Пример #1
        public static void InitCache()
            string t = "AnimeEpisodes";

            ServerState.Instance.CurrentSetupStatus = string.Format(JMMServer.Properties.Resources.Database_Cache, t, string.Empty);
            AnimeEpisodeRepository repo = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();

            Cache      = new PocoCache <int, AnimeEpisode>(repo.InternalGetAll(), a => a.AnimeEpisodeID);
            Series     = Cache.CreateIndex(a => a.AnimeSeriesID);
            EpisodeIDs = Cache.CreateIndex(a => a.AniDB_EpisodeID);

            int cnt = 0;
            List <AnimeEpisode> grps =
                Cache.Values.Where(a => a.PlexContractVersion < AnimeEpisode.PLEXCONTRACT_VERSION).ToList();
            int max = grps.Count;

            foreach (AnimeEpisode g in grps)
                if (cnt % 10 == 0)
                    ServerState.Instance.CurrentSetupStatus = string.Format(JMMServer.Properties.Resources.Database_Cache, t,
                                                                            " DbRegen - " + cnt + "/" + max);
            ServerState.Instance.CurrentSetupStatus = string.Format(JMMServer.Properties.Resources.Database_Cache, t,
                                                                    " DbRegen - " + max + "/" + max);
		public override void ProcessCommand()
            logger.Info("Processing CommandRequest_TraktCollectionEpisode: {0}-{1}", AnimeEpisodeID, Action);


                logger.Info("CommandRequest_TraktCollectionEpisode - DEBUG01");
                if (!ServerSettings.Trakt_IsEnabled || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_AuthToken)) return;
                logger.Info("CommandRequest_TraktCollectionEpisode - DEBUG02");

                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEpisodes = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
				AnimeEpisode ep = repEpisodes.GetByID(AnimeEpisodeID);
				if (ep != null)
                    logger.Info("CommandRequest_TraktCollectionEpisode - DEBUG03");
                    TraktSyncType syncType = TraktSyncType.CollectionAdd;
                    if (ActionEnum == TraktSyncAction.Remove) syncType = TraktSyncType.CollectionRemove;
                    TraktTVHelper.SyncEpisodeToTrakt(ep, syncType);
			catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_TraktCollectionEpisode: {0} - {1} - {2}", AnimeEpisodeID, Action, ex.ToString());
		public override void ProcessCommand()
			logger.Info("Processing CommandRequest_UpdateMyListFileStatus: {0}", Hash);

				VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
				AnimeEpisodeRepository repEpisodes = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();

				// NOTE - we might return more than one VideoLocal record here, if there are duplicates by hash
				VideoLocal vid = repVids.GetByHash(this.Hash);
				if (vid != null)
					bool isManualLink = false;
					List<CrossRef_File_Episode> xrefs = vid.EpisodeCrossRefs;
					if (xrefs.Count > 0)
						isManualLink = xrefs[0].CrossRefSource != (int)CrossRefSource.AniDB;

					if (isManualLink)
						JMMService.AnidbProcessor.UpdateMyListFileStatus(xrefs[0].AnimeID, xrefs[0].Episode.EpisodeNumber, this.Watched);
						logger.Info("Updating file list status (GENERIC): {0} - {1}", vid.ToString(), this.Watched);
						if (WatchedDateAsSecs > 0)
							DateTime? watchedDate = Utils.GetAniDBDateAsDate(WatchedDateAsSecs);
							JMMService.AnidbProcessor.UpdateMyListFileStatus(vid, this.Watched, watchedDate);
							JMMService.AnidbProcessor.UpdateMyListFileStatus(vid, this.Watched, null);
						logger.Info("Updating file list status: {0} - {1}", vid.ToString(), this.Watched);

					if (UpdateSeriesStats)
						// update watched stats
						List<AnimeEpisode> eps = repEpisodes.GetByHash(vid.ED2KHash);
						if (eps.Count > 0)
							// all the eps should belong to the same anime
							eps[0].GetAnimeSeries().UpdateStats(true, false, true);
							//eps[0].AnimeSeries.TopLevelAnimeGroup.UpdateStatsFromTopLevel(true, true, false);

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_UpdateMyListFileStatus: {0} - {1}", Hash, ex.ToString());
        public void UpdateContract(ISession session, AnimeEpisode_User aeu)
            AnimeEpisodeRepository aerepo = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
            Contract_AnimeEpisode  caep   = aeu.Contract ?? new Contract_AnimeEpisode();
            AnimeEpisode           ep     = aerepo.GetByID(aeu.AnimeEpisodeID);

            if (ep == null)
            AniDB_Episode aniEp = ep.AniDB_Episode;

            caep.AniDB_EpisodeID = ep.AniDB_EpisodeID;
            caep.AnimeEpisodeID  = ep.AnimeEpisodeID;
            caep.AnimeSeriesID   = ep.AnimeSeriesID;
            caep.DateTimeUpdated = ep.DateTimeUpdated;
            caep.IsWatched       = aeu.WatchedCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
            caep.PlayedCount     = aeu.PlayedCount;
            caep.StoppedCount    = aeu.StoppedCount;
            caep.WatchedCount    = aeu.WatchedCount;
            caep.WatchedDate     = aeu.WatchedDate;
            if (aniEp != null)
                caep.AniDB_AirDate       = aniEp.AirDateAsDate;
                caep.AniDB_EnglishName   = aniEp.EnglishName;
                caep.AniDB_LengthSeconds = aniEp.LengthSeconds;
                caep.AniDB_Rating        = aniEp.Rating;
                caep.AniDB_RomajiName    = aniEp.RomajiName;
                caep.AniDB_Votes         = aniEp.Votes;

                caep.EpisodeNumber      = aniEp.EpisodeNumber;
                caep.EpisodeNameRomaji  = aniEp.RomajiName;
                caep.EpisodeNameEnglish = aniEp.EnglishName;
                caep.EpisodeType        = aniEp.EpisodeType;

            //TODO if this is needed, calculating it in here will not affect performance
            caep.ReleaseGroups = new List <Contract_AniDBReleaseGroup>();

            aeu.Contract = caep;
		public override void ProcessCommand()
			logger.Info("Processing CommandRequest_TraktShowEpisodeUnseen: {0}", AnimeEpisodeID);

				AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
				AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByID(AnimeEpisodeID);
				if (ep == null)
					logger.Error("Could not find anime epiosde: {0}", AnimeEpisodeID);

                TraktTVHelper.SyncEpisodeToTrakt(ep, TraktSyncType.HistoryRemove);
			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_TraktShowEpisodeUnseen: {0} - {1}", AnimeEpisodeID, ex.ToString());
		public override void ProcessCommand()
			logger.Info("Processing CommandRequest_TraktShowScrobble: {0}", AnimeEpisodeID);

