrc, string imagedest)
            Bitstream         bs  = new Bitstream();
            PlainFormatReader pfr = new PlainFormatReader(imageSrc);
            Mathloc           ml  = new Mathloc();
            Picture           pic = pfr.ReadPicture();

            int height = pic.Head.pixelMaxY;
            int width  = pic.Head.pixelMaxX;

            Color3[,] col3 = new Color3[height, width];
            byte[] colors = new byte[3];

            //convert RGB to YUV for each pixel
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    col3[y, x]   = pic.Data.PictureYX[y, x];
                    colors[0]    = col3[y, x].a; // R
                    colors[1]    = col3[y, x].b; // G
                    colors[2]    = col3[y, x].c; // B
                    colors       = ml.RGBToYUV(colors);
                    col3[y, x].a = colors[0];    // Y
                    col3[y, x].b = colors[1];    // U
                    col3[y, x].c = colors[2];    // V

            //convert float array to byte array
            float[,] yArray = new float[width, height]; // width and height vertauscht
            float[,] uArray = new float[width, height];
            float[,] vArray = new float[width, height];

            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    yArray[i, j] = (float)col3[j, i].a;
                    uArray[i, j] = (float)col3[j, i].b;
                    vArray[i, j] = (float)col3[j, i].c;

            byte[,] yArrayEnde = new byte[width, height];
            byte[,] uArrayEnde = new byte[width, height];
            byte[,] vArrayEnde = new byte[width, height];

            //get float [number of 8x8][8x8]
            var yarry = aufteilen(yArray);
            var uarry = aufteilen(uArray);
            var varry = aufteilen(vArray);

            //geht beim 40x40 bild 25
            for (int y = 0; y < height / 8; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width / 8; x++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ((height * width) / 64); i++)
                        yArray = DCT.DCTdirect(yarry[i]);
                        uArray = DCT.DCTdirect(uarry[i]);
                        vArray = DCT.DCTdirect(varry[i]);

                    //convert float array to byte array
                    byte[,] yArrayB = new byte[width, height];
                    byte[,] uArrayB = new byte[width, height];
                    byte[,] vArrayB = new byte[width, height];

                    for (int i = 0; i < width / 8; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < height / 8; j++)
                            yArrayB[i, j] = (byte)yArray[i, j];
                            uArrayB[i, j] = (byte)uArray[i, j];
                            vArrayB[i, j] = (byte)vArray[i, j];

                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                            yArrayEnde[i * x, j *y] = yArrayB[i, j];
                            uArrayEnde[i * x, j *y] = uArrayB[i, j];
                            vArrayEnde[i * x, j *y] = vArrayB[i, j];

                    byte[] yArrayB2 = new byte[64];
                    byte[] uArrayB2 = new byte[64];
                    byte[] vArrayB2 = new byte[64];

                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                            yArrayB2[ZigZagTable2[i * j]] = yArrayB[i, j];
                            uArrayB2[ZigZagTable2[i * j]] = uArrayB[i, j];
                            vArrayB2[ZigZagTable2[i * j]] = vArrayB[i, j];

                    // Create Huffmantables
                    //yArrayEnde = HuffmanCalc(YDCNodes, YDCValues, yArrayB2);
                    //yArrayEnde = HuffmanCalc(YDCNodes, YACValues, yArrayB2);

                    //uArrayEnde = HuffmanCalc(CbDCNodes, CbDCValues, uArrayB2);
                    //uArrayEnde = HuffmanCalc(CbACNodes, CbACValues, uArrayB2);

                    //vArrayEnde = HuffmanCalc(CbDCNodes, CbDCValues, vArrayB2);
                    //vArrayEnde = HuffmanCalc(CbACNodes, CbACValues, vArrayB2);

            //create JPG head
            PictureHead.CreateJPGHead(bs, (ushort)height, (ushort)width);

            //TODO: DCT
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    bs.AddByte((byte)yArrayEnde[x, y]);
                    bs.AddByte((byte)uArrayEnde[x, y]);
                    bs.AddByte((byte)vArrayEnde[x, y]);

            bs.AddShort(0xffd9); //End of Picture Marker
Пример #14
        private static Matrix Uncompress(CompressedImage image)
            var result = new Matrix(image.Height, image.Width);
//            using (var allQuantizedBytes =
//                new MemoryStream(HuffmanCodec.Decode(image.CompressedBytes, image.DecodeTable, image.BitsCount)))
//            {
//                for (var y = 0; y < image.Height; y += DCTSize)
//                for (var x = 0; x < image.Width; x += DCTSize)
//                {
//                    var _y = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
//                    var cb = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
//                    var cr = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
//                    foreach (var channel in new[] {_y, cb, cr})
//                    {
//                        var quantizedBytes = new byte[DCTSize * DCTSize];
//                        allQuantizedBytes.ReadAsync(quantizedBytes, 0, quantizedBytes.Length).Wait();
//                        var quantizedFreqs = ZigZagUnScan(quantizedBytes);
//                        var channelFreqs = DeQuantize(quantizedFreqs, image.Quality);
//                        DCT.IDCT2D(channelFreqs, channel);
//                        ShiftMatrixValues(channel, 128);
//                    }
//                    SetPixels(result, _y, cb, cr, PixelFormat.YCbCr, y, x);
//                }
//            }

            var decodedBytesArray = HuffmanCodec.Decode(image.CompressedBytes, image.DecodeTable, image.BitsCount);
            var tuples            = new List <(int, int)>();

            for (var y = 0; y < image.Height; y += DCTSize)
                for (var x = 0; x < image.Width; x += DCTSize)
                    tuples.Add((x, y));

//            var allQuantizedBytes = new List<byte>[tuples.Count];

            Parallel.For(0, tuples.Count, i =>
                var(x, y) = tuples[i];
                var _y    = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                var cb    = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];
                var cr    = new double[DCTSize, DCTSize];

                var offset = 0;
                foreach (var channel in new[] { _y, cb, cr })
                    var quantizedBytes = new byte[DCTSize * DCTSize];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(decodedBytesArray, quantizedBytes.Length * (i * 3 + offset), quantizedBytes, 0, quantizedBytes.Length);
                    var quantizedFreqs = ZigZagUnScan(quantizedBytes);
                    var channelFreqs   = DeQuantize(quantizedFreqs, image.Quality);
                    DCT.IDCT2D(channelFreqs, channel);
                    ShiftMatrixValues(channel, 128);

                SetPixels(result, _y, cb, cr, PixelFormat.YCbCr, y, x);