				AnimeEpisodeRepository repEpisodes = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
				AnimeEpisode ep = repEpisodes.GetByID(AnimeEpisodeID);
				if (ep != null)
					// before scrobbling try to ensure the episode is in the users collection by sync'ing the series

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_TraktShowScrobble: {0} - {1}", AnimeEpisodeID, ex.ToString());
Пример #7
 public void Save(VideoLocal obj, bool updateEpisodes)
     lock (obj)
         if (obj.VideoLocalID == 0)
             obj.Media = null;
             using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                 // populate the database
                 using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
         using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
             using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
     if (updateEpisodes)
         AnimeEpisodeRepository repo = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
         foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in obj.GetAnimeEpisodes())
Пример #8
        public Contract_AnimeEpisode GetNextUnwatchedEpisodeForGroup(int animeGroupID, int userID)
                AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repAnimeSer = new AnimeSeriesRepository();

                AnimeGroup grp = repGroups.GetByID(animeGroupID);
                if (grp == null) return null;

                List<AnimeSeries> allSeries = grp.GetAllSeries();

                List<SortPropOrFieldAndDirection> sortCriteria = new List<SortPropOrFieldAndDirection>();
                sortCriteria.Add(new SortPropOrFieldAndDirection("AirDate", false, SortType.eDateTime));
                allSeries = Sorting.MultiSort<AnimeSeries>(allSeries, sortCriteria);

                foreach (AnimeSeries ser in allSeries)
                    Contract_AnimeEpisode contract = GetNextUnwatchedEpisode(ser.AnimeSeriesID, userID);
                    if (contract != null) return contract;

                return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return null;
Пример #9
        public Contract_AnimeEpisode GetNextUnwatchedEpisode(ISession session, int animeSeriesID, int userID)
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repAnimeSer = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                AnimeEpisode_UserRepository repEpUser = new AnimeEpisode_UserRepository();

                // get all the data first
                // we do this to reduce the amount of database calls, which makes it a lot faster
                AnimeSeries series = repAnimeSer.GetByID(session, animeSeriesID);
                if (series == null) return null;

                //List<AnimeEpisode> epList = repEps.GetUnwatchedEpisodes(animeSeriesID, userID);
                List<AnimeEpisode> epList = new List<AnimeEpisode>();
                Dictionary<int, AnimeEpisode_User> dictEpUsers = new Dictionary<int, AnimeEpisode_User>();
                foreach (AnimeEpisode_User userRecord in repEpUser.GetByUserIDAndSeriesID(session, userID, animeSeriesID))
                    dictEpUsers[userRecord.AnimeEpisodeID] = userRecord;

                foreach (AnimeEpisode animeep in repEps.GetBySeriesID(session, animeSeriesID))
                    if (!dictEpUsers.ContainsKey(animeep.AnimeEpisodeID))

                    AnimeEpisode_User usrRec = dictEpUsers[animeep.AnimeEpisodeID];
                    if (usrRec.WatchedCount == 0 || !usrRec.WatchedDate.HasValue)

                AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                List<AniDB_Episode> aniEpList = repAniEps.GetByAnimeID(session, series.AniDB_ID);
                Dictionary<int, AniDB_Episode> dictAniEps = new Dictionary<int, AniDB_Episode>();
                foreach (AniDB_Episode aniep in aniEpList)
                    dictAniEps[aniep.EpisodeID] = aniep;

                List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> candidateEps = new List<Contract_AnimeEpisode>();
                foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in epList)
                    if (dictAniEps.ContainsKey(ep.AniDB_EpisodeID))
                        AniDB_Episode anidbep = dictAniEps[ep.AniDB_EpisodeID];
                        if (anidbep.EpisodeType == (int)enEpisodeType.Episode || anidbep.EpisodeType == (int)enEpisodeType.Special)
                            AnimeEpisode_User userRecord = null;
                            if (dictEpUsers.ContainsKey(ep.AnimeEpisodeID))
                                userRecord = dictEpUsers[ep.AnimeEpisodeID];

                            Contract_AnimeEpisode epContract = ep.ToContract(anidbep, new List<VideoLocal>(), userRecord, series.GetUserRecord(session, userID));

                if (candidateEps.Count == 0) return null;

                // sort by episode type and number to find the next episode
                List<SortPropOrFieldAndDirection> sortCriteria = new List<SortPropOrFieldAndDirection>();
                sortCriteria.Add(new SortPropOrFieldAndDirection("EpisodeType", false, SortType.eInteger));
                sortCriteria.Add(new SortPropOrFieldAndDirection("EpisodeNumber", false, SortType.eInteger));
                candidateEps = Sorting.MultiSort<Contract_AnimeEpisode>(candidateEps, sortCriteria);

                // this will generate a lot of queries when the user doesn have files
                // for these episodes
                foreach (Contract_AnimeEpisode canEp in candidateEps)
                    // now refresh from the database to get file count
                    AnimeEpisode epFresh = repEps.GetByID(canEp.AnimeEpisodeID);
                    if (epFresh.GetVideoLocals().Count > 0)
                        return epFresh.ToContract(true, userID, series.GetUserRecord(session, userID));

                return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return null;
Пример #10
        public Contract_AnimeEpisode GetLastWatchedEpisodeForSeries(int animeSeriesID, int jmmuserID)
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                    AnimeEpisode_UserRepository repEpUser = new AnimeEpisode_UserRepository();
                    JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();

                    JMMUser user = repUsers.GetByID(session, jmmuserID);
                    if (user == null) return null;

                    List<AnimeEpisode_User> userRecords = repEpUser.GetLastWatchedEpisodeForSeries(session, animeSeriesID, jmmuserID);
                    if (userRecords == null || userRecords.Count == 0) return null;

                    AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByID(session, userRecords[0].AnimeEpisodeID);
                    if (ep == null) return null;

                    return ep.ToContract(session, jmmuserID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return null;
Пример #11
        public List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> GetAllEpisodesWithMultipleFiles(int userID, bool onlyFinishedSeries, bool ignoreVariations)
            List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> eps = new List<Contract_AnimeEpisode>();
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                AniDB_AnimeRepository repAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

                Dictionary<int, int> dictSeriesAnime = new Dictionary<int, int>();
                Dictionary<int, bool> dictAnimeFinishedAiring = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
                Dictionary<int, bool> dictSeriesFinishedAiring = new Dictionary<int, bool>();

                if (onlyFinishedSeries)
                    List<AnimeSeries> allSeries = repSeries.GetAll();
                    foreach (AnimeSeries ser in allSeries)
                        dictSeriesAnime[ser.AnimeSeriesID] = ser.AniDB_ID;

                    List<AniDB_Anime> allAnime = repAnime.GetAll();
                    foreach (AniDB_Anime anime in allAnime)
                        dictAnimeFinishedAiring[anime.AnimeID] = anime.FinishedAiring;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> kvp in dictSeriesAnime)
                        if (dictAnimeFinishedAiring.ContainsKey(kvp.Value))
                            dictSeriesFinishedAiring[kvp.Key] = dictAnimeFinishedAiring[kvp.Value];

                foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in repEps.GetEpisodesWithMultipleFiles(ignoreVariations))
                    if (onlyFinishedSeries)
                        bool finishedAiring = false;
                        if (dictSeriesFinishedAiring.ContainsKey(ep.AnimeSeriesID))
                            finishedAiring = dictSeriesFinishedAiring[ep.AnimeSeriesID];

                        if (!finishedAiring) continue;


                    eps.Add(ep.ToContract(true, userID, null));

                return eps;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return eps;
		public MetroContract_Anime_Summary GetAnimeSummary(int animeID)
				using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
					AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
					AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
					AniDB_AnimeRepository repAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

					AniDB_Anime anime = repAnime.GetByAnimeID(session, animeID);
					if (anime == null) return null;

					AnimeSeries ser = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(session, animeID);

					MetroContract_Anime_Summary summ = new MetroContract_Anime_Summary();
					summ.AnimeID = anime.AnimeID;
					summ.AnimeName = anime.MainTitle;
					summ.AnimeSeriesID = 0;

					summ.BeginYear = anime.BeginYear;
					summ.EndYear = anime.EndYear;
					summ.PosterName = anime.GetDefaultPosterPathNoBlanks(session);

					ImageDetails imgDet = anime.GetDefaultPosterDetailsNoBlanks(session);
					summ.ImageType = (int)imgDet.ImageType;
					summ.ImageID = imgDet.ImageID;

					if (ser != null)
						summ.AnimeName = ser.GetSeriesName(session);
						summ.AnimeSeriesID = ser.AnimeSeriesID;

					return summ;

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

			return null;
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Set watched status on all normal episodes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animeSeriesID"></param>
        /// <param name="watchedStatus"></param>
        /// <param name="maxEpisodeNumber">Use this to specify a max episode number to apply to</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string SetWatchedStatusOnSeries(int animeSeriesID, bool watchedStatus, int maxEpisodeNumber, int episodeType, int userID)
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                List<AnimeEpisode> eps = repEps.GetBySeriesID(animeSeriesID);

                AnimeSeries ser = null;
                foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in eps)
                    if (ep.EpisodeTypeEnum == (enEpisodeType)episodeType && ep.AniDB_Episode.EpisodeNumber <= maxEpisodeNumber)
                        // check if this episode is already watched
                        bool currentStatus = false;
                        AnimeEpisode_User epUser = ep.GetUserRecord(userID);
                        if (epUser != null)
                            currentStatus = epUser.WatchedCount > 0 ? true : false;

                        if (currentStatus != watchedStatus)
                            logger.Info("Updating episode: {0} to {1}", ep.AniDB_Episode.EpisodeNumber, watchedStatus);
                            ep.ToggleWatchedStatus(watchedStatus, true, DateTime.Now, false, false, userID, false);

                    ser = ep.GetAnimeSeries();

                // now update the stats
                if (ser != null)
                    ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);
                return "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return ex.Message;
Пример #14
        public void IncrementEpisodeStats(int animeEpisodeID, int userID, int statCountType)
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEpisodes = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode ep = repEpisodes.GetByID(animeEpisodeID);
                if (ep == null) return;

                AnimeEpisode_UserRepository repEpisodeUsers = new AnimeEpisode_UserRepository();
                AnimeEpisode_User epUserRecord = ep.GetUserRecord(userID);

                if (epUserRecord == null)
                    epUserRecord = new AnimeEpisode_User();
                    epUserRecord.PlayedCount = 0;
                    epUserRecord.StoppedCount = 0;
                    epUserRecord.WatchedCount = 0;
                epUserRecord.AnimeEpisodeID = ep.AnimeEpisodeID;
                epUserRecord.AnimeSeriesID = ep.AnimeSeriesID;
                epUserRecord.JMMUserID = userID;
                //epUserRecord.WatchedDate = DateTime.Now;

                switch ((StatCountType)statCountType)
                    case StatCountType.Played: epUserRecord.PlayedCount++; break;
                    case StatCountType.Stopped: epUserRecord.StoppedCount++; break;
                    case StatCountType.Watched: epUserRecord.WatchedCount++; break;


                AnimeSeries ser = ep.GetAnimeSeries();
                if (ser == null) return;

                AnimeSeries_UserRepository repSeriesUser = new AnimeSeries_UserRepository();
                AnimeSeries_User userRecord = ser.GetUserRecord(userID);
                if (userRecord == null)
                    userRecord = new AnimeSeries_User(userID, ser.AnimeSeriesID);

                switch ((StatCountType)statCountType)
                    case StatCountType.Played: userRecord.PlayedCount++; break;
                    case StatCountType.Stopped: userRecord.StoppedCount++; break;
                    case StatCountType.Watched: userRecord.WatchedCount++; break;

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
Пример #15
        public List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> GetEpisodesRecentlyAdded(int maxRecords, int jmmuserID)
            List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> retEps = new List<Contract_AnimeEpisode>();
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                    AnimeEpisode_UserRepository repEpUser = new AnimeEpisode_UserRepository();
                    JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();
                    VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();

                    JMMUser user = repUsers.GetByID(session, jmmuserID);
                    if (user == null) return retEps;

                    List<VideoLocal> vids = repVids.GetMostRecentlyAdded(session, maxRecords);
                    int numEps = 0;
                    foreach (VideoLocal vid in vids)
                        foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in vid.GetAnimeEpisodes(session))
                            if (user.AllowedSeries(ep.GetAnimeSeries(session)))
                                Contract_AnimeEpisode epContract = ep.ToContract(session, jmmuserID);
                                if (epContract != null)

                                    // Lets only return the specified amount
                                    if (retEps.Count == maxRecords) return retEps;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return retEps;
Пример #16
        public List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> GetEpisodesForSeriesOld(int animeSeriesID)
            List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> eps = new List<Contract_AnimeEpisode>();

                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repAnimeSer = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repCrossRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();

                // get all the data first
                // we do this to reduce the amount of database calls, which makes it a lot faster
                AnimeSeries series = repAnimeSer.GetByID(animeSeriesID);
                if (series == null) return eps;

                List<AnimeEpisode> epList = repEps.GetBySeriesID(animeSeriesID);

                AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                List<AniDB_Episode> aniEpList = repAniEps.GetByAnimeID(series.AniDB_ID);
                Dictionary<int, AniDB_Episode> dictAniEps = new Dictionary<int, AniDB_Episode>();
                foreach (AniDB_Episode aniep in aniEpList)
                    dictAniEps[aniep.EpisodeID] = aniep;

                List<CrossRef_File_Episode> crossRefList = repCrossRefs.GetByAnimeID(series.AniDB_ID);

                TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - start;
                logger.Info("GetEpisodesForSeries: {0} (Database) in {1} ms", series.GetAnime().MainTitle, ts.TotalMilliseconds);

                start = DateTime.Now;
                foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in epList)
                    List<CrossRef_File_Episode> xrefs = new List<CrossRef_File_Episode>();
                    foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in crossRefList)
                        if (ep.AniDB_EpisodeID == xref.EpisodeID)

                    if (dictAniEps.ContainsKey(ep.AniDB_EpisodeID))

                ts = DateTime.Now - start;
                logger.Info("GetEpisodesForSeries: {0} (Contracts) in {1} ms", series.GetAnime().MainTitle, ts.TotalMilliseconds);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return eps;
Пример #17
        public List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> GetEpisodesForSeries(int animeSeriesID, int userID)
            List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> eps = new List<Contract_AnimeEpisode>();

                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode_UserRepository repEpUsers = new AnimeEpisode_UserRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repAnimeSer = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
                CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repCrossRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();

                // get all the data first
                // we do this to reduce the amount of database calls, which makes it a lot faster
                AnimeSeries series = repAnimeSer.GetByID(animeSeriesID);
                if (series == null) return eps;

                List<AnimeEpisode> epList = repEps.GetBySeriesID(animeSeriesID);
                List<AnimeEpisode_User> userRecordList = repEpUsers.GetByUserIDAndSeriesID(userID, animeSeriesID);
                Dictionary<int, AnimeEpisode_User> dictUserRecords = new Dictionary<int, AnimeEpisode_User>();
                foreach (AnimeEpisode_User epuser in userRecordList)
                    dictUserRecords[epuser.AnimeEpisodeID] = epuser;

                AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                List<AniDB_Episode> aniEpList = repAniEps.GetByAnimeID(series.AniDB_ID);
                Dictionary<int, AniDB_Episode> dictAniEps = new Dictionary<int, AniDB_Episode>();
                foreach (AniDB_Episode aniep in aniEpList)
                    dictAniEps[aniep.EpisodeID] = aniep;

                // get all the video local records and cross refs
                List<VideoLocal> vids = repVids.GetByAniDBAnimeID(series.AniDB_ID);
                List<CrossRef_File_Episode> crossRefs = repCrossRefs.GetByAnimeID(series.AniDB_ID);

                TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - start;
                logger.Info("GetEpisodesForSeries: {0} (Database) in {1} ms", series.GetAnime().MainTitle, ts.TotalMilliseconds);

                start = DateTime.Now;
                foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in epList)
                    if (dictAniEps.ContainsKey(ep.AniDB_EpisodeID))
                        List<VideoLocal> epVids = new List<VideoLocal>();
                        foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in crossRefs)
                            if (xref.EpisodeID == dictAniEps[ep.AniDB_EpisodeID].EpisodeID)
                                // don't add the same file twice, this will occur when
                                // one file appears over more than one episodes
                                Dictionary<string, string> addedFiles = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                                foreach (VideoLocal vl in vids)
                                    if (string.Equals(xref.Hash, vl.Hash, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                        if (!addedFiles.ContainsKey(xref.Hash.Trim().ToUpper()))
                                            addedFiles[xref.Hash.Trim().ToUpper()] = xref.Hash.Trim().ToUpper();

                        AnimeEpisode_User epuser = null;
                        if (dictUserRecords.ContainsKey(ep.AnimeEpisodeID))
                            epuser = dictUserRecords[ep.AnimeEpisodeID];

                        eps.Add(ep.ToContract(dictAniEps[ep.AniDB_EpisodeID], epVids, epuser, null));

                ts = DateTime.Now - start;
                logger.Info("GetEpisodesForSeries: {0} (Contracts) in {1} ms", series.GetAnime().MainTitle, ts.TotalMilliseconds);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return eps;
Пример #18
        public Contract_AnimeEpisode GetEpisodeByAniDBEpisodeID(int episodeID, int userID)
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(episodeID);
                if (ep == null) return null;

                return ep.ToContract(userID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return null;
Пример #19
        public string AssociateSingleFileWithMultipleEpisodes(int videoLocalID, int animeSeriesID, int startEpNum, int endEpNum)
                VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
                VideoLocal vid = repVids.GetByID(videoLocalID);
                if (vid == null)
                    return "Could not find video record";

                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repXRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();

                AnimeSeries ser = repSeries.GetByID(animeSeriesID);
                if (ser == null)
                    return "Could not find anime series record";

                for (int i = startEpNum; i <= endEpNum; i++)
                    List<AniDB_Episode> anieps = repAniEps.GetByAnimeIDAndEpisodeNumber(ser.AniDB_ID, i);
                    if (anieps.Count == 0)
                        return "Could not find the AniDB episode record";

                    AniDB_Episode aniep = anieps[0];

                    List<AnimeEpisode> eps = repEps.GetByAniEpisodeIDAndSeriesID(aniep.EpisodeID, ser.AnimeSeriesID);
                    if (eps.Count == 0)
                        return "Could not find episode record";

                    AnimeEpisode ep = eps[0];

                    CrossRef_File_Episode xref = new CrossRef_File_Episode();
                    xref.PopulateManually(vid, ep);

                    CommandRequest_WebCacheSendXRefFileEpisode cr = new CommandRequest_WebCacheSendXRefFileEpisode(xref.CrossRef_File_EpisodeID);



                // update epidsode added stats
                ser.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

                AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
                foreach (AnimeGroup grp in ser.AllGroupsAbove)
                    grp.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

                return "";

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return "";
Пример #20
        public string AssociateSingleFile(int videoLocalID, int animeEpisodeID)
                VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
                VideoLocal vid = repVids.GetByID(videoLocalID);
                if (vid == null)
                    return "Could not find video record";

                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByID(animeEpisodeID);
                if (ep == null)
                    return "Could not find episode record";

                CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repXRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();
                CrossRef_File_Episode xref = new CrossRef_File_Episode();
                    xref.PopulateManually(vid, ep);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format("Error populating XREF: {0}", vid.ToStringDetailed());


                CommandRequest_WebCacheSendXRefFileEpisode cr = new CommandRequest_WebCacheSendXRefFileEpisode(xref.CrossRef_File_EpisodeID);

                AnimeSeries ser = ep.GetAnimeSeries();

                // update epidsode added stats
                AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                ser.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

                AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
                foreach (AnimeGroup grp in ser.AllGroupsAbove)
                    grp.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

                CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList cmdAddFile = new CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList(vid.Hash);

                return "";

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return "";
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the previous episode for use int the next unwatched episode
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animeSeriesID"></param>
        /// <param name="userID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Contract_AnimeEpisode GetPreviousEpisodeForUnwatched(int animeSeriesID, int userID)
                Contract_AnimeEpisode nextEp = GetNextUnwatchedEpisode(animeSeriesID, userID);
                if (nextEp == null) return null;

                int epType = nextEp.EpisodeType;
                int epNum = nextEp.EpisodeNumber - 1;

                if (epNum <= 0) return null;

                AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repAnimeSer = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                AnimeSeries series = repAnimeSer.GetByID(animeSeriesID);
                if (series == null) return null;

                List<AniDB_Episode> anieps = repAniEps.GetByAnimeIDAndEpisodeTypeNumber(series.AniDB_ID, (enEpisodeType)epType, epNum);
                if (anieps.Count == 0) return null;

                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(anieps[0].EpisodeID);
                if (ep == null) return null;

                return ep.ToContract(true, userID, null);

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return null;
Пример #22
        public List<Contract_VideoLocal> GetVideoLocalsForEpisode(int episodeID, int userID)
            List<Contract_VideoLocal> contracts = new List<Contract_VideoLocal>();

                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByID(episodeID);
                if (ep != null)
                    foreach (VideoLocal vid in ep.GetVideoLocals())
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
            return contracts;
Пример #23
		void workerMyAnime2_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
			MA2Progress ma2Progress = new MA2Progress();
			ma2Progress.CurrentFile = 0;
			ma2Progress.ErrorMessage = "";
			ma2Progress.MigratedFiles = 0;
			ma2Progress.TotalFiles = 0;

				string databasePath = e.Argument as string;

				string connString = string.Format(@"data source={0};useutf16encoding=True", databasePath);
				SQLiteConnection myConn = new SQLiteConnection(connString);

				// get a list of unlinked files
				VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
				AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
				AniDB_AnimeRepository repAniAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();
				AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
				AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();

				List<VideoLocal> vids = repVids.GetVideosWithoutEpisode();
				ma2Progress.TotalFiles = vids.Count;

				foreach (VideoLocal vid in vids)
					ma2Progress.CurrentFile = ma2Progress.CurrentFile + 1;
					workerMyAnime2.ReportProgress(0, ma2Progress);

					// search for this file in the XrossRef table in MA2
					string sql = string.Format("SELECT AniDB_EpisodeID from CrossRef_Episode_FileHash WHERE Hash = '{0}' AND FileSize = {1}", vid.ED2KHash, vid.FileSize);
					SQLiteCommand sqCommand = new SQLiteCommand(sql);
					sqCommand.Connection = myConn;

					SQLiteDataReader myReader = sqCommand.ExecuteReader();
					while (myReader.Read())
						int episodeID = 0;
						if (!int.TryParse(myReader.GetValue(0).ToString(), out episodeID)) continue;
						if (episodeID <= 0) continue;

						sql = string.Format("SELECT AnimeID from AniDB_Episode WHERE EpisodeID = {0}", episodeID);
						sqCommand = new SQLiteCommand(sql);
						sqCommand.Connection = myConn;

						SQLiteDataReader myReader2 = sqCommand.ExecuteReader();
						while (myReader2.Read())
							int animeID = myReader2.GetInt32(0);

							// so now we have all the needed details we can link the file to the episode
							// as long as wehave the details in JMM
							AniDB_Anime anime = null;
							AniDB_Episode ep = repAniEps.GetByEpisodeID(episodeID);
							if (ep == null)
								logger.Debug("Getting Anime record from AniDB....");
								anime = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetAnimeInfoHTTP(animeID, true, ServerSettings.AutoGroupSeries);
								anime = repAniAnime.GetByAnimeID(animeID);

							// create the group/series/episode records if needed
							AnimeSeries ser = null;
							if (anime == null) continue;

							logger.Debug("Creating groups, series and episodes....");
							// check if there is an AnimeSeries Record associated with this AnimeID
							ser = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
							if (ser == null)
								// create a new AnimeSeries record
								ser = anime.CreateAnimeSeriesAndGroup();


							// check if we have any group status data for this associated anime
							// if not we will download it now
							AniDB_GroupStatusRepository repStatus = new AniDB_GroupStatusRepository();
							if (repStatus.GetByAnimeID(anime.AnimeID).Count == 0)
								CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus cmdStatus = new CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus(anime.AnimeID, false);

							// update stats
							ser.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

							AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
							foreach (AnimeGroup grp in ser.AllGroupsAbove)
								grp.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

							AnimeEpisode epAnime = repEps.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(episodeID);
							if (epAnime == null)

							CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repXRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();
							CrossRef_File_Episode xref = new CrossRef_File_Episode();

								xref.PopulateManually(vid, epAnime);
							catch (Exception ex)
								string msg = string.Format("Error populating XREF: {0} - {1}", vid.ToStringDetailed(), ex.ToString());



							// update stats for groups and series
							if (ser != null)
								// update all the groups above this series in the heirarchy
								ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);

							// Add this file to the users list
							if (ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_AddFiles)
								CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList cmd = new CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList(vid.ED2KHash);

							ma2Progress.MigratedFiles = ma2Progress.MigratedFiles + 1;
							workerMyAnime2.ReportProgress(0, ma2Progress);




				ma2Progress.CurrentFile = ma2Progress.CurrentFile + 1;
				workerMyAnime2.ReportProgress(0, ma2Progress);

			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
				ma2Progress.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
				workerMyAnime2.ReportProgress(0, ma2Progress);
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete a series, and everything underneath it (episodes, files)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animeSeriesID"></param>
        /// <param name="deleteFiles">also delete the physical files</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string DeleteAnimeSeries(int animeSeriesID, bool deleteFiles, bool deleteParentGroup)
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repAnimeSer = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
                AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();

                AnimeSeries ser = repAnimeSer.GetByID(animeSeriesID);
                if (ser == null) return "Series does not exist";

                int animeGroupID = ser.AnimeGroupID;

                foreach (AnimeEpisode ep in ser.GetAnimeEpisodes())
                    foreach (VideoLocal vid in ep.GetVideoLocals())
                        if (deleteFiles)
                            logger.Info("Deleting video local record and file: {0}", vid.FullServerPath);
                            if (!File.Exists(vid.FullServerPath)) return "File could not be found";
                        CommandRequest_DeleteFileFromMyList cmdDel = new CommandRequest_DeleteFileFromMyList(vid.Hash, vid.FileSize);



                // finally update stats
                AnimeGroup grp = repGroups.GetByID(animeGroupID);
                if (grp != null)
                    if (grp.GetAllSeries().Count == 0)
                        DeleteAnimeGroup(grp.AnimeGroupID, false);
                        grp.TopLevelAnimeGroup.UpdateStatsFromTopLevel(true, true, true);

                return "";

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                return ex.Message;
Пример #25
        public static int Scrobble(ScrobblePlayingType scrobbleType, string AnimeEpisodeID, ScrobblePlayingStatus scrobbleStatus, float progress)
                if (!ServerSettings.Trakt_IsEnabled || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_AuthToken))
                    return 401;

                string json = "";

                string url = "";
                switch (scrobbleStatus)
                    case ScrobblePlayingStatus.Start:
                        url = TraktURIs.SetScrobbleStart;
                    case ScrobblePlayingStatus.Pause:
                        url = TraktURIs.SetScrobblePause;
                    case ScrobblePlayingStatus.Stop:
                        url = TraktURIs.SetScrobbleStop;

                //1.get traktid and slugid from episode id
                int aep = 0;
                int.TryParse(AnimeEpisodeID, out aep);
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByID(aep);
                string slugID = "";
                int season = 0;
                int epNumber = 0;
                int? traktID = GetTraktEpisodeIdV2(ep, ref slugID, ref season, ref epNumber);
                //2.generate json
                if (traktID == null && traktID > 0)
                    switch (scrobbleType)
                        case ScrobblePlayingType.episode:
                            TraktV2ScrobbleEpisode showE = new TraktV2ScrobbleEpisode();
                            showE.Init(progress, traktID, slugID, season, epNumber);
                            json = JSONHelper.Serialize<TraktV2ScrobbleEpisode>(showE);

                            //do we have any movies that work?
                        case ScrobblePlayingType.movie:
                            TraktV2ScrobbleMovie showM = new TraktV2ScrobbleMovie();
                            json = JSONHelper.Serialize<TraktV2ScrobbleMovie>(showM);
                            showM.Init(progress, slugID, traktID.ToString());
                    //3. send Json
                    string retData = string.Empty;
                    int response = SendData(url, json, "POST", BuildRequestHeaders(), ref retData);
                    //3. nothing to send log error
                    logger.Warn("TraktTVHelper.Scrobble: No TraktID found for: " + "AnimeEpisodeID: " + aep.ToString() + " AnimeRomajiName: " + ep.AniDB_Episode.RomajiName);
                    return 404;
                return 200;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException("Error in TraktTVHelper.Scrobble: " + ex.ToString(), ex);
                return 500;
Пример #26
        public Contract_ToggleWatchedStatusOnEpisode_Response ToggleWatchedStatusOnEpisode(int animeEpisodeID, bool watchedStatus, int userID)
            Contract_ToggleWatchedStatusOnEpisode_Response response = new Contract_ToggleWatchedStatusOnEpisode_Response();
            response.ErrorMessage = "";
            response.AnimeEpisode = null;

                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByID(animeEpisodeID);
                if (ep == null)
                    response.ErrorMessage = "Could not find anime episode record";
                    return response;

                ep.ToggleWatchedStatus(watchedStatus, true, DateTime.Now, false, false, userID, true);
                ep.GetAnimeSeries().UpdateStats(true, false, true);

                // refresh from db
                ep = repEps.GetByID(animeEpisodeID);

                response.AnimeEpisode = ep.ToContract(userID);

                return response;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
                response.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                return response;
Пример #27
 public List<Contract_VideoDetailed> GetFilesForEpisode(int episodeID, int userID)
         AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
         AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByID(episodeID);
         if (ep != null)
             return ep.GetVideoDetailedContracts(userID);
             return new List<Contract_VideoDetailed>();
     catch (Exception ex)
         logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);
     return new List<Contract_VideoDetailed>();
Пример #28
        public List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> GetEpisodesRecentlyAddedSummary(int maxRecords, int jmmuserID)
            List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> retEps = new List<Contract_AnimeEpisode>();
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisode_UserRepository repEpUser = new AnimeEpisode_UserRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();
                VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();

                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    JMMUser user = repUsers.GetByID(session, jmmuserID);
                    if (user == null) return retEps;

                    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

                    string sql = "Select ae.AnimeSeriesID, max(vl.DateTimeCreated) as MaxDate " +
                            "From VideoLocal vl " +
                            "INNER JOIN CrossRef_File_Episode xref ON vl.Hash = xref.Hash " +
                            "INNER JOIN AnimeEpisode ae ON ae.AniDB_EpisodeID = xref.EpisodeID " +
                            "GROUP BY ae.AnimeSeriesID " +
                            "ORDER BY MaxDate desc ";
                    ArrayList results = DatabaseHelper.GetData(sql);

                    TimeSpan ts2 = DateTime.Now - start; logger.Info("GetEpisodesRecentlyAddedSummary:RawData in {0} ms", ts2.TotalMilliseconds); start = DateTime.Now;

                    int numEps = 0;
                    foreach (object[] res in results)
                        int animeSeriesID = int.Parse(res[0].ToString());

                        AnimeSeries ser = repSeries.GetByID(session, animeSeriesID);
                        if (ser == null) continue;

                        if (!user.AllowedSeries(ser)) continue;

                        List<VideoLocal> vids = repVids.GetMostRecentlyAddedForAnime(session, 1, ser.AniDB_ID);
                        if (vids.Count == 0) continue;

                        List<AnimeEpisode> eps = vids[0].GetAnimeEpisodes(session);
                        if (eps.Count == 0) continue;

                        Contract_AnimeEpisode epContract = eps[0].ToContract(session, jmmuserID);
                        if (epContract != null)

                            // Lets only return the specified amount
                            if (retEps.Count == maxRecords)
                                ts2 = DateTime.Now - start; logger.Info("GetEpisodesRecentlyAddedSummary:Episodes in {0} ms", ts2.TotalMilliseconds); start = DateTime.Now;
                                return retEps;

                    ts2 = DateTime.Now - start; logger.Info("GetEpisodesRecentlyAddedSummary:Episodes in {0} ms", ts2.TotalMilliseconds); start = DateTime.Now;

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return retEps;
Пример #29
        public string AssociateMultipleFiles(List<int> videoLocalIDs, int animeSeriesID, int startingEpisodeNumber, bool singleEpisode)
                CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repXRefs = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                VideoLocalRepository repVids = new VideoLocalRepository();
                AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();

                AnimeSeries ser = repSeries.GetByID(animeSeriesID);
                if (ser == null)
                    return "Could not find anime series record";

                int epNumber = startingEpisodeNumber;
                int count = 1;

                foreach (int videoLocalID in videoLocalIDs)
                    VideoLocal vid = repVids.GetByID(videoLocalID);
                    if (vid == null)
                        return "Could not find video local record";

                    List<AniDB_Episode> anieps = repAniEps.GetByAnimeIDAndEpisodeNumber(ser.AniDB_ID, epNumber);
                    if (anieps.Count == 0)
                        return "Could not find the AniDB episode record";

                    AniDB_Episode aniep = anieps[0];

                    List<AnimeEpisode> eps = repEps.GetByAniEpisodeIDAndSeriesID(aniep.EpisodeID, ser.AnimeSeriesID);
                    if (eps.Count == 0)
                        return "Could not find episode record";

                    AnimeEpisode ep = eps[0];

                    CrossRef_File_Episode xref = new CrossRef_File_Episode();
                    xref.PopulateManually(vid, ep);

                    // TODO do this properly
                    if (singleEpisode)
                        xref.EpisodeOrder = count;
                        if (videoLocalIDs.Count > 5)
                            xref.Percentage = 100;
                            xref.Percentage = GetEpisodePercentages(videoLocalIDs.Count)[count - 1];



                    CommandRequest_WebCacheSendXRefFileEpisode cr = new CommandRequest_WebCacheSendXRefFileEpisode(xref.CrossRef_File_EpisodeID);

                    if (!singleEpisode) epNumber++;


                // update epidsode added stats
                ser.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

                AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
                foreach (AnimeGroup grp in ser.AllGroupsAbove)
                    grp.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return "";
Пример #30
		private void ProcessFile_AniDB(VideoLocal vidLocal)
			logger.Trace("Checking for AniDB_File record for: {0} --- {1}", vidLocal.Hash, vidLocal.FilePath);
			// check if we already have this AniDB_File info in the database
			AniDB_FileRepository repAniFile = new AniDB_FileRepository();
			AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
			AniDB_AnimeRepository repAniAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();
			AnimeSeriesRepository repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
			VideoLocalRepository repVidLocals = new VideoLocalRepository();
			AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
			CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository repXrefFE = new CrossRef_File_EpisodeRepository();

			AniDB_File aniFile = null;

			if (!ForceAniDB)
				aniFile = repAniFile.GetByHashAndFileSize(vidLocal.Hash, vlocal.FileSize);

				if (aniFile == null)
					logger.Trace("AniDB_File record not found");

			int animeID = 0;

			if (aniFile == null)
				// get info from AniDB
				logger.Debug("Getting AniDB_File record from AniDB....");
				Raw_AniDB_File fileInfo = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetFileInfo(vidLocal);
				if (fileInfo != null)
					// check if we already have a record
					aniFile = repAniFile.GetByHashAndFileSize(vidLocal.Hash, vlocal.FileSize);

					if (aniFile == null)
						aniFile = new AniDB_File();


					//overwrite with local file name
					string localFileName = Path.GetFileName(vidLocal.FilePath);
					aniFile.FileName = localFileName;

					repAniFile.Save(aniFile, false);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileInfo.OtherEpisodesRAW))
                        string[] epIDs = fileInfo.OtherEpisodesRAW.Split(',');
                        foreach (string epid in epIDs)
                            int id = 0;
                            if (int.TryParse(epid, out id))
                                CommandRequest_GetEpisode cmdEp = new CommandRequest_GetEpisode(id);

					animeID = aniFile.AnimeID;

			bool missingEpisodes = false;

			// if we still haven't got the AniDB_File Info we try the web cache or local records
			if (aniFile == null)
				// check if we have any records from previous imports
				List<CrossRef_File_Episode> crossRefs = repXrefFE.GetByHash(vidLocal.Hash);
				if (crossRefs == null || crossRefs.Count == 0)
					// lets see if we can find the episode/anime info from the web cache
					if (ServerSettings.WebCache_XRefFileEpisode_Get)
						crossRefs = XMLService.Get_CrossRef_File_Episode(vidLocal);
						if (crossRefs == null || crossRefs.Count == 0)
							logger.Debug("Cannot find AniDB_File record or get cross ref from web cache record so exiting: {0}", vidLocal.ED2KHash);
							foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in crossRefs)
								// in this case we need to save the cross refs manually as AniDB did not provide them
						logger.Debug("Cannot get AniDB_File record so exiting: {0}", vidLocal.ED2KHash);

				// we assume that all episodes belong to the same anime
				foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in crossRefs)
					animeID = xref.AnimeID;
					AniDB_Episode ep = repAniEps.GetByEpisodeID(xref.EpisodeID);
					if (ep == null) missingEpisodes = true;
				// check if we have the episode info
				// if we don't, we will need to re-download the anime info (which also has episode info)

				if (aniFile.EpisodeCrossRefs.Count == 0)
					animeID = aniFile.AnimeID;

					// if we have the anidb file, but no cross refs it means something has been broken
					logger.Debug("Could not find any cross ref records for: {0}", vidLocal.ED2KHash);
					missingEpisodes = true;
					foreach (CrossRef_File_Episode xref in aniFile.EpisodeCrossRefs)
						AniDB_Episode ep = repAniEps.GetByEpisodeID(xref.EpisodeID);
						if (ep == null)
							missingEpisodes = true;

						animeID = xref.AnimeID;

			// get from DB
			AniDB_Anime anime = repAniAnime.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
			bool animeRecentlyUpdated = false;

			if (anime != null)
				TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - anime.DateTimeUpdated;
				if (ts.TotalHours < 4) animeRecentlyUpdated = true;

			// even if we are missing episode info, don't get data  more than once every 4 hours
			// this is to prevent banning
			if (missingEpisodes && !animeRecentlyUpdated)
				logger.Debug("Getting Anime record from AniDB....");

				// try using the cache first
				using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
					anime = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetAnimeInfoHTTPFromCache(session, animeID, ServerSettings.AutoGroupSeries);

				// if not in cache try from AniDB
				if (anime == null)
					anime = JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetAnimeInfoHTTP(animeID, true, ServerSettings.AutoGroupSeries);

			// create the group/series/episode records if needed
			AnimeSeries ser = null;
			if (anime != null)
				logger.Debug("Creating groups, series and episodes....");
				// check if there is an AnimeSeries Record associated with this AnimeID
				ser = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
				if (ser == null)
					// create a new AnimeSeries record
					ser = anime.CreateAnimeSeriesAndGroup();


				// check if we have any group status data for this associated anime
				// if not we will download it now
				AniDB_GroupStatusRepository repStatus = new AniDB_GroupStatusRepository();
				if (repStatus.GetByAnimeID(anime.AnimeID).Count == 0)
					CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus cmdStatus = new CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus(anime.AnimeID, false);

				// update stats
				ser.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;

				AnimeGroupRepository repGroups = new AnimeGroupRepository();
				foreach (AnimeGroup grp in ser.AllGroupsAbove)
					grp.EpisodeAddedDate = DateTime.Now;


			// update stats for groups and series
			if (ser != null)
				// update all the groups above this series in the heirarchy
				ser.UpdateStats(true, true, true);

			// Add this file to the users list
			if (ServerSettings.AniDB_MyList_AddFiles)
				CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList cmd = new CommandRequest_AddFileToMyList(vidLocal.ED2KHash);

			// lets also try adding to the users trakt collecion by sync'ing the series
			if (ser != null)
				CommandRequest_TraktSyncCollectionSeries cmdTrakt = new CommandRequest_TraktSyncCollectionSeries(ser.AnimeSeriesID, ser.GetAnime().MainTitle);

			// sync the series on MAL
			if (ser != null)
				CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus cmdMAL = new CommandRequest_MALUpdatedWatchedStatus(ser.AniDB_ID);
Пример #31
        public List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> GetEpisodesRecentlyWatched(int maxRecords, int jmmuserID)
            List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> retEps = new List<Contract_AnimeEpisode>();
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                    AnimeEpisode_UserRepository repEpUser = new AnimeEpisode_UserRepository();
                    JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();

                    JMMUser user = repUsers.GetByID(session, jmmuserID);
                    if (user == null) return retEps;

                    // get a list of series that is applicable
                    List<AnimeEpisode_User> allEpUserRecs = repEpUser.GetMostRecentlyWatched(session, jmmuserID);
                    foreach (AnimeEpisode_User userRecord in allEpUserRecs)
                        AnimeEpisode ep = repEps.GetByID(session, userRecord.AnimeEpisodeID);
                        if (ep == null) continue;

                        Contract_AnimeEpisode epContract = ep.ToContract(session, jmmuserID);
                        if (epContract != null)

                            // Lets only return the specified amount
                            if (retEps.Count == maxRecords) return retEps;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return retEps;
Пример #32
        public override void ProcessCommand()
            logger.Info("Processing CommandRequest_MALDownloadStatusFromMAL");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.MAL_Password))

                // find the latest eps to update
                AniDB_AnimeRepository repAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

                myanimelist mal = MALHelper.GetMALAnimeList();
                if (mal == null) return;
                if (mal.anime == null) return;

                CrossRef_AniDB_MALRepository repCrossRef = new CrossRef_AniDB_MALRepository();
                AniDB_EpisodeRepository repAniEps = new AniDB_EpisodeRepository();
                AnimeEpisodeRepository repEp = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();

                // find the anidb user
                JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();
                List<JMMUser> aniDBUsers = repUsers.GetAniDBUsers();
                if (aniDBUsers.Count == 0) return;

                JMMUser user = aniDBUsers[0];

                foreach (myanimelistAnime malAnime in mal.anime)
                    // look up the anime
                    CrossRef_AniDB_MAL xref = repCrossRef.GetByMALID(malAnime.series_animedb_id);
                    if (xref == null) continue;

                    if (malAnime.series_animedb_id == 8107 || malAnime.series_animedb_id == 10737)

                    // check if this anime has any other links
                    List<CrossRef_AniDB_MAL> allXrefs = repCrossRef.GetByAnimeID(xref.AnimeID);
                    if (allXrefs.Count == 0) continue;

                    // find the range of watched episodes that this applies to
                    int startEpNumber = xref.StartEpisodeNumber;
                    int endEpNumber = GetUpperEpisodeLimit(allXrefs, xref);

                    List<AniDB_Episode> aniEps = repAniEps.GetByAnimeID(xref.AnimeID);
                    foreach (AniDB_Episode aniep in aniEps)
                        if (aniep.EpisodeType != xref.StartEpisodeType) continue;

                        AnimeEpisode ep = repEp.GetByAniDBEpisodeID(aniep.EpisodeID);
                        if (ep == null) continue;

                        int adjustedWatchedEps = malAnime.my_watched_episodes + xref.StartEpisodeNumber - 1;
                        int epNum = aniep.EpisodeNumber;

                        if (epNum < startEpNumber || epNum > endEpNumber) continue;

                        AnimeEpisode_User usrRec = ep.GetUserRecord(user.JMMUserID);

                        if (epNum <= adjustedWatchedEps)
                            // update if the user doesn't have a record (means not watched)
                            // or it is currently un-watched
                            bool update = false;
                            if (usrRec == null) update = true;
                                if (!usrRec.WatchedDate.HasValue) update = true;

                            if (update) ep.ToggleWatchedStatus(true, true, DateTime.Now, user.JMMUserID, false);
                            bool update = false;
                            if (usrRec != null)
                                if (usrRec.WatchedDate.HasValue) update = true;

                            if (update) ep.ToggleWatchedStatus(false, true, DateTime.Now, user.JMMUserID, false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_MALDownloadStatusFromMAL: {0}", ex.ToString());
Пример #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of episodes watched based on the most recently watched series
        /// It will return the next episode to watch in the most recent 10 series
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> GetEpisodesToWatch_RecentlyWatched(int maxRecords, int jmmuserID)
            List<Contract_AnimeEpisode> retEps = new List<Contract_AnimeEpisode>();
                using (var session = JMMService.SessionFactory.OpenSession())
                    AnimeEpisodeRepository repEps = new AnimeEpisodeRepository();
                    AnimeSeriesRepository repAnimeSer = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                    AnimeSeries_UserRepository repSeriesUser = new AnimeSeries_UserRepository();
                    JMMUserRepository repUsers = new JMMUserRepository();

                    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

                    JMMUser user = repUsers.GetByID(session, jmmuserID);
                    if (user == null) return retEps;

                    // get a list of series that is applicable
                    List<AnimeSeries_User> allSeriesUser = repSeriesUser.GetMostRecentlyWatched(session, jmmuserID);

                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - start;
                    logger.Info(string.Format("GetEpisodesToWatch_RecentlyWatched:Series: {0}", ts.TotalMilliseconds));
                    start = DateTime.Now;

                    foreach (AnimeSeries_User userRecord in allSeriesUser)
                        AnimeSeries series = repAnimeSer.GetByID(session, userRecord.AnimeSeriesID);
                        if (series == null) continue;

                        if (!user.AllowedSeries(series)) continue;

                        Contract_AnimeEpisode ep = GetNextUnwatchedEpisode(session, userRecord.AnimeSeriesID, jmmuserID);
                        if (ep != null)

                            // Lets only return the specified amount
                            if (retEps.Count == maxRecords)
                                ts = DateTime.Now - start;
                                logger.Info(string.Format("GetEpisodesToWatch_RecentlyWatched:Episodes: {0}", ts.TotalMilliseconds));
                                return retEps;
                    ts = DateTime.Now - start;
                    logger.Info(string.Format("GetEpisodesToWatch_RecentlyWatched:Episodes: {0}", ts.TotalMilliseconds));
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException(ex.ToString(), ex);

            return retEps;